>Sukenari HAP-40
>68 Rockwell hardness rating
Did they go too far?
>Sukenari HAP-40
>68 Rockwell hardness rating
Did they go too far?
>sanmai stainless wagyuto
>no machi
>stamping the name of your steel into the blade
that's going to be cringey as fuck when memesters have stopped liking HAP40 knives because Williams-Sonoma started selling them
Wa handled knives should be with hagane from hitachi metals ltd, specifically aogami, shirogami, or AS. Occasionally exceptions may be granted on a case by case basis for such accidents as V2 by takefu special steel co ltd or, obviously, tama hagane made by approved methods.
Anyone attempting to affix a wa handle to a blade of any stainless or PM steel deserves to be struck by lightning
Keep that thing bone dry or it'll turn into rust in minutes.
Is that not stainless steel? Looks like stainless steel. My Japanese knife autism is rather minimal so I have no idea what anyone is talking about.
Don't leave your knife in water or allow it to be wet. Is that hard to conceive?
it is stainless steel. well, semi-stainless anyway. and don't worry no one on Veeky Forums has any idea what they're talking about so you're in good company. let's now talk about how op's knife is folded 40,000 times because japanese steel is low quality, and then maybe my ikea knife and martha stewart pan make me a better cook because nice things are a scam
Only weak manlets need their knives to be sharp.
Case in point:
Question is.. How long do they stay sharp?
video is from 2016. why does he have 2003 emo hair?
inb4 alt-right retard starts shrieking about "current year" and carl the cuck
things change, neckbeards
Redpill me on good knives, right now all I have is a 20ish cm elcheapo from Asda and sharpening it isn't doing the trick anymore.
What are some good brands to start with/properties to look out for?