How does this make Veeky Forums feel?

How does this make Veeky Forums feel?

Nothing. I don't feel anything anymore except sadness and self loathing. I wish I was dead

My body says no but my autism says yes

All the round things sets off my plating OCD.

This desu

I like it a lot. I love how the food is squares and rectangles. I think I could learn to love eating like this.

american food




angry that the dessert looks like the first thing i should eat


>These rations were stored in a blue container with eleven slots, seven on the bottom, three rectangular slots at the top, and a thin slot in the middle, with food including a large, yellow, square-shaped object; a rectangular bar; several bits of small tan pieces; a large stick; several medium-sized sticks; small rolls; small brown pieces; white pieces; orange pieces; tiny sticks; a small, yellow, square-shaped object; and white rolls.

Have you tried weed?

Makes me feel safe.

All the empty space triggers me.

It feels unnatural for some reasons

it makes me wanna play tetris

Dumb fucking thread where we pretend to have ocd
I feel anger and the hot sensation of nearby faggotry

Are you German?

All that autism over getting their food perfectly laid out in order and paying attention o regularity and then they go and put their spoon on the table like that not even bothering to place it on a clean, freshly washed and dried, napkin or serviette.
