i think im in love with jun from junskitchen
I think im in love with jun from junskitchen
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He's too cute for his girlfriend
They're about the same level of cuteness but he's a much more likeable person. The gf is annoying
Get in line, bitch.
Also, when you get too excited, remember that he probably has a smaller than average penis.
I think she's cute. Although I wouldn't date a weeb unless one wants to wake up without personal cucumber.
>she doesn't like adorable small dicks
a cute
>literally a shoujo character's main love interest
>expects him to not be perfect literally everywhere and in everything
Why would I? Everyone's different. If you like small dicks, good on you. I want my cervix pounded.
Everyone has an Achilles heel, user.
confirmed for not actually having a cervix
stfu you agitated fat american, you're just mad girls would happily take a small penis if you were 1/100th of what jun is
your barely-average penis isn't enough leverage to pretend jun is anything other than a paragon
my nigga hentai isn't real
>tfw you will never be literally filled with semen
feels bad desu
Excuse me, cuntrag, but I certainly do have a cervix. One so tight and tilted I had to have a cesarean. Stop assuming everyone is "delicate" like you, some women want real sex, not fantasy anime sex.
post your boypussy qt :3
>had to have a cesarean
Disgusting breeder.
C-can we talk about his cooking now?
Digusting non-person. I bet you're asexual, aren't you?
His cooking is nice, very clear and unassuming. Pleasant to watch. Plus, dem cats.
What a cute cat.
post your fucking boypussy you slut
Good lord, shut the fuck up.
>had to have a cesarean because cervix is too "tight"
just tell the truth, you're fat
I'll shut up when you post your fucking boypussy you LARPer
everyone here can obviously see you're a man pretending to have a cervix so post your fucking boypussy so we can decide if you're cute or not
So, you're so uneducated you've never heard of tilted cervixes that won't dilate? DUMBASS. Thank god you're not a breeder.
Sounds like you're the one role playing, gayboi. There's other boards for that, you know. Go fuck off there.
I love to watch his cats watching him cook
and I love the shit out of Poki
Also he's inspired me to get a rice cooker and other various kitchen crap
p o s t
b o y p u s s y
>virgin male detected
No I'm just not irresponsible enough to bring more garbage into this world when there are already enough children suffering.
Jesus fucking christ this is adorable
Oh my, you're such a MARTYR, aren't you. Hang up your fucking cross for awhile, you fucking loser.
What is with that attitude of yours?
And you're a dumb whore raising five biracial babies so you can collect child support from each father and get gubbermint dollars. But we can't all be perfect, can we?
>this much projecting
Just because you can't keep a family together doesn't mean other, productive, normal people can't. Here's a news flash for you, virgin/wannabe weeb slut : One marriage, one child, multiple careers. THAT'S how it's done. I'm a fucking paragon of society compared to you. Take your meds, go back to school, and try to make something of yourself so you won't be such a mad little whore.
>muh projecting
Let me knock that one off my "buzzword bingo" card. Might win the big prize today with this one.
If that's the best you can come up with, then my job is done here. You may go back to your small dick fetishism now. And try to accept my previous advice for what it is, because besides the "suffering children", we also don't need anymore useless adults who would rather carry a cross around than be productive members of society.
post boypussy
I think I actually accomplished my goal of making you actually angry. >:)
Now, like the other guy was saying, boipussy or gtfo.
If you need to think that to make yourself feel better, go ahead. You can pretend you actually made someone here mad while you furiously yank on your tiny dick.
p r o j e c t i o n
post boypussy
First I was a female and now I have a dick? Your argument is now just incoherent rambling. Try beating your children for a little while to take out that pent up aggression.
>likes cats
So much for this thread
Dumb LARPer had to ruin it
You don't actually know what that means, do you, newfag?
post boipussy already
jun makes me want to go all smile.dk on him
Waddup fellow deviated cervix. Personally I don't care that much about length but I assume asians are lacking in the girth dept as well.
Who fucking cares
Oh shit, Jun is married to the chick who does the living in Japan videos
This fucking thread
I want to suck his small dick and then top him while he cooks me a meal
God damn.
I had no idea you had to step on Udon dough. Are there other noodles that use this technique?
Good god. The first proof on Veeky Forums that women dont always give a shit abiut cock size, and she gets trolled into the ground. I don't have a horse in this race cause I've got a big one, but damn dudes. Chill.
Some women don't care, some women do. Everyone's different. People need to chill.
>Also, when you get too excited, remember that he probably has a smaller than average penis.
Remember: the average Nigger has a smaller brain and is much more violent due to hyperactive fight or flight response.
I love eugenics!!!!
Go back to your containment board. Jesus, why do you people have to start in with that shit constantly.
>Remember: the average Nigger has a smaller brain and is much more violent due to hyperactive fight or flight response.
But they actually are famnegro. Xinghua news recently published a long article about how Asians have larger craniums than Caucasians and both have larger craniums than Africans.
The Chinese aren't politically correct or afraid of proving racial or genetic superiority...
>Jesus, why do you people have to start in with that shit constantly
We get it, racist white Liberal.
Asians with small dicks = funny as shit.
Niggers proven to have smaller brains = OMFG! YOU RACISTS!!! Go back to /pol/!!!!!!!!
It's almost as if white people tend to have racist double standards when it comes to blacks...
:captain obvious:
So, I'm assuming you're a small-dicked asian, then?
I don't really care if you call me racist, because everyone is racist. The difference is when you start treating people differently in society as a whole and discrimination happens. I'd happily fuck a cute asian boy, but I wouldn't enjoy it as much if they had a small dick. That's not racist, that's personal preference. I'm not insulting asians intelligence levels or capacity to do great things, I'm doubting the size of the majority of their penises in contrast to personal preference. Just like you probably like women of a certain stature or hair color or boob size.
tl;dr calm down Spazzy McGee.
>It's almost as if white people tend to have racist double standards when it comes to blacks...
This is why Asians, Latinos, & Indians don't trust Liberals & their rhetoric.
If they really wanted race equality, they wouldn't give the Blacks so many PRIVELIGES at the expense of all other races.
lol You think this is about dick size, racist little shit?
For me, it is. I don't know what the fuck you're going all sjw about.
She got trolled into the ground for being a whiny attention whore. No one gives a fuck about your cervix.
He has the best cooking videos on YouTube
Japanese food
Hot ginger gf
Delicious food
It's all there
No one gives a fuck about your tiny dick, either, so why bother shitposting?
how do you not know this
is he trained, or did he just teach himself this shit
>shes back
post boipucci
is anyone else afraid that cats gonna catch on fire
Jesus i'm not even gay and I kinda wanna bang this guy
>I don't have a horse in this race cause I've got a big one
Sure you do buddy
Look why can't we all be honest. We're anonymous here
I'm a fat white mother fucker with a 3 1/2 inch micro dick. I'm 30 years old and a virgin. I haven't gotten my magic powers yet but hopefully before the end of this year. I jack off probably every day, mostly to femdom. I've accepted i'll never have a relationship or children and honestly, i'm chill with it. Aside from the occasional desire for physical contact with another human being, I realize i'd probably make for a toxic boyfriend even if I was hung and fit, cause I like my videogames more than people.
Doesn't it feel GOOD to be honest?
i would let him top me
n-no homo
Wish I was stupid enough to give a fuck about dumb fuck youtube celebrities and their lives.
Oh wait, no I don't.
amazing that retards still believe this
user you're me in 8 years
I'm finally coming to terms with being a toxic waste of space
I'm probably going to end it before this year is done
The fact that you care so fucking much gives away your weakness. You're embarrassing yourself.
Not the guy you're responding to, but why are you so easily triggered?
But we do card about dick size. A lot. I was just saying we care more about a fat dick than a long one.
Ah yes the fat roasties love a fat dick to plug their stretched out hole all due to the fact that they have "tilted cervixes." Fucking disgusting. Maybe if you didn't have that enormous gut weighing everything down you would have normally aligned organs.
I think one of his video comments said it best:
Typical ignoramus response. Guess what, idiot, opinions from stupid mouthbreathers don't matter. There's nothing clever about being uneducated and proud of it. You're done here.
You certainly didn't refute any of my claims, you fat cow.
you can tell by his build that he has a big one.
t. been to asian spas and not shy
>"""""woman""""" ruins thread
o wow imagine that
This is actually untrue and cranium size also doesn't relate to intelligence, moron
he also has 2 other channels with her, Rachel and Jun and Rachel's & Jun's adventures
>This is how inferior men relate to the opposite sex
And why the fuck is this thread still here? Veeky Forums is the only board I frequent where mods let pure shitposting threads hang around this long.
I'm Asian and I have a pretty large penis. I don't understand why people think all Asian men have small dicks. I could easily say that all white men are nerdy betas based off my interactions on Veeky Forums but we all know that isn't remotely true.
How fucking rich is this guy? he lives in paradise, expensive and extensive kitchen ware everywhere.
But his german girlfriend is extremly retarded and pretty fugly.
Because most asians do have a smaller penis. Its just a biological fact. Doesnt matter tho. Its how you work the rod not how big it is.
That japanese guy could get a way cuter gf anyways, shes just a german autist with horrible japanese skills.
t. german
Most of my male Asian friends also have average to large penises. I've also been to spas in the US and Korea/China where there are a fair amount of dudes sporting big ones.
Sometimes I feel like white guys just Asian guys as punching bags because of the way they feel emasculated by black men. It's ridiculous.