>just ate an entire jar of peanut butter
Just ate an entire jar of peanut butter
why'd you do that, robot-kun
Don't leave us in suspense. What brand?
i was waiting for dinner to finish cooking and decided to have a snack, a piece of bread with some peanut butter
when i was finished with that dinner was still cooking, so i just kept having little bits of peanut butter
before i knew it i was at the bottom of the jar
>be in calorie limit after PP&j
>eat the rest of the peanut butter jar
jif natural
over 6000 calories
>tfw eating uncooked pasta straight out of the box because you forgot to buy a new water filter and your water comes out in shades of brown because you live in a shithole with rusted pipes and you forgot to go grocery shopping for the fifth week in a row
>supposed to stick to a 6000 calorie limit each day so I can lose weight
>always end up eating 12000
The struggle is too hard bros...
What kind of meals amount to 12000 calories a day?
at least it was all natural.
Well for breakfast I go to McD's and get three Bacon, Egg and Cheese Bagels with a bowl of fruit and maple oatmeal and a fruit and yogurt parfait, the bagel and fruit help make it healthier.
At lunch I eat two Big Macs as my main course with 10 piece mcnuggets on the side to replace the third Big Mac I used to eat.
And for dinner, I decide not to eat McDonalds and instead to opt for a large pizza from Pizza Hut with a side of crazy bread.
My biggest problem is that I keep snacking between meals, between breakfast and lunch I might eat a pint of ice cream or a couple McMuffins and I just can't help it, it's too hard not to do.
Obvious bait, noone actually thinks like this and also expresses it so rationally
living like the king
I don't know what else to tell you user. Would it help if I mentioned I'm also the guy from the "medarge fries" screencap?
FALSE. Crazy bread is a Little Caesar's trademark.
>over 6000 calories
I like Moon pies. The Rite Aid down the road sells 'em for a dollar a box.
How can I stop myself?
They taste so good dunked in milk.
Do you lack enough self-control to eliminate one of the food items from each meal?
For breakfast, try two bacon, egg, cheese bagels instead of three
For lunch, try one big mac instead of two
For dinner, get a medium pizza instead of a large.
Start there, then when you get used to it, eliminate another food item from each meal.
Self-control is your problem.
>I can't help it, it's too hard not to do
You *can* do it user, you just don't *want* to. Live your life to the fullest; if you want to be an obese fuck then do it. A good question to ask yourself is "Am I content?" If the answer is no, then do something about it. If the answer is yes, then there isn't an issue. This is your life, use it when you need it.
it's not too late
I stopped eating peanut brother because my fat fucking mooch brother always eats it.
don't stop now, you'll solve your problem soon enough
Sorry to hear user. Kind of know that feeling. Keep on trying. Few days of activities and the calories are burnt off. Never give up.
Just googled Rite Aid and it seems like CVS or Walgreens? The name makes it sound like it's Goodwill or some kinda medical facility. Shit name.
What the fuck is that on the plate? A bunch of chocolates or gingerbread? He couldn't eat it in the other room and then go to the toilet? AND this filthy fuck is putting his hand on the part where I'm sure there's still some sticky, old pee residue he left (unless he goes sitting down)
Nice pants though.
>shelf stable food
>not just leaving it in your room
>Would it help if I mentioned I'm also the guy from the "medarge fries" screencap?
lel is it really you
just get someone to strap you to a chair for a week or try an ECA stack
Peanut butter is ok to eat a lot of besides the high calories. Fat from nuts is alright to have and its low sugar
Whatever, fattie.
Im 130 pounds. The only thing stopping me from eating endless peanut butter sandwiches is self control
Sure, buddy.
I believe you.
You posted this on fit many times. Terrible mem
>Make pizza
>Okay I'm only going to eat 5 slices and leave 3 for tomorrow.
>Eat the 6th slice later as a snack
>Nibble on the 7th slice to the point that I think "May as well finish it off"
>8th slice sitting in fridge right now tempting me
Does peanut butter not give you the runs?
>in the fridge
>reheating a fucking pizza
I eat alone user, are you telling me I should be eating a whole pizza in one sitting? Or did you mis-read and thought I meant reheating the whole damn thing?
>reheating a fucking slice of a pizza
Just put it in the oven, only way to reheat it.
Weebs really are this dumb.
jesus dude, get your shit toghether
also what shithole?
>and decided to have a snack
Snacks are for fucking fatasses, anybody who can't handle "only" eating 3 times a day deserves their heart attack. While already fixing a meal too, Christ. Go eat another jar or two, speed things up.
>Bacon, Egg and Cheese Bagels
not the
>Steak, Egg and Cheese Bagel
you fucked up
That's rust in the pipes somewhere up the line. It happens at the restuarant I work at when they do maintainance on the water line up the street. If you live in a developed country, call your city water department and inform them, and they should take a look.
>the bagel and fruit help make it healthier
Even if you are baiting this made me angry so good job
one time I drank an entire bottle of maple syrup
OP has problems, but I can at least understand how one could be driven to eat an entire jar of peanut butter.
You, on the other hand, are not entirely human.
>a normal-size non-deep pan pizza is about 2200 kcal
>can't eat that much in a day
American or manlet?