Do you have to be a certain ethnicity to be the best at making ethnic food? For example, could the best sushi chef in the world be a white guy?
Do you have to be a certain ethnicity to be the best at making ethnic food? For example...
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You certainly could. The fish aren't ethnic Chinese as well. You might get shut down for cultural appropriation by you know who though.
Its possible but white people at best aren't terrible at making food from non-white people.
Japanese people make better French food than the French
Odds are good you're just wrong. White-dominant countries have the resources to do pretty much whatever they want, and inevitably someone does.
No ask mexicans.
No you dont. Anyone can learn how to make good food and learn how it's supposed to taste from any ethic group. It's not like every Mexican/Hispanic makes amazing Mexican food.
I guess this is racist, but I'm skeptical when I see white people chefs cooking non-white food and presenting it as anything authentic or higher than the most basic/elementary level. I feel a similar way vice-versa, but not as much.
When it's the opposite, ie a non-white chef cooking white food, 99% of the time if it's an expensive restaurant, the chef probably actually trained among white chefs and have proven themselves to be at their level, or similar (though they'll never be just as skilled as an actual, ethnically European chef making European food, obviously). When trying to get into non-white practices/hobbies, white people just tend to have this natural arrogance that leads them to make mistakes in ignorance and refuse to improve when critiqued (see: white geishas). It's not really their fault they were raised to be so prideful, and I don't mean to attack them by any means, but it does make me question their validity when they're making food outside their own culture.
>white people just tend to have this natural arrogance
You admit you're racist, right?
If you have the resources and study and practice hard enough I don't see any reason why anyone can't.
>You admit you're racist, right?
First line of the post was "I guess this is racist". Keep up.
Ivan Ramen negates this entire discussion. Go watch that guys life.
How can I be racist when most of my friends are white?
Pretty cool vid, didn't seem like David Ching Chong was taking him seriously though, constantly giving him the side-eye
David fucking Ching Chong can eat dicks. He's the Ferran Adria of ramen.
the best fish and chip people are greek, best curries made by white dudes, best burgers are made by asians and the best souvlaki I ever had was made by a turkish woman
>best burgers are made by asians
you don't know who makes your food, do you?
>have to be Japanese to make sushi
>have to be Mexican to make tacos
>have to be black to make fried chicken
I don't know, sounds a little racist to me :^)
>could the best sushi chef in the world be a white guy?
unless you have enough immersion in the culture surrounding various ethnic cuisines, you're always just striving to emulate it, never surpass it
if there's a white dude who grew up in japan and trained under a skilled sushi chef, then maybe
It's possible to be be white and learn to make authentic and high quality ethnic food. It takes a lot of work though, you do have to get an understanding of a culture to produce really authentic food.
Look at a dude like Rick Bayless, he definitely produces authentic Mexican food but he also spends a ton of time in Mexico, learning from Mexican chefs/cooks, and exploring the culture around the food he's cooking. He even takes the core kitchen staff of Topolobampo on retreats to Mexico to do the same stuff, so that everyone on the team knows what's up. Every once in a while he gets mentioned in the conversation about cultural appropriation but he gets a pass because he does put in the work.
White starred chefs will live all over Europe absorbing techniques, but suggest doing something similar in China and Japan and you get a bunch of faggots complaining about "its just fish over rice" and other such nonsense
1090 Burger in Richmond (The Thunderburger) and The Burger Co. in Ballarat (The Big Bastard) are the best burgers I've ever had, and I've eaten a lot of burgers.
Rock Bayless is awful. Diana Kennedy is the real MVP of Mexican cuisine.
>white people making soul food
Go in the back of any fine restaurant in the known world, look back of the house & see who's doing the cookin' .... Mexicans.
I don't know, white people made corn friend, greens cooked in butter, and fried chicken before blacks even made it to america.
Please stop insulting Ferran AdriĆ , who has done nothing to no one and doesn't go throwing his ego around like David Ching fucking Chong.
>nignogs thinking they're special for being able to make lowbrow poverty food
I would rather eat white people soul food over black people soul food.
Fuck off nigger, my grandpa grew up eating "soulfood" (aka shitty poor-people food). Niggers aren't special for having only chitlins and other shit ingredients available to them
in my restaurant we only hire illegal mexicans to cook.
I think a lot of the dankest recipes were passed down orally, so the dankest food would probably have to be made by that race/culture or by someone trained by a chef raised in that culture.