What fictional food and beverages would you like to try?
What fictional food and beverages would you like to try?
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Hermione's cunt
The Chili and Seabass from Jurassic Park. For the longest time I thought it was a real dish but I can't find any recipes for it.
Beat me to it, damn
Basically everything Babish makes
Harry's circumcision scar
Anything from either iteration from Wonka's factory.
Can't believe nobody's taken this bait yet desu. Made me chuckle hard
it's been like 2 minutes
they have butterbeer at universal studios, remember trying the non alchoholic version as a young teen and it being one of the most delicious things I ever tasted
I wasn't really expecting anyone to. However on a more serious note I was reading something about the Chilean sea bass and apparently it really wasn't a popular dish at all until Jurassic Park came out and they almost fished the thing to extinction.
you can get butterbeer at universal studios in the harry potter section
I see I am too late.
Luna Lovejoy's cunt
Which movie's version of Hermione
Does it really matter??
All of them
You know you at least want to give one a bit of tongue exploration.
While all are desireable, I imagine that there would be a lot of change involved. Anywhere from a perfectly smooth, yet mostly flavorless, pre-pubescent slit up through a nicely furred bush packed with a lovely feminine scent and dripping with sexual desire.
Crottled greeps.
jawbreakers from ed edd n eddy
Years ago I was at a flea market and saw jawbreakers ranging from the size of normal ones to some being as big as baseballs that were white with speckles of other colors like the ones they normally eat. I don't know where they found them but you can probably order them online
The Patil Twins cunts.
Hahaha I love rick and morty hahaha such a quirky show
Honestly, Butterbeer. Yes I know they sell it at Universal Studios or whatever but it's just cream soda. It never quite tastes like how I imagine the stuff tastes in the books.
Besides that, when I was a kid I always wanted to try Scooby Snacks. Yes I know they're dog treats but Shaggy always popped a boner for them, I guessed they must taste awesome. Nowadays, I'd be much more skeptical about trying one.
Doozer Sticks
They don't look like much, but I imagine they taste like a combination of jello and ice cream
i joined this thread to post hemione's muff , but the message is the same
Didn't they say those were made from radishes? And weren't they crunchy, not soft like ice cream or jello?
yeah I think those are radishes, and I let my imagination run wild. I didn't say they feel like ice cream or jello
Are you a homosexual man or a woman?
>I didn't say they feel like ice cream or jello
How would jello or ice cream describe the flavor though? Both of those are available in a huge variety of flavors. Which one?
los suicidos mezcal from the savage detectives by roberto bolano
I always imagined it like a warm hard butterscotch drink.
vanilla ice cream and blue raspberry jello. imagine the possibilities
yeah, almost as good as the posts about the show.
Sounds fucking delicious. But nothing radish-like so it doesn't make sense to me.
I would drink whatever you are talking about. Sounds nice.
jawbreakers aren't fictional, they exist in real life.
Used to lick on them until my tongue started bleeding when I was a kid.
I can't say I've ever seen a "Chernobyl" or "Japan" flavored jawbreaker in real life.
Yeah I always imagined kind of the same thing. Something very vaguely alcoholic tasting, with a sweet, creamy butterscotch flavor.
HA! Do you watch archer too? Too funny
I'm guessing probably just, you know, not a pedo.
well I've never tasted a radish. So it makes perfect sense to me
You know I don't think R&M is the best show ever but almost all the people I see hating on it don't ever explain why they hate the show. The best I get it "lol so random" humor or something similarly dismissive.
On topic, the food from Dragon's Crown. Yeah most of it is real food, but fuck it always looked so delicious
>The best I get it "lol so random" humor or something similarly dismissive.
I'm not the guy you're reply to, and I've never seen the show, but isn't that reason enough to dislike it? I find "random humor" to be very off-putting. It's not funny to me, just stupid.
Pic related
I guess? I just feel like most people who say that have only seen clips from the show and haven't watched it for real. I'm not saying R&M has absolutely no random humor but it's far FAR less than others make it out to be. Plus when it is random I think they do it well, the animation really helps sell things.
Yeah, I've never seen it so I'm not making any judgement calls on it, but "random humor" is a turnoff for me. From what I have seen (still pics) the art style looks unpleasant to me. I would guess that like most other cartoons with similar art style the animation is probably crap too, but again--I haven't seen it.
I have made this drink you speak of. Basically a butterscotch ice-cream float with beer. I used Heineken. Mildly alcoholic and tastes fucking amazing.
I don't even hate it, I just dislike the fans of it.
I should rephrase this, I dislike the fans who think it's a good enough show to bring up at any opportunity
Chell's cunt
Do Americans really want to eat this?
Chernobyl tastes like radiation poisoning, Japan tastes like weeaboo sweat
You can make or buy those in real life. They modeled it after one from a local bakery.
Art style is incredibly ugly, edgy for the sake of being edgy, lawl randum katy and the spork of doom tier humour, pseudo-intellectualism, nihilism without any reason and the show blatantly panders to the kinds of retards who browse reddit and maybe even tumblr in some cases
Slurm and nuke cola and vim!
I can go for the claw right now
>fictional beverage
Christ's blood
Thumbs up
>no soylent cola or big pink
Got you covered! Head on down to Mass at the nearest Catholic Gold Palace. All you can drink for a "small" donation and permission to make your firstborn an altar boi.
It existed already though it is old, I do not have a clear recipe. It was a hot and thin custard made with beer without breaking or curdling it. Similar to zabaglione.
Vanillaware's visual design is already splendid, but it really shines when they apply it to cuisine.
The meals you can buy in Muramasa looked so succulent I could almost smell it.
>You will never enjoy a gum with the breath freshening power of ham
Worst timeline.
Romulan Ale
and cartoon meat
fpbp, I'd like some too
It might be in our timeline, we're just 983 years away from it.
lembas bread
A meal cooked by a European that doesn't taste like cardboard and poverty.
Chocolate frogs. I imagine they'd be a mix of chocolate and gummy texture.
why doesnt REAL meat ever look this good?
One time my friends and I went to White Castle late at night, and while ordering I noticed that they have jelly packets, probably for breakfast or something. I ordered 6 regular sliders and had them give me a handful of jelly packets. The look they gave me made me think I was the first to do this.
The taste was actually underwhelming. Even the sweetness of the jelly was overpowered by the savory burger. Whatever effect the jelly did have was a positive effect.
theres a burger place in town that does one with raspberry jam, blue cheese, and i forget what else. pretty good actually.
> tfw too smart for R&M
> tfw no more Xavier
watching it rn on youtube, most is there in playlists already. i remember it from my times as a single proto-redpilled youth about 10 years ago
your failure is a portent of a future to come
I gotta dump this load in that pooter's floppy slot.
y'all just killed my best platonic friend, and now i'm gonna beat yo a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-
cape cod?
You're bringing me back almost 20 years, and I'm pretty sure most tourists traps have the stupidly large ones. You'll never finish them and you'll get sores from the damned sugar-burns if you can even get your mouth open that wide.
They have this in the Simpsons section in Universal Studios Hollywood and Orlando
Lol there's a chernobyle flavor
I guess rabbit stew does exist though...
Formerly known as Chuck's
>one small piece is enough to sustain a man of the east for a full days hard march, so probably like 6k calories
>tastes delicious
You don't want this in your life.
Admit it, you're just worried that being a creature of evil it will taste bad to you.
Pink Fuck, from Ash v. Evil Dead.
Dunno where to get the ketamine.
Because it doesn't come with sparkles and filters.