i live alone now nd ive never even boiled an egg pls help me
I live alone now nd ive never even boiled an egg pls help me
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its too late
You're already dead
boiling an egg is hard try frying one first. Its easy you just get a pan and get it hot , and then put the egg in it. and when most of it is white you flip it. then a few seconds later you take it off and eat it.
make sure to use salt and pepper
no, no, no
you have to follow this youtube.com
^should have added the egg is easier to flip if you make bacon first
microwave an egg for 5 minutes
>i eat eggs
so many reasons to not hit play
Can you buy eggs? Do you have a pot? Or a pan?
eggs aren't meat?
Animal didn't die to make an egg
yes... i have high cash flow. no gf, no friends, no family... and no skills
>pls help me
lmao I hope you colossally fuck up attempting to cook and either get food poisoning and dying or setting something on fire and causing very expensive damage and requiring complicated repairs with lots of confusing paperwork with big words and lots of numbers requiring you to do lots of big boy stuff and talking to many people that will give you disgusted contemptible looks once they realize just how incompetent of a human you are
Why are you like this user
i did not ask for this life. i am survive on diet of ramen noodles, water, fruit and chocolate milk for past month
That isn't very nice.
Steak is pretty easy, try that.
Why don't faggots like you get banned?
fuck you
Check out the IR porn thread and you'll lose your shit
fifteen replies and noone will answer OPs simple question
put the eggs in a pot, cover with cold water so that the eggs are barely submerged. like an inch or two past the top of the egg. turn the heat on, get the water to boiling, then turn the heat off. let the eggs sit in the water until they're cool. if you did it right the shell should come right off and you got yourself sum boiled eggs.
we either need a QTDDTOT or OP needs to learn to google
thank you snepai post BTC address
You can (probably, depending on your store) buy pre-boiled eggs, but they're more expensive, and don't have a long shelf life.
It makes me kind of sad that there are so many vegans that people don't know what a vegetarian is anymore.
Stir frys and/or fried rice got me through me most of college and it's super easy
Buy prefabricated food that you simply heat up. Experiment when you have time, read a little, watch chef John on YouTube. Take small steps and begin with something simple. You will be fine :)
Learn how to cook beans
Learn how to cook rice (this one is the hardest to do)
Learn how to boil chicken
Clean some raw veggies
Eat fruit
There you go, easy, basic, healthy you can eat this everyday without problems.
buy a slow cooker while you practice making eggs
and invite friends (or people you woild like to be friends with) when you make a roast. make sure they arrive an hour or two before it's done because the all-consuming scent of a slow-cooked roast will have them salivating.
im sorry fren, my advice to you is to learn how to make rice and beans, and buy both of those in large amounts, im talking those big 10 plus pound bags.
also learn how to make potatoes in the oven, and cooking chicken breasts are easy
I wish there was a chan i could use that just had posters like you
And then you got shot up by a rampaging autist slowly realizing that you aren't bulletproof
Darwin will come for you soon.