Can anybody tell me what's wrong with this picture?

Can anybody tell me what's wrong with this picture?

That man is severely underweight and needs a burger intervention

Is that the gerbil guy?

Oh I know! This is a /tv/ pic for a /tv/ thread!

It doesn't look like the picture on the menu!

It's a middling quality jpg that's been blown up and it seems to have been improperly resized causing some vertical stretching.

Great fucking movie. Definitely worth a watch.

What is this!? Faggot shit!

What is this!? Faggot shit!

The POC in the back shouldn't be blurred.

Falling Down. Michael Douglass.

Could you be a little less vague?

It's not the Foo Fighters version

I want some of them boots for stomping queers. Kicking a gay niggers teeth out would be the best feeling ever

No, not Richard gere

Yes he should.

Correct, he should be 6 feet under.

Rick have you ever heard the expression "the customer is always right." Well here I am. The customer.

No his head is actually just shaped like that

Who was in the wrong here?

>What's wrong with the street?
fixed for you

The fact that he represents the classic American stupidity in that he gets mad at the lowly min wage employee for rules set up by his employer.

No wonder this asshole lost his job, what a brainlet.

>Can anybody tell me what's wrong with this picture?
It's not a McChicken?

He is not to be emulated. He is not to be honored. He is an entitled white man who thinks the world revolves around him and his needs at the expense of others. He is not a saint. He is not a hero. The only ones who think he is are other pathetic white men like white Drumpf voters who long for days gone by when they could get everything at the expense of minorities by throwing their weight around but who don't realize the world has changed and is moving on without them. He is a man out of time, only belonging to the era from whence he came.

The world won't continue like you think it will. This current civilization won't continue on the shoulders of the under-appreciated, over-stressed lower classes. This movie wasn't about a man determined to take back what was his. It was about a man who had nothing to live for. If you take everything from a man, he will come to you in the night and take everything from you. With all the talk about spreading the wealth, some of us are being stretched thin. We have no obligation to prop up the trash of the world. If our pearls are thrown to the swine, we will not obey.

>When more and more people lose their jobs to AI and automation there will be millions upon millions of people just D-FENS

You see him as an entitled white man, I see him as a prototype for the future.

the background story in that movie was quack
he is portrayed as an evil guy who forces his family to do stuff they dont want to and who is very easily upset and tends to shouting and verbally abusing and threatening them with violence
but they also say that he never laid a hand on them
then if he's obviously just stressed out and angry, why did a judge order him to keep away from them
he obviously never did them any harm

clearly you failed to understand the movie

I want to cut your liver out and eat it.

I love the fact that his character triggers racist liberals so much.

it was a shit movie

You're right, haha, watching Trump crash and burn over the past few weeks has been fun but seriously, we can't let this man have the nuclear codes!!!

better version.

yes it was based on him.