I'm planning on buying a close friend for many years yellow roses and making him homemade jam and homemade biscuits for his 30th birthday. Am I going overboard?
I'm planning on buying a close friend for many years yellow roses and making him homemade jam and homemade biscuits for...
just blow him already you fag
are you a girl?
did he fuck you/
does he have a gf/wife?
If the answer to these 3 questions is yes, then no you absolutely should not do that.
he's gay, i'm not. yellow roses are for friendship, you get the red ones if you have romantic intentions.
no to all
The only reaction you're going to get is
"T-thanks..." and he secretly thinks you're weird and throws it all in the trash. Or he wants to fuck you. Probably the first
sounds pretty gay desu
That is way overboard.
Srsly don't do this.
The jam thing is cool on its own, but everything else is gay af
>homemade jam and homemade biscuits
I'm gay and this sounds pretty good desu.
I highly doubt any of these people replying so far have experienced true friendship before. Shouldn't be asking Veeky Forums people this. But I'm sure he would love it and be really appreciative. You kind of have to go for it now that you thought it up. Have fun man!
Ha Ha! Totally!
only if you arent planning to fuck him
>buying a dude flowers
It still sounds gay, Im already weird around my straight friends and Im not really gay but they think I am because of doing shit like this.
So if you can play it off and roll with it go ahead, if your friend knows you well youre fine.
Sounds romantic, you're a sweetheart
Fuck yea. I love jam. Are you in the PNW? No gay stuff.
the jam and biscuits makes sense but unless you are buying him potted roses and he likes plants that sounds a tad misleading. if anybody bought me roses, of any color, i'd assume they want the d.
Well, I should probably back out of the yellow roses but, I still want to get him something sophisticated for him (he doesn't drink so that's out of the question) so I'm certainly open to suggestions and ideas. $50 - $100 is the price range I'm aiming for.
Are you making yellow rose jam?...otherwise don't do this shit gay nigga.
Unless you're hoping for a sticky load of his seed to be sprayed into your colon, yes.
You sound like a nice young man
I wish I had friends to cook for
Go for it op
I got a girl yellow roses because of that reason. Oh man, he was pissed.
it's a little overboard, he will probably get the wrong idea.
Feminine benis is still a benis
It sounds like you're gay for your friend,
Don't start doing fancy culinary stuff for friends' birthdays. Once you start with one, everybody else expects to get something like that for their birthday.
Trust me, I've learned the hard way.
skip the roses mate
what jam are you cooking?
Hahaha ya and like I mean if he wants to touch dicks after lol like as a joke then I'd be cool with it hahahaha. Not even in a gay way though, nah, rofl.
>homemade jam
>not just letting him jam his dick down your gay throat
Quit being so insecure you literal fag
Do not buy your friend roses of any color. Jam is okay but even then I wouldn't let on that you slaved away and made a whole batch just for him.
People are weird.
Someone told me that it was gay bringing cupcakes, buying from a store, to work.
This world is fucked.
In all seriousness though, most men don't really like getting flowers as a present. Obviously there are some outliers here but I know I would rather get something useful over flowers any day. If you know the dude would really like some flowers then by all means, go for it, but I wouldn't do it because its "sophisticated" if you don't know he would want them, because chances are he doesn't.
In that case, skip the roses. The jam and biscuits isn't that weird, but the roses give it a real gay vibe.
The roses make it a little... gay. But homemade biscuits and jam, yes sir.
I'll coat your biscuits with my jam
The roses no matter what color, seems it would be pushing for too much.
But the jam and biscuits sounds like a nice thoughtful gift.
I think yellow roses are for apologies actually, unless he's from Texas.
The home made stuff is really nice, he'll probably appreciate it.A buddy of mine made me a homebrew six pack with a custom label and my goofy face on it and even though the beer was a biut flat it was very touching.
It's not any different than bringing a box of donuts to work, really, sounds like someone is projecting a bit.
Entire idea reeks of faggotry. Get him a bottle of bourbon instead.