Bacon wrapped turkey, what do you think?

Bacon wrapped turkey, what do you think?

I think you should flush it down the toilet and then flush yourself down the toilet. You piece of shit, why would you think anyone would want to see this? Bacon wrapped turkey!? Are you fucking serious!??!? Get the fuck out of here with this epic meal time shit and kill yourself. Just kidding

Looks a little underdone.

Looks cool, but you'll get a better result by pushing the bacon under the skin of the breasts.

image search returns no matches
meme shit, guaranteed replies
cook it, cut it, post with time stamp

I think you're gonna burn the bacon before the bird is cooked

I think it's a stupid waste of food.

I hope the turkey is cooked medium rare

there is no way you can expect that uniformity after cooking. post results

epic meal time tier shit

looks EPIC

Do Americans really eat this???

I'm not saying I wouldn't

you can beat your ass boy

I don't understand, the turkey skin wouldn't crisp up this way and the bacon would overcook way before the turkey is done


There's one thing you have to remember: you gotta take the bacon off of the turkey before it's finished cooking, since it'll finish cookjing before the turkey. Otherwise you'll have soggy turkey skin and burnt bacon. Also, don't forget the basics of basting, seasoning beforehand (a ball of butter and chopped garlic underneath the skin) and if you opted not to have stuffing, shove half an onion into the center. It'll bake inside the turkey and release its aromatic payload, giving the inner turkey a unique slightly bitter taste that helps balance out the savory chicken.

Adding onto this, you can finely mince the bacon and the onion in a bender and then reduce them in a pan with a little of the drippings from the turkey and some chicken stock if you deem it necessary. It makes a fantastic gravy, though you would need flour to thicken up. You can also strain it out of the gravy if you don't like yours lumpy, and then add it into a nice side salad. Think of it like homemade bacon bits, and onion goes great with salad. Perfect way to give everything a copious amount of flavors, with minimal waste.

>in a bender
If you misspelled "on a bender" like I choose to believe you did, you just described my every Thanksgiving.

Let's pretend I did, if it makes you feel better.

I bet the bacons will tear apart as they cook and the whole thing will be a mess with bacon falling apart and dropping onto the sides.

unironically this.