Hey Veeky Forums, what can I do with some monkeys?

Hey Veeky Forums, what can I do with some monkeys?

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Make MonkChickens

Get yo bitch ass slapped

Uma delicia

probably have a barrel of laughs, cheeky lads that they are


I dunno; Take a bath with them? I always see those guys in some hot springs.

Start a band.

give them a typewriter, or even better, give them a Veeky Forums pass


that's ridiculous, even if monkeys were able to use keyboards what would we even talk about?

Open a bar, call it Monkey Business. Just fucking monkeys everywhere. I'd drink there.


Can pick the bugs out of their hair and earn their respect

It was the best of time, it was the BLURST of times?!?

>what would we even talk about


Nice try, monkey.


took him quite a while to post in the first place


>wrinkles on a forehead, with a side of puppy dog's eyes

He can't help how he looks, user.


Have a tea party

Please stop, Joe.

eat their smegma

Why are homosexuals so obsessed with disgusting shit?

I dunno man, those little shits can tear you limb from limb if they feel like it.

that would be shit
Monkeys are notorious alcoholics

Mash em up and make monkey bread

>why do i enjoy imagining homosexuals doing things which disgust me

naw monkeys cant do that... apes however (chimps) will fuck your shit up.

worst a monkey can do is steal your shit or mess up your hair. dont piss off a group of them though that wouldnt be smart

Teach 1 to jerk you off, Then kill the other 2 in the bathtub and make pulled monkey BBQ sandwiches