>you will never get to taste the food that grows in other planets
90% of earths cuisine relys on the same 7 boring ingridients over and over, there is a universe of things to taste and im here stranded on this rock
You will never get to taste the food that grows in other planets
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Because of all the life other planets support? Mmm can't wait to try a 1,000,000 year old dead bacteria casserole
I bet it would taste the same as it does here. Don't overestimate human's palates
>he thinks there are a quadrillion planets teeming with sentient life
>earths cuisine relys on the same 7 boring ingridients over and over
Masters of reusing ingredients and still kickass
Stone age tools still on top of the game
Culture torn out of the visible world for centuries still holding on to real customs
Leave this planet if you must some folks live for it as it is part of us without a second thought its a grand place to be with our family
Oh yeah
Lets do this
Lets have something great to eat and learn to spice it up
Corn is great
Tortillas are pretty awesome
Toast them a bit and the have a popcorn taste keep them covered and they steam in a very nice way too
Damn these clay comal things are incredible
Even these other comals arent half bad
Abuelita has this mess down
Damn right tacos are the best
Certain tacos are absolutely irresistable leaving you with that never ending desire for more and more
Here ya go, OP. Bookrelated. Enjoy.
>humanity finds life on other worlds
>if it's not sentient (or at least not very obviously so), someone out there will try to eat it
>If it IS sentient, someone out there will try to fuck it
If that doesn't just sum up the whole of humanity, I dont know what does.
>>earths cuisine relys on the same 7 boring ingridients over and over
Doesn't have to be that way. The demands of a world wide market have just made it cheaper that way.
An old-fashioned kitchen garden in Nigeria has about 300 different plants in it, most of which you've never heard of. They just don't ship very well, and are consumed where they're grown.
>tfw will never harvest disgusting algae with Apollo and Dee
>the same 7 boring ingridients
Which ones are those?
This doesn't ring a bell at all. I guess I need to rewatch the series now FUCK
You've never traveled. Put it on your list of things to do. Once you get to the other side of the planet people do eat differently, regardless of which way you move. Yes, there are a handful of staples on most agricultural societies. But it varies around the world.
>not including corn
>not including rice
or garlic. and wtf is "salad?"
>tfw I'm actually from planet zebuloid and have regular shipments of ayyfood
fuckin plebs