Food scientists created a new Chocolate color without any artificial coloring.
Food scientists created a new Chocolate color without any artificial coloring
It's the first time in 80 years tho.
Why don't these """"scientists"""" create something useful, like a donut that burns calories?
Because they get payed a lot more for figuring out how to get people to eat the whole bag of chips instead of a single serving than they get for creating a cure for cancer.
but why
What, do you think they do it for free?
what if it was like a super chewy donut, so you had to chew it so much it actually burned more calories than it contained
does this mean that red velvet cake doesn't need food coloring anymore?
It never did need food coloring if you made it right. The color came from a chemical reaction, not dye.
Not him but enlighten me, always thought red velvet was a meme since it was just yellow cake with red dye
Just read the wikipedia article on it
Eh, in that case it will stay a dumb meme to me
>it's a donut right..... but like.... we inject it with buttercream..... that contains AIDS.
>Brilliant! Not like we are real scientists anyway.
It'll become a millenial fad food and this entire board will grow to hate it before the year is over mark my words
Sorry bro, that coveys the information much better than I could.
It's a chocolate cake. The color comes from a chemical reaction between the chocolate and the acidic components of the batter.
Yes it's marketed to milenials and it wont be out until next year.
Huh, the more you know.
Yes, it's food which is explicitly for millenials by law and you will get arrested for ordering it and being over the age of 30.
Why is it that you come off as a person who thinks less of other, as in much less
Probably because he *does* think less of others. I'd think less of others that use the word "payed" instead of "paid" too.
I also think less of you since your sentence is missing its quotation mark.
>Callebaut says its ruby chocolate was developed after 10 years of research and testing. It’s made from beans grown in the Ivory Coast, Ecuador, and Brazil; the color “comes from the powder extracted during processing.” Other companies have produced red cocoa powder in the past, but this is the first reddish chocolate.
>Though the FDA will need to approve the name “ruby chocolate” before the product can be labeled as such, Schrauth says there’s an exception that allows a new product to be marketed as a new invention while pending FDA sign off. “It’s tricky because it doesn’t contain enough dairy to qualify as milk chocolate, and contains more cocoa solids than white chocolate,” Schrauth says. “It may need a whole new designation.”
As much as I hate the term, "cloying" is the best way I can describe the sickeningly saccharine flavor of white chocolate so this new in-between hybrid sounds like a game changer for Chocolate.
Are you suggesting that all white chocolate is equally sweet? ...and therefore this stuff must necessarily be just as sweet? Seems like a silly assumption to make.
>red chocolate
Isn't that what red velvet cake does? It's just buttermilk.
>snotty about grammar
>reddit spacing
it all checks out
>I type like a fuccboi but if I cry Reddit you're the asshole.
Wew more disgusting shit, hurray
Why don't you stop being a fat shit with no self control
if it's anything like white chocolate I'm not interested
>extract the delicious chocolate flavor and leave behind gross white garbage
>call it white chocolate and pretend it's worth eating
>having taste this shitty
>Ruby Chocolate
The Grandmatriarch will be pleased.
You'd have to chew it for days to burn off the calories of the fried dough and sugar
Those are called, "bagels".
>except all those times where red dye is literally an ingredient on the box
>"Ruby" chocolate is particularly targeted at Millennials and their desire for "hedonistic indulgence"
Actually, most of the stuff you get in stores is just chocolate cake with dye.
>cake from a box
Hush, Flyover. Grown-ups who can actually cook are talking. When we start talking about condensed cream of X soup casserole with frozen tater-tot topping, I'll let you know.
You guys are aware that red velvet cake did not originally come from a box right?
No shit Sherlock. Just explaining what most red velvet cake mix is.
does it taste different than white milk or dark chocolate?
Why are you talking about mixes when we are discussing real cake?
Even better. They already invented donut holes, so why not bagel holes?
Common modern red velvet cake is made with red dye,[3][4] however the red color was originally due to non-Dutched anthocyanin-rich cocoa.[1]
If I understand this right, they found the colouring compound in "non-Dutched anthocyanin-rich cocoa", and made shitty white chocolate with it to have a *~~*KAWAI*~~* colour, when they could have had a good chocolate with a brownish-reddish appearance.
No, in fact, you do not 'understand this right' because you have no understanding of what white chocolate actually is. That being cocoa butter, mild solids and sugar. It has no cocoa solids. Ruby chocolate, whatever it is, can't be white chocolate because white chocolate, by definition, lacks cocoa solids.
10 years for a new color chocolate
what a great step for mankind!
where do you live
So how long until this is the standard chocolate for Valentines Day? Will it be worse than pumpkin spice season?
I cant wait for the year when brown chocolate gets banned because its deemed "too racists".
They'd probably ban white chocolate too, just to be sure. Can't allow the goy, er, people, to have too much freedom, now can we?
Reddit spacing doesn't exist. There are many reasons to despise Reddit, but double-spacing was around long before the website was even founded.
An anus-coloured chocolate, what a brilliant idea
Hope you don't mind your donuts containing ephedrine, capsaicin extract and yohimbe bark extract.
Heh. Squirrel aids, am I right?
AIDS leads to weight loss so if that's your thing, go for it.
Never heard of squirrel AIDS.
Given the lower expensive coco content and up sell of "new".
As soon as possible ! ! !
think of it, a cheaper chocolate sold as a new premium must has for your sweet heart, any self respecting for profit company is going to fall in love with this.
The question is how long till it rolls over the regular market and becomes a year round item?
Will it be worse then pumpkin spice season?
It could easily be much worse, but market reaction will dictate it.
>good thing educated consumers are protecting our foods integrity
Fits well compared to normal chocolate color
yeah you would know color an anus is
you don't buy white chocolate for the chocolate taste, you but it for its own flavour
shit looks so unappetising, reminds me of mortadella
>using the term fuccboi unironically
holy fucking shit go back
If it tastes different and great, I don't see the problem
Don't lie, flyover.
just add 3g of dnp to one dozen worth of dough
250mg dnp each donut
Thanks government regulation!
Saving us from ourselves
question is, what elements does it loses that way, and how more healthy/unhealthy it gets.
>a game changer for Chocolate.
Are those people for real?
Big whoop.
>Feeding any amount of DNP to fat people
>Expecting weight loss and not instant overheating and death
I guess that's one way to end the obesity epidemic in one fell swoop.
What does it taste like?
Probably tastes like pink chocolate.
Pink chocolate?
source: user's ass
half dark half white half milk mixture
It's not a fucking special chocolate then, it's just a bunch of shit mixed together.
>believing everything you read on the internet
>Reddit spacing doesn't exist
Oh, redddit, the denial of obvious factual reality is so cute and retarded
>every innovation has to cure a disease or take us to another planet
Can't you fags just be entertained by a cool product of breeding
this kind of reminds me of the pink lemonade blueberry from a year or two ago
not that user, but white chocolate tends to be of a sweeter nature than most other chocolates. if the article is equating it to white chocolate "with more cocoa," it's a pretty safe assumption that they're talking about flavor being "sweeter than most other chocolates"
If it didn't come from a box, then how did it get created?
You evolutionists just can't get your shit straight.
>reddish chocolate.
literally reddish: the chocolate.
Fuck off with your reddit spacing nonsense you illiterate dog
Is dnp safe? Why haven't I heard about it?
>cooking cake
>Never heard of squirrel AIDS.
Fake!.... And gay...
>Is dnp safe?
>Why haven't I heard about it?
See above.
>10 years of research for food...
Looks like soap
>donut gum
Congrats user you're a millionare
Who gives a fuck if something is artificial?
We need to stop this natural marketing bullshit
>Who gives a fuck if something is artificial?
I don't think it's dangerous or anything, but it's rarely, if ever, as tasty as natural.
"Artificial" on a food label reads as "meh tier at best".
>but it's rarely, if ever, as tasty as natural.
this is certainly not an inherent property of it. Probably just confirmation bias
>this is certainly not an inherent property of it.
It often is.
For example, take vanilla. The main component of the taste of vanilla is the chemical 'vanillin'. That's what artificial vanilla flavor is. So far it is literally identical to natural vanilla. However, natural vanilla contains dozens of other chemicals that add to its flavor and aroma. Those are missing from artificial vanilla flavor.
Take strawberries. A wild strawberry has approxmatley two dozen chemicals which contribute to its flavor. Most commercially grown cultivars have far fewer. One of the best is the Tri-Star. It's small, but it has the majority of those flavors present. Artificial strawberry flavor? That's just the main flavor, none of the rest are present.
Most of the time you see "artificial flavor" they only bother to duplicate the single main flavor of the natural food. They don't bother with all of them.