What's your answer to this?
What's your answer to this?
Is it more filling though?
There's a double Big Mac?
D, all of the above
salad dressing.
thats the key word there
Thank god i eat the double qp cheese then
people overestimate the calories in Bic Macs, which is only 550 calories
Why would you get a salad at McD's anyway ? That's like buying a whore and asking for a hug
>can have
how much extra dressing do you have to ask for?
Aren't all Big Macs doubles? lol
If I want a salad, a fast food chain is one of the last places I would even think of going.
My arms are dicks though
Tbqh I eat my salads dry or a very light...balsamic something rather.
Oh man! Dick arms! I haven't seen you since high school! How ya been?
calories, fat, and sodium are not inherently bad
furthermore, I don't care at all
My answer after checking their menu is that McDonalds serves neither Double Big Macs nor any salads that have more calories than a normal Big Mac.
Please tell this to the cunt who made that pic and punch her in the face.
then don't eat it
Lay off the ranch and croutons fatass.
No. Double big mac has 4 patties.
It isn't a question, so I don't have an answer.
Carl your son of a bitch. Honestly, awful. No one wants a man with dick arms to love or employ. I can't do porno again. Not after Sharon.
Checkmate atheist
I don't eat at McDonald's so I don't care at all.
Answer? I gave up on them two decades ago because their food sucks. So that's my answer. Their food sucks.
Don't put the goddamn dressing on, there.
i keep hearing that this kind of thing is actually fairly common
I would do both things desu.
This is thirty year old news