Feel like shit

>feel like shit
>might throw up
>one sip of water
>instant relief
>feel reborn

what the fuck is in this stuff?

Other urls found in this thread:



>that first *sip* of the day

I got severely dehydrated once when I was a teenager and got lost walking around in the woods after hippy-flipping with a buddy.
Had to be hospitalized and put on a saline drip.
Severe dehydration makes you dizzy and delirious, you actually stop peeing after a bit and your muscles start cramping like crazy. My stomach hurt so much and I had to vomit but couldn't because I had nothing left in my system to vomit out.
Since then I don't do drugs in the woods, especially not without a sober babysitter, and I also drink a shit ton of water.
Helped my acne clear up too which is a cool benefit.
Remember to hydrate.

Water is a shit meme drink for pussies

Hydrogen and oxygen, mostly. It's a dangerous chemical cocktail that the government has tricked everyone into drinking. It's also what they spray in the chemtrails to make rain so that their water gets further inland and gets consumed by animals who they also mind control.

I drank water once and next thing I knew 80% of me was water don't try that stuff

They make bombs with hydrogen. Thats why I never drink water.

Is this the new copypaste? Sweet, it's a good one.

>coughing blood
>hair, skin, and teeth falling out
>intense stomachache
>take one sip of water
>instantly cured
Woah haha! That's so crazy what the heck XD???

>one sip of water
>instant relief
placebo effect, a single sip couldn't possibly have a gross, immediate, physiological benefit
there's a reason they give IV fluids

>current year
>not drinking at least 10 liters of water a day

I drink 4 a day and I'm not even meming. Any less is for niggers and faggots

Common stomach ulcer symptom ya spoon

I drink a gallon a day, and it's almost 4.

come back when you are drinking 10 gallons a day lightweight.

>what's in it
Water, ya fucknut. It's called being dehydrated.

It's nature's only constant, user.

shill some where else big water

>feel like shit
>might throw up
>one sip of water mixed with ethanol
>instant relief
>feel like i could take on the world

what the fuck is in this stuff?




>feel like I'm about to die
>literally shaking
>have a few sips of vodka
>I instantly feel amazing

Have I just discovered the cure to all ailments?

You've found a short term cure to delerium tremens

>hit by a bus
>leg gets amputated
>get terminal cancer
>literally fucking dead
>one sipp of water
>instant alleviated

Is water dare I say, /ourdrink/?

> drink water
> tastes horrible, seems to make me more thirsty
> pour down sink
> open delicious can of Coca Cola and drink
> mfw

>t. burger

>be me
>plagued by chronic nausea
>stomach twisting and turning for 45 minutes at a time, sometimes dry heaving, agony
>keep water nearby but usually can't bring myself to drink any because of how ill I'm feeling

>take a little sip of water one time
>nausea goes away for a minute or so
>comes back
>another tiny sip
>goes away again
>keep doing this until it doesn't come back
Wish I discovered this years ago. No substitute for Zofran but it makes this shit 1000x more managable.

>feel like shit
>might throw up
>one bowl of weed
>instant relief
>feel reborn

This is probably the best thread i've seen on Veeky Forums in weeks, maybe even months.

for real tho why does water sometimes make you thirstier

Are you my step-dad?

>feel like shit
>bloated and cramping
>one sip of water
>instant relief
>feel reborn

Im into this stuff!


I was thinking about this the other day after my friend was coughing a bunch from smoking. There is no way the sip of water he had could give him relief. Where the Veeky Forumsence boys at?

>drink some water
>still thirsty
>drink more
>thirst still isn't quenched
>stomach starts hurting
>suddenly projectile vomit everywhere
Only had that problem with water and it's happened twice in the last couple years

You need to drink something like gatorade. I forget why, but my med school roommate explained it to me one time.

increased water decreases electrolyte concentration in the blood, maybe? sodium potassium pump nigga

>have feeling
>it expands
>drink water
>it contracts
>feel like a new man

Woo wee mama!

>be gay
>feeling sweaty
>drink semen
>it goes away

Whats the stuff?

>Drinking water
>Doesn't know fish shit in it
Absolutely barbaric.

I hear fish bang in water.

>hot, feel like shit
>try drink some water
>Stung by a jellyfish
>one legged Puerto Rican man is forced to pee on my face
Fuck this shit I'm drinking cherry coke from now on

the way your kidneys work is that you need salt to absorb water into your blood. And water to get salt OUT of your blood.

Hence all that electrolyte gatorade shit. If you're just drinking water like mad, staying thirsty, and pissing like a racehorse, that means you've hit max water absorption levels and you need to either calm the fuck down and give your body time to absorb the water you already got, or get some salty snack to help it work

Source- Stuff I think I remember from wikipedia but is probably half-true bullshit

>tfw normies falling for the liquid Jew

>hungover/alcohol withdrawal
>feel like shit/death
>might throw up
>one sip of water
>no clean water, just warm tap
>tastes like chlorine and heavy minerals
>drink water
>drink water
>drink water
>pass out dehydrated and weak with bad nightmares

try drinking a gallon of filtered water a day, you gain super powers relative to your peers who just drink sodas/tea/coffee

>better looking skin
>hair looks healthier
>dont ever feel fatigue even during night shifts
>never get headaches
>will never get kidney stones
>your gains and maximum lifts at gym are increased as you have more energy
>comfiest feel when you thirsty as fuck and you take a big gulp of ice cold water
>it boosts your immune system
>prevents cramps/sprains

If you don't drink a lot of water in 2017, you are dumb.

>be black
>have one sip of water
>instantly turn white

what the fuck is in this stuff?

Fucking disgusting. Do americans really drink this?

no we drink high fructose corn syrup and/or alcohol

Oxygen is a highly reactive substance I wouldn't want to drink or inhale it.