Nobody in my neighborhood has ever done anything cool for Halloween so last year I scared kids and handed out candy...

I love these and Mary Janes

what do europeans get for candy on halloween? i want to pretend to be one

Well first you have to apply for your Trick or Treating license.

Quantity is key. You can give them the highest quality candy in the fucking world but it won't matter when the next door neighbor hands them a full sized hershey bar.

do europeans really hate non whites that much?

They probably sell full sized Mr. Goodbar but the only full sized Krackel I remember was from selling fundraiser candy bars for little league

Yep, I think I'm gonna do full sized bars and ring pops.

Last year I was in the front yard with a cauldron over a fake fire (one with the silk flames), a fog machine on full blast, a Halloween sounds CD, and a black hooded robe. Kids either really loved it or really freaked out, lots of fun. This year I want to get a black light with a foot switch and paint my face and hands like a skeleton so I can beckon and be a little more visible from the street. Might also buy or make some dummies to stand around the cauldron with me and apply the same paint job.

If it ends up as scary for the kids as I think it will be, full sized candy will be warranted. Thanks everyone for the suggestions.

Good deal. I live like 20 minutes away from Hershey so everyone passes out Hershey bars. Last year I gave out big bags of Skittles, try to mix it up a bit, you know?

Ring pops are always a gross mess.
I like jawbreakers as a hard candy so if I end up with extra I can eat them without feeling like a drooling retard.

hajhahahhahaha lol