Is Worcestershire Sauce the Soy Sauce of white people? I use it now on most things in place of salt
And is Lea and Perrins objectively the best?
Is Worcestershire Sauce the Soy Sauce of white people? I use it now on most things in place of salt
And is Lea and Perrins objectively the best?
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>Is Worcestershire Sauce the Soy Sauce of white people?
>And is Lea and Perrins objectively the best?
it's not even that salty, it just has a strong umami flavour
its the soy sauce of country redneck degenerates.
are you a degenerate country redneck op?
>it's not even that salty
that's what I like about it
It serves a similar purpose.
My grandmother used to make her own (she wasn't right in the head). It was better - in my opinion - than L&P. More tamarind, anchovy, and a bit of mango to smooth it out. Fermented in a 2L jug that I've since scoured the balls off of and now use for sour-beer experiments.
how the hell do you even make this at home
did she ferment the anchois for a long time?
The same way you make it anywhere else. Put a bunch of shallots, anchovies, etc, in a container. Let it sit in a dark place for fucking ages. Strain it out.
>Sauce the Soy Sauce of white people? I use it now on most things in place of salt
Soy sauce is the soy sauce of white people. Asians use it much more sparingly than white people do. Asians might use it in cooking certain dishes or in limited circumstances as a table condiment. Whiteys think that any and all Chinese or Japanese food needs to be soaked with it.
>>And is Lea and Perrins objectively the best?
It's certainly the best that I have tried. I think that's because it's actually fermented and contains anchovies. Every other brand I have seen is a cheap substitute that's made with artificial flavor. It's like comparing proper Parmiggiano-Reggiano with imitation "parmesan" made from wood fiber.
I just noticed this
I'm not sure what you're referring to, really.
Some people get triggered when they see kosher or halal marks. Is that it? I'm not really sure why anyone would care. Seems like such a trivial thing to 'sperg out over.
Water is also halal. It's just a marketing thing.
No animals were harmed in the making of this post.
Basically "hey muslims, you can eat this."
You could put that label on pretty much anything that doesn't have alcohol, pork, carrion, blood, or non-halal killed meat in it. Lettuce is halal.
Ditto the Klbd logo - that's the British version of the kosher logo.
It's a descendant of garrum a roman sauce. Fuck off.
I can picture a T-Shirt that says that, but with a loaded revolver pointing out.
>Is Worcestershire Sauce the Soy Sauce of white people?
Considering it contains soy sauce, no.
You're retarded.
Top choice. Makes a mean Heinz 57 knockoff with a couple other ingredients.
It has a much more complex flavor than soy sauce
Yes, it was
soy sauce with 20 other things dumped in it is more complex than soy sauce
what a shocker!
next you'll tell us that the bushes and the clouds in mario are the same sprite recolored
If you buy Worcestershire sauce that has soy sauce in it you need to buy better Worcestershire sauce pleb.
except a good worcestershire doesn't contain soy sauce or even soy in general, fucking pleb
the umami in this comes from anchois and not soy
>muh jews putting soy in stuff to turn men gay
So you don't consider Lea & Perrins to be "good Worcestershire sauce", then. Because soy sauce is on the original ingredient list, it's quite clearly documented.
I don't.
Henderson's Relish is superior and I'm not even a northern monkey.
>the original ingredients list
That would be the one they don't make anymore and none of us have ever tried.
Solid argument there, user.
That's some pretty deep denial, given that sources from the company itself have confirmed the only changes were cuts in sugar during the rule.
But hey, whatever lets you tell yourself you're superior to those feminized yellow monkeys taking over the world as you live on NEETbux and spend your days on a forum devoted to their children's cartoons. I won't take that away from you because you obviously have almost nothing else.
*during the war
The Worcestershire sauce you now and love is no where near the original recipe, even more so if you're consuming the American variant.
t. Worcestershire resident.
The recipe changed again in the mid nineties.
>the umami in this comes from anchois and not soy
Actually, it comes from both.
>Implying your tongue can't taste glutamate
Just because a jap discovered it and named it after a jap word doesn't mean it doesn't exist
>vinegar, molasses and tamarind
Doesn't sound very white people to me.
It's more like the fish sauce of white people but sure.
Personally, I find it's fairly strong taste distracting outside of very meaty dishes so I use it sparingly. It's good in homemade blue cheese dressing.
>weeaboo expecting his opinion to be taken seriously
>I am easily offended by things I don't like
Lea & Perrins does not contain soy sauce.
Never has.
No mate, you're a weeb and thus a fucking retard.
>uses both redneck and degenerate as insults
>remember I still have a bottle of that stuff somewhere.
>find it in the back of a cabinet
>best before date: 07/2008
>taste some
>still tastes fine
What is this stuff anyway?
Mostly vinegar, so as long as the lid's on tight it'll last for ages.
fish left in barrels
Pretty much this. It's the west's incarnation of fish sauce.
It never goes bad. In fact, the story behind Lea & Perrins was that the founder tried making a sauce that he got a recipe for in Asia. After following the directions he found the sauce to be unpalatable and left the barrel in his basement, forgetting about it. Years later the sauce was sampled and found to taste delicious. It's fermented over a very long time period.
Ingredients seem simple enough. I never like the "natural flavoring" crap though. I get they want to keep their secrets, but natural flavoring means practically nothing.
>Henderson's Relish
Are you the guy that often posts about that here?
I bought a bottle several months ago after seeing someone sing its praises here. When I first tried it I thought it was shitty since it lacks the strong savory and salty flavor of Lea & Perrins. It was like talking L&P and deleting part of its flavor profile. But since then I've taken a liking to using it in cooking or mixing it with other sauces to make up for that missing bit. I quite like it now. I don't think it's better or worse than L&P--rather, it's a different thing for different applications.
Anyone ever mess with "Bourbon Barrel Aged" Worcestershire?
I heard about it on a couple cooking shows. The only stuff I could find was fake-ass "vegan" worcestershire which I didn't bother to try. I didn't want to fool around with a full-size whisky barrel, so what I emulated it:
-Get a glass growler like you might use for beer
-Pour in a half cup of barrel-proof Bourbon
-Fill up with L&P
-Insert a few of those charred wood spirals used for infusing homemade wine, spirits, etc (pic related)
-Stick in the closet for 6 months
Holy fuck is it awesome.
Dude what
It's great on hot chips or as ameripoors call them "fries"
guess what the "natural flavoring" is
You don't know either fagtron
Did you miss the part where he sad "Original recipe"? You posted a pic of a modern bottle.
Dial your clock back 200 years.
depending on which one you're going to go REEEE DISAGREES WITH MY POLITICS FAKE NEWS about
the liquid portion's around 1/4 soy sauce, end of story
I'm not believing any stupid rumours from faggots on fake news sites
opinion discarded
>malt vinegar (from barley)
>spirit vinegar
>anchovies (fish)
>tamarind extract
no soy or soy sauce in there, it doesn't fall under "flavorings" either
They're required to put it on the label if food contains soy, as soy allergy is one of the most common food allergies.
Soy labeling isn't mandatory in the US.
You guys and your "n-n-no this thing I like CAN'T be dirty gook racemixing" /pol/posting, directly arguing with statements from L&P themselves, are straight up there with my asshole uncle buying exclusively Magnavox electronics cause it's an American brand iff'n don't end with an O.
consider sudoku autismo
>being this abhorrently retarded.
You could pretend to know US safety laws and not make a total moron if yourself. But who am I kidding, your ads masturbating to your own ignorance right now.
Even after I'm gone, a little piece of soy will still live on inside you every time you use worcestershire. :^)
>not mandatory in the US
>HURR DURR /pol/
See screenshot, you dumb shit. So predictable.. the loudest are always the biggest morons.
but worcestershire sauce doesn't give me bitch tits so it can't contain soy
This is objectively untrue, Japanese people douse fucking everything in mirin and soy sauce
>Japanese people douse fucking everything in mirin and soy sauce
Is that why asian men are so beta? they ingest too much Xenoestrogens
Wikipedia says that the UK version uses malt vinegar whereas the US version uses distilled white vinegar. Can someone that has consumed large quantities of both give us a rundown on how the malt vinegar changes the flavor profile and which version is better. Thanks in advance.
malt vinegar tastes more malty and white vinegar tastes more whitey
Buy some white vinegar and some malt vinegar and taste each.
>be a retard
>make incorrect assertions then start screaming about /pol/ for no reason
Every time
I know the difference in taste between malt vinegar and distilled vinegar. That doesn't mean that is the difference between the US and UK versions of the product. The article implies that there are other differences as well as the US version is supposed to be based on some Indian recipes.
>/pol/ wrong
>proven wrong with citations
biggest bunch of dindunuffins possible.
>>/pol/ wrong
/pol/ has nothing to do with it
>>proven wrong with citations
Daily Mail is not a reliable source on what products are made with
Your brain is mush
this might be the worst case of the /pol/ boogeyman I've ever seen, and I fucking hate /pol/ too
literally noone agrees with you, and it's not because they hate asians, it's because the sauce doesn't fucking contain soy or soy sauce, neither the US or UK versuib
>said the man browsing an anime imageboard
>A challenger appears
I could of sworn it's a food and cooking image board?
>he doesn't know the difference between /a/ and Veeky Forums
wtf? I really think you see more people bitching ABOUT /pol/ than people from /pol/ themselves.
Ive read the thread and at no point did anyone start talking about /pol/ or racist or shit until that one guy lost his argument so he resorted to what he knows. just scream stupid shit
In blue cheese dressing? Wut?
It's a fairly common ingredient in blue cheese dressing
you have to pay for halal certification and most money goes to funding(more) muslim business's and schools.
people also claim funding terrorism/ISIS etc.
Veeky Forums is an anime imageboard, Veeky Forums is but one of it's sub-boards