Breakfast, Veeky Forums; you?

Breakfast, Veeky Forums; you?

Snus and redbull mixed with orange juice

Pls tell me you at least cooked those

I fried it up a little, yeah. I'm not an animal.

Should've put it in a sandwich, maybe some lettuce and melted cheese.

this plus some broccoli and probably an avocado

A quart of milk and a pack of GPCs.

3 egg omelette with cheese and a glass of water

why is there a knorr beef stock pot on your plate?

>500grams of cheese

Your LSD seems to be kicking in.

Somehow I'm more disgusted you drank a quart of milk.

Cheese is good for your bones and butthole.

You need to fry it until it’s crispy, you fuck

He doesn't NEED to do anything. If you like it fried crispy, then tell him that and maybe suggest it's something he would like to try.

i eat that much cheese every day

Half a kilo pork tenderloin and half a kilo potato gratin. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack, all in one.

Mozzarella is almost like a glass of milk, very delicious and light. I can assure you that 500g is nothing.

>t. american """""cheese"""""

Today's breakfast

Did you plan on shitting yourself?

Are you fucked? 500g is 1400 calories of mozzarella. 1/3 your daily caloric intake in one block of cheese, ya sounds light to me.

What's with all the fucking geriatrics on this board? Jesus Christ.

>1400 calories
>1/3 your daily caloric intake

>consuming 4200 calories per day

Hi, America.


Grits with black pepper, crumbled bacon, and goat cheese.

That turned my stomach just reading it.