nuggies or tendies...
these are the times that try men's souls.
nuggies or tendies...
these are the times that try men's souls.
They're two buttons on the same jacket my man.
They're called nuggers, newfag.
I prefer tendies but I don't know what repub means. Is it saying, like, chicken tendies are for republicans?
chicky fingies > chicken tenders
I will be making chicken tenders for the first time in my life today. Wish me luck. Can I use bread flour instead of flour?
this was odly profound
It's a breading to meat content ratio.
The two are practically incomparable.
nuggies are almost always made of mechanically seperated meat while tendies are usually made of real meat as long as you avoid frozen garbage.
I actually cook real chicken recipes because I'm not a manchild forever living in mom's basement.
It's pretty easy.
>go to google/bing/duckduckgo/(insert other search engine)
>type 'chicken recipe' or something more specific to suit particular taste/ingredients/circumstances
>click on options till you find one you feel you will like/be able to handle
>follow directions
I know you retards can play video games that take endless hours of involvement and have exceptionally complicated interfaces.
You should be able to manage this.
But then, you are living in mom's basement, so I suppose the drive isn't really there.
tldr: kys manbaby
You need to go back.
Abomination or the future?
>mechanically seperated meat sounds weird so it's bad
It's literally just forcing unused animal parts through fine screens to separate edible parts which would otherwise be wasted from the bone and tougher connective tissue. At best it's pieces of meat that weren't removed from the bone, and at worst it's just offal and other edible parts people arbitrarily think is yucky.
you still wouldn't say that hamburger is basically the same as a steak
I also wouldn't call steak real meat implying that hamburger is ersatz food
I would, however, say it's fucking delicious.
No thanks
>nuggies or tendies
This is some fucking brit/aus faggot meme, right?
why is it turkey?
If you call nuggers nuggies you must be a tendies man, which is fine by me. Fuck those nugger nuggers.
Bernard Matthews make the second best frozen chicer nuggers commonly available in all UK super markets. Some made man in their development lab has decided to go with the Turkey on this one
I found the tastiest brand of frozen nuggies.
They're so heckin' juicy.
Haven't found a good brand of frozen tendies. They're always dry and stringy.
>not Mumsnet Rated