why do ethnic people love rice + beans + meat (usually chicken)?
Why do ethnic people love rice + beans + meat (usually chicken)?
Cheap food
And good for you. Did you know rice and beans make a complete protein?
With shit bioavailability don't fall for the vegan lies nigga
what are "ethnic people"?
people with spanish heritage?
I guess all people since everybody has an ethnicity
I'm not vegan I just like protein with my protein nigga. I eat the fuck outta some chicken.
It's very cheap and most of the world is very poor.
White people don't have ethnicity. That's why they're dying out.
"Ethnic people" is a stupid white person's way of trying to politely say "not white people"
because it costs about 0.52 cents
Oh great, here we fucking go...
Actually it's everyone's way of saying it because it's become socially acceptable for non whites to talk so much shit about whites and get away with it. The same way a black person can wave a sign that says fuck blue lives and kill more cops it's brave but if I held a sign that simply said I dislike people with a high melanin count it would be a hate crime.
Pro tip: Beans and Rice have been important staple crops in every major society's history at one time or another.
Beans were a very important part of the European diet all the way up to the 20th century, especially after American cultivars were introduced in the 1500s. And rice has been a sought after food staple going all the way back to ancient Greece.
Why did white immigrants and black slaves forcibly brought to the US eat bread, corn, beans, chicken and pork prior to industrialization? Oh, because it was cheap and sustaining. Really makes you think, niggah.
Ya called it
because it's a great combination
ever tried it? it's pretty fucking good breh
Yeah, shitskins shouldn't be allowed to say that white people don't like spicy food. If I'm not allowed to hang a nigger from a tree until he's dead, why should an uppity minority be allowed to say anything about my food preferences? Being white is so hard these days with the out of control political correctness.
You're completely ignoring my point
Why do ethnic people always constantly harp on about their beans and rice and shit cuts of meat and, when they finally serve them to you, they're totally meh tier cooking which I could do much better?
And you completely missed the point on his post you idiot. Fuck back off to /pol/
You have no fucking point - none, zero. You're just an alt-right /pol/tard who needs to crawl back under his circlejerk safespace.
Then you explain it. Why is the black guy holding a sigh that says I kill cops acceptable when a white guy holding a sign that says fuck antifa is not?
I just want to remind Americans that Spain is a country in Europe, and spaniards, the people with spanish heritage, are considered to be white.
While the people living in South America and Middle America are not white and should not be confused with spain. They do have spanish heritage, but only because the white spaniards conquered the Indians living in these areas and took the women.
>spaniards, the people with spanish heritage, are considered to be white.
do shitskins really believe this?
Moorish dick kinda muddled the Iberian gene pool to hell and back. Same with Sicily.
behold the master race
And still not an actual answer
The better question is:
Do the mongrel peasants in the US really believe they aren't mongrel peasants because they aren't black?
Must be pretty comfy to have the bar set so low.
What's the question?
thats not a good comparison, cops choose to be cops
Do we still really have to continue this fucking shit? The thread is about rice and beans, not SJW cuckboy argues with basement dwelling neonazi. Both of you go to fucking /pol/
Not that guy but because they chose to be cops it's ok to go around saying that they should be killed? Regardless of your skin color that's fucked up
nigga your post is just as off topic
anyways rice and beans(or legumes more broadly) are a top tier combo, the question you should be asking is why anyone doesn't love it
Any legume/grain combo is great.
I really like lentils and buckwheat.
I can't say that I've ever had that. Worth trying, or am I not really missing anything?
I like it. It's chewier than most grains, but it's got a really great nutty flavor. I like cooking it with lentils in beef broth, very comfy and filling.
sustenance and dat shit good senpai
cos all cops are bad people and not all non whites are bad also they dont talk shit about white people cos they white they doin it cos whites been opressing them since like forever
when have coloured people ever been higher in society than whites?
Stopped reading right there, boy
>it's become socially acceptable for non whites to talk so much shit about whites and get away with it.
>this makes them bad people, so I better so the same thing as them
Ever heard the saying "be the change you want to see in the world"? You're not fixing anything by being racist in response. You're justifying them talking shit about white people.
Naw, fuck that.
So you're just as bad as the niggers who hold up the "kill all cops" signs, keep that in mind
And blacks choose to commit crimes then resist arrest
The time for discourse ended a long time ago. Leftists can't be convinced to leave white people alone and they own all media and education so it's just going to get hammered into everyone's mind for generations to come. Its time for a civil war.
>White people don't have ethnicity.
Oh, the irony....
you're all retarded
>You're justifying them talking shit about white people.
Foreigners stick together and take over communities while you go "dun b raycis yall". This is why whites are getting replaced.
>spaniards, the people with spanish heritage, are considered to be white
Old Spaniards were. Once you were raped by Muslims you turned into just another lazy minority.
Beans are cheap, rice is cheap. In many nations chickens are easy to obtain and raise, so they're cheap too. Same with fish.
>implying noble people of color would ever stoop so low as to engage in bigoted ethnocentric behavior
Only white people do that, fucking bigot.
>the vegan
You guys just can't stop thinking about us huh? Living in your heads rent free.
We actually don't think about you at all.
Your lack of concern is made obvious by your decision to reply to a post from 10 hours ago.
Rice is the cheapest grain, beans are the cheapest legume, chicken is the cheapest meat.
rly makes u think
You don't know what bioavailability means you ubernigger
Grains and legumes have complementary amino-acids. The amino acids low on one side are high on the other. Satiation effect is therefore stronger and you can't develop protein deficiency. You will find a lot of grain/legume dishes in most traditional cuisines.
Stop pretending you know anything about history just because you saw a Tarantino film once
But, OP,.....everyone is ethnic.
>vegans don't think about meat eaters at all
Oh wow...
>carnists literally have Veeky Forums up 24/7 just in case they need to reply to a vegan
You sure showed him
3rd world poverty, that's why.
1st world poor people are obese as heck.
Americans need to eat more beans/rice.
Spaniards/ Latin Americans mix with Indians, Africans, Filipinos, even German or Italian immigrants & Chileans in Easter Island.
Latinos are mutts, I mean, multiracial people.
Interesting, but this is why Latin America isn't Europe.
cheapest grain
cheapest filler
cheapest meat
spics, muslims, orientals all do the same thing
Stop being a dumb nigger. Protein is protein is protein, it's all made of the same 20 amino acids chained together in different patterns. Your body don't give a fuck so long as it's not an enzyme that's hurting you. Bioavailability is for drugs, now go drink some grapefruit juice faggot.
Pork is actually really cheap in some places but it's not acceptable to a lot of people. I don't eat it, not for religious reasons but because it's supposedly the closest thing to cannibalism anatomically and that fucks with my head.
Except that's not true.
Your body is actually conditioned to better absorb meat protein. It would take thousands of years of effective evolution for that to change. It simply won't. I'll take biochemical evidence from actual scientists than some vegan nonsense any day.
because its tasty
Peasants can't afford better.
Rice beans and chicken are all very cheap and very versatile.
why do white people love mayo