Why are mods (((bacon))) loving Jewish rats?
Are mods Hebrew?
Why is moot a lanky Twink?
That faggot kike from Facebook, I think
>eating pig
hmm... something doesn't add up here
Jews still promote the consumption of pork for profit.
Where do you think the (((bacon))) on everything meme came from?
epic meal time?
what the heck. you were right
Because it's /pol/shit outside of /pol/
Or course I was. It always turns out to be a jew. Their spider webs reach far and wide
DESU bacon is dope fan and the only people I know that hate it or cant eat it are fucking autists from the 10th century dessert.
/pol/ was never an original board. neither was /news/.
polite sage
>Muh original anime boards
hey, I'm not the one calling others newfags you fucking newfag reddit hipster beta cuck [insert buzzword]
polite sa-gay
Go ride a trai/n/ to dicktown, cancer.
Fuck off newfag, Rick and Morty watching scum.
>But muh South Park and bacon
news was around before pol then it got removed and then it was reinstated a few years ago.
mmm... work on your shitposting, that wasn't even bad-funny, let alone remotely genuine.
t. Professional shit posting newfag
Kill yourself, kiddo
kay, hun.
Ok, why not...
I'm in my 40's now, married, straight guy, well except this, just for frame of reference.
>Be 13
>Have best friend Bill
>Bill and I are noticing girls
>no internet, so always scavaging for pornomags
>I find some old ones in my older brothers junk in the attic
>Share with Bill
>hormones rampant, Bill and I start jerking off together
>whose bigger, who comes first, shit like that
>It inevitably leads to jacking each other off
>It's bad. Our hang outs are literally naked roman jack off festivals.
>Before long, we start debating sucking each other
>Horny kids, we go for it
There is nothing worse than blowing your load in a friends mouth, then after horniness passes, it's "your turn". Anyway...
>It starts getting insane
>You know what's fair? 69'ing
>One day he dresses up in him Mom's bra, panties, heels, and a blonde wig his sister had from a halloween or theater
One Sunday, after hanging out with Bill, my Dad says we need to talk
>I can't hang out with Bill, because he has been accepted to a gifted kids school.
>He's leaving today
>and just like that, he was gone.
Fast forward 5 years
>Bill and I randomly end up at the same college
>Run into him, he's literally swishes when he walks
>K, pretty gay, whatever
>He says we should hang out
>I excuse, duck, dodge, for 4 years
Fast forward about 15 years
>My Mom is overmedicated for spinal degeneration
>It's like she has dementia
>I tell her that I bumped into Bill's Mom, she's well
>Mom calls me my Dad's name, and asks if I remember when Bill's Mom called them and said she walked in on Bill wearing her underwear and sucking user (me)?
>She then says how lucky we were that user (me) didn't turn out to be a faggot
So, there you go.
not bad, popped a semi
That's pretty rad, except for the whole "getting shoved back in the closet by your parents" thing
Don't normalize faggotry, user. It was horniness, not a lifestyle. They dun good.
Wow I've never seen this pasta b4
he got quads, cant really argue with him
Kek, I take back everything I said user
While the OP post is /pol/ shit, Veeky Forums has the worst fucking mods. I get banned for no reason all the time.
It was pol shit, but it did add to the conversation in an educational way.
But yeah, fuck the mods
I love the Veeky Forums mods.
I'm not saying I totally agree with it resulting in a ban, I think politics is inevitable in discussions about food, all I am saying is that I can sort of understand it.
I've been given bans for bizarre, completely unexplainable reasons. Meanwhile /sip/ shit stays up 24/7.
No but Veeky Forums has always been full of politically incorrect humour.
>Meanwhile /sip/ shit stays
Don't be causing shit about me sips m8
The mods are dino tendies eating manchildren, they'll ban you for talking about wine, but not shitposting about /sip/ and fazoli's day and night