Tfw you spill icing on your face

>tfw you spill icing on your face

>you spill icing on your face
do americans really do this?

How the fuck do you even spill icing on your face like that? Did they put the pastry bag in their mouth and splooge out more than they could handle?

bottom left a cute

Blacked is so 2012. Obama's gone, the compulsive black-pandering years are over. You can stop feeling cucked now.

Downvoted. You forgot about le based black man who is a based MAGApede :(.

why do white men like this

Regained sense of control during Obama years after the painfully inevitable election and re-election of President You-Proved-You're-Not-Racist.

Blacked posting is a form of identification with the aggressor, i.e. trying to feel smug because they are on his team, but mainly trying to avoid feeling personally cucked. Similar to abused children growing up to be pedophiles, they turn their victimhood against someone else, as if they were passing a baton.

back to /tv/, shithead

I think I have a cum fetish lads.

Why no cum on Elsa Jean?

she's pure

Me too.

I'm a Black male but why does this guy's hand looks so fucking gross
I remember in another thread, someone said he had clubbing of the fingers.

When I was a kid I first saw a black man's hands and his palms were lighter and it totally freaked me out

Pls forgive me magical negro user I wss just a kid and didn't know I was being raciss

Who's bottom left?

Taylor Swift, Queen of the White Tweens, has gone full-on BLACKED.

>BLACKED posting is now on Veeky Forums
/pol/ ruins everything


Stop giving them replies, ffs.
Just report and hide these threads and don't give them the attention they want.

Chanel Santini

>/tv/ ruins everything



I don't think so.

>not interested
>into the oven