Do bubbles in water make water more good?

do bubbles in water make water more good?

not unless flavors other in made

what if no flavors, just bubbles in, then gooder?

bad good, try ever seltzer water, no are

no- sparkling. Seltzer baaaaaaaaaa d

I'll have a glass of bubbles thanks, hold the water.

I prefer the cloudy water rather than bubbly.

>tfw you buy bottled water not realizing it's sparkling and you take that first bizarre, alarming, confusing sip

water with bits is the best flavor imo

Goodest water has oil on the top.

Fraking improves water quality

Yeah, because you sure wouldn't realise it's sparkling when you open the bottle.

Europoors like their water fizzy.

>America is first wor-

And Americans like their water like THIS!

That's just electrolytes

Where I live, in the US, you can set your faucet water on fire. Not even joking. On the up side, I have free gas for my entire house.

>he doesn't know the actual definition of first world, second world, etc.
Great job

>Europoors don't even get free juice on tap

lol what a baller

The social definition is only about utilities and quality of living. A lot of places here in the US is 3rd world tier.

What mean this?

none of the US is 3rd world tier, some of it may be 2nd world tier though
2nd world is Brazil or India
3rd world would be 80% of Africa


Personal preference.

Europoors won't drink water out of the tap, only fizzy water out of a bottle, then they light up a cigarette.
Seriously, what is that about?

3rd world just means not aligned with 1st or 2nd world blocs. Granted, they are usually poor countries.

Spell neighbor


Not anymore socially. Now it just means really shitty conditions. Like most of BFE where you can't get internet and there are holes large enough to swallow a tire in the road.

It's only been 5 years since my area got anything other than dial-up and 3 years since the roads here started getting paved. They were all gravel before. There's no trash pickup, no water utility, and no sewer utility. You have to deal with all that yourself. The only utility there is, is electric which is off a great deal of the year. Though, it is getting much better at least. This is in the USA too.

Spell what?