What type of food should a sick man be eating?

What type of food should a sick man be eating?

hot dog

Congee. Put leftover rice in boiling stock for a bit, add salt and cinnamon.


Hearty soups with lots of vegetables, whole grains, fresh fruits, and lots of water. Juice is a good way to get some hydration and vitamin c, but pure water is better for staying hydrated.

So de macacou


A nip of brandy


tomato soup (with basil) and some grilled cheese.

Soups and some whiskey.

Pic related.
Good source of vital nutrients, filling and very tasty!

Just chuck it in the microwave for two minutes.

chicken soup with egg pasta and a lot of black pepper

I've always eaten simple things like cereal and sandwiches. Also, lots of vodka and freshly-brewed green tea (Arizona tea is for hillbillies and faggots).

stop shilling this shit, the last thing a sick man needs is junk food

I like to make ramen noodles with a broth comprised of a shitload of grated ginger and minced garlic and then pour it over sliced hot peppers

The ginger and hot pepper fixes cold symptoms and garlic is just there to taste good and maybe be healthy if you listen to meme shit

>My cock

this is pretty top tier also

ginger and chili though

>junk food

yeah sure, if a nutritious, filling, good tasting meal is """junk"""

Stop throwing around buzzwords

>microwavable meal consisting mostly of processed "cheese" "food"
>not junk
>fucking nutritious of all things
don't make me laugh

Is this bait?



That stuff is revolting.

Spicy Tom Yum soup from your local Thai resturaunt!!!

I'm not joking, I always order a McDouble when I'm sick and swap the soda for orange drink. Instantly makes me feel better the next day.