Why do southerners make the best gravy?

Why do southerners make the best gravy?


Because they aren't afraid of lard

i usually dislike white gravy

Southern Cooking is primarily formed on foundations of african, carribean, and french influences whereas northern coastal cooking was later influenced by germans and irish and italians.

These heavy, cream based sauces are generally french in influence

they are the fattest

Lots of salt, butter and sugar make anything taste good

Get thee back to /pol/ and fill up on a fat based sauce surrounding a fat based sausage spread over a lard based bread dough. Yum, I'se fum MS.

they use lard, no shuga

Lard isn't used, they use the sausage grease for the roux.

because it's made with sausage drippings for the roux, and then we add cream and nice crispy sausage bits

>Lard isn't used
you must be all skin n bones, boy

There's no lard in sawmill gravy.

All "American" gravy is shit-tier

T.king of bongland.

>Southerners eating literal sawdust and pork fat
You can't make this shit up

you tryna be healthy or somethin' boy? hey everybody come look at user, he done went vegan on us!

>dishes have to include whatever their names remind me of

>hurr I'm gonna pretend to be southern

The fat comes from the pork sausage, not from lard.

oh honey, you just retarded aint ya. Bless your heart



oh honey, you just retarded aint ya. Bless your heart

Southerners make the best food in America, period.

Lard is pork fat. The sausage is pork sausage. The grease is lard.

They give no fucks about fat and sugar.

Sausage, flour, and milk.
Wow, the very pinnacle of cooking, you have super high standards of taste and health. You must be a highly trained, intelligent, well traveled and experienced mature super-taster to have identified this delicacy as "THE BEST".
You know the south is America's great embarrassment, right? If we had just let them go during the Civil War, they would be a proper third world country, on par with Mexico. The Mason–Dixon line is where the Wall belongs.

Sausage and bacon grease make the best gravy. Flour, whole milk, and salt/pepper are added gradually until you make your desired amount. While waiting, I munch on bacon as an appetizer throughout the process. I like my gravy extra thick and off-white, so bigger pieces of sausage get the job done nicely. You won't be hungry til the afternoon if you make it like that.

Needs more gravy

Or... are the the fattest because they make the best gravy?

obsessions like this can be treated with therapy, user. don't be afraid to get help.

>You know the south is America's great embarrassment, right?

actually, the national embarrassment would be the liberal cesspools that are LA and NYC, or maybe the "sanctuary cities"

most Americans would tell you that the South is full of culture and beauty.

I agree. Now if only we could get the carpetbaggers to pay for it...

clearly you can because you did

>You know the south is America's great embarrassment, right?
Everything that can be defined as unique American culture comes from the South, from the food, to the music, to the literature...

I bet you think suet is beef fat too.

Take your implications elsewhere, rendered pork fat is the definition of lard.

and it's all garbage

What's it like being this booty-bothered?

why are you asking me to tell you how you feel

>Everything that can be defined as unique American culture comes from the South, from the food, to the music, to the literature...

There really is something to be said for this. Cajun, Soul food, Creole, BBQ and southeastern and gulf coast seafood. Plus literature as diverse as Flannery O'Connor, Eudora Welty and William Faulkner; jazz, as complicated a form of music as any in terms of music theory. For all it's faults, the south is pretty fucking chill.

>For all it's faults, the south is pretty fucking chill.
Yeah, whenever people give me shit about being from Mississippi, I'm like, Mississippi is literally the birthplace of modern music. We produced BB King AND Elvis. Nevermind William Faulkner.

loolol off course the flyover cuckfag would say this loollololoololoolollol

America's embarrassment is the army of flag waving idiots who shout stupid shit like "America is number #1" and the idiots who shovel shit food into there pie holes and call people who eat healthy fags until they get a stroke. Same batch of fuckheads are in every state.

Anyways country gravey made from fresh killed hogs and fresh milk is the best. Doesn't matter what retarded state you live in. These fresh ingredients are just more common in rural areas. One of the few if only perks of living in Fucksville nowhere.

>America's embarrassment is the army of....

....self loathing beta males and feminists, brainwashed by Jews to support the demise of their own nation and culture.

No other culture is infected with brainwashed self hatred as is the American white urbanite.


You dont get to a weight that starts with an eight by eating lightweight

brown the shit out of the sausage(try spicy) on a highish heat burnt bits are key
remove from pan
Make a simple roux which is equal butter not fake shit and flour secret type is stone ground.
Cook the roux down a bit till it is light brown/dark blonde
Slowly wisk in whole fat milk
Bring to boil and salt it heavy
Pepper it like its an africanized bee tryna fuck a bitch up then double it
Add the sausage back in cook 3-5 mins
Let it cool/thicken 3-5 mins
Serve over a split biscuit. Flakey is nice as it adds a bit of texture but buttermilk is tradional

If you see gravy that is almost white like milk its going to be a shit gravy
It should be a bit brown as this shows the sausage/roux was heated enough to create a good maillard reaction(browning into thousands of flavours)

> Gravy
> It's white
Hate to inform you, but that's 'white sauce', not 'gravy'.

It's made from the drippings left behind after cooking meat therefore it qualifies as a type of "Gravy".

because all the best chefs move to London to work.

saw dust is a popular ingredient in the US, and they also make their parmesan from wood pulp

>tfw you're born and raised in the South but dislike biscuits

Sausage gravy is delicious with grits, and rice too.

nope, brownish gravy has an off taste and properly cooked roux does little if anything for the overall color of the finished product

They make the best gravy because they're the fattest.


BnG is my favorite comfort food

And with coffee for breakfast?

Comfy way to start the day

you forgot black pepper

>gets completely assblasted over a baiting post on a Chilean Basket Weaving forum
If anyone's an embarrassment, it's Florida and a good chunk of California. Y'all need some good ol' southern hospitality.

>chefs move to London...

Because the U.K. is a food desert where any quasi-decent cook from any given greasy spoon can easily sell their slop to a grateful british citizenry.

Gravy is supposed to be brown, thick and rich.

This guy

Truly a chicken or the egg situation.

>jizzes on some scones
yea nah

See a doctor. Immediately.

My nigga

Thor's fucking teeth!


Southerner here with a reminder that after you cook up your pork sausage in a cast iron skillet and drain the grease out to make your gravy with, bake your biscuits in that same skillet. They should fill the whole thing and stick together slightly. The sausage drippings left at the bottom put a tasty, crispy finish on your buttermilk babies. That's how my eighty year old godmother makes them.

Southerner here. Southern food is far and away the best American cuisine. I have family in the midwest and idk what the fuck they are thinking when they cook, everything is flavorless.

Your face is brown, thick, and rich.

Cheerwine is best

Das raciest

Muh /pol/

wow. it's an honor, sir.
