Could I survive on only celery and water for a weight loss diet? I'd eat whenever I feel hungry...

Could I survive on only celery and water for a weight loss diet? I'd eat whenever I feel hungry, and one stalk usually lasts me like 2-3 hours. I'm getting obese and just wanna lose like 15 kilos asap. Dropped 2 so far this week by eating like this, it's insanely boring, but as long as it isn't dangerous then it's fine right?

You can't keep that up. You'll be sick of it before the end of the day.

It's been fine for three days. It's just boring. I miss the taste of some meat.

Balanced Diet motherfucker. Eat it.

Also exercise.

Crash diets like this usually just end up in people gaining the weight back after stopping. From experience I kept trying to lose weight by cutting my calories drastically then giving up twice, now I finally made bigger permanent changes to my diet, have lost 20lbs so far and haven't felt bad or a craving once.

Why don't you mix it up with cucumbers at least? Oven roasted broccoli? Some snack tomatoes? A bit of lettuce?

You shouldn't completely skip on the protein either, otherwise your body is going to use it's own and you only want to burn fat I'm assuming.

If you want to lose weight fast you need to know that you can end up with some very unsightly loose skin.

My advice would be to instead try intermittent fasting, 23/1. Possibly paired with a ketogenic diet and some bodyweight exercises. 15kg is a decent amount of fat to lose, and you might find that your body still looks skinny fat if you don't put on a bit of muscle in that time. You can eat at a caloric deficit doing intermittent fasting + keto and still put on a bit of muscle.

tl;dr eat one meal a day with a mix of good fats, protein and veges, and if you really want to step it up a notch then go keto as well.

Losing weight by starving yourself just means you put yourself at risk of deficiencies, lose lots of muscle mass, and you will yo yo right back.

Why not go low carb vegetarian instead.

>inteminent fast

When someone says they are training for a marathon you say they should start by running a 5k non stop?

Eat more home cooked foods with less fat, eat more veggies and fruits and for the love of God exercise.
If you don't exercise while losing weight and just starve yourself you won't give your body time to adjust to the weight loss and you're going to have disgusting flabs of skin hanging off everywhere and the only way to rid yourself of it is with surgery.

if you have a calorie deficit, you burn muscle anyway, no matter how fat you are.

its why your bilirubin levels are elevated in the morning. you actually burn muscle every night since you dont eat for 8 hours

Don't starve yourself, you'll put the weight right back in.

Stop eating processed foods. Eat sensible portions. Eat lots of vegetables and lean protein, eat less pasta and fatty meat. Don't eat till you feel stuffed, just till you're not hungry. Get a good 30 minutes of exercise five days a week.

>t. Lost almost 80lbs, kept 65 of it off

Its easy as fuck and very simple. You can only really eat one good meal and then by the time you are possibly hungry again your hour is gone. Its literally anti-fatty. I'm just trying to stop this retard from eating literal celery + water. Which basically means hes already 3 days deep in what is essentially a water fast. He'll be fine.

Listen to this user except for that last sentence. Manage your calories to be less than your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE). Eating a couple hundred calories below your TDEE 5-6 days a week will cause you to lose a pound it two a week without causing you to feel constantly hungry and eventually give up on losing weight.

I'd add that fat doesn't make you fat, and you'd be better off counting calories or starting IF or Keto to have rapid, predictable and healthy fat loss.

That's technically true but deficiencies don't set in overnight. You can easily starve yourself for a couple weeks coming off a full diet with no ill effects.
I'd suggest going slightly less hard and maybe having one balanced meal a day instead, though. Vitamins aren't that hard to come by unless you have some really weird diet such as the OP and the recommended daily doses leave a fairly wide margin of error anyway. Eat some varied vegetables and an egg or two a day and accept that you won't go from lardass to sexyskinny in a week.

Unless you're asking about celery recipes.

Don't do any meme diets like IF or keto until you have established a better perminant diet. You will most likely just yo yo back.All these people telling you to do these diets have probably never even done them themselves

This. Just eat sensible portions of not junk food and exercise.

Establish good habits, that will last longer than a fad diet.

eat multivitamins, fish oil pills, and 500 calories worth of protein shake if you're serious.

What if i told you you can eat whatever you want and lose weight provided you maintain a caloric deficite?

Cool scientific fact bruh

You can eat nothing but junk food and still lose weight as long as you maintain a calorie deficit.

Of course you'll feel like shit and have cravings all the time and probably fall off the wagon and start over eating again.

That's why you eat sensible portions of healthy food and exercise.

Hey man don't back sass science - you're fat because you ignore it.

>be 90 kilograms, fat as fuck
>start working tossing potato crates around all day
>lose 20 kilos in a year, don't have to change anything about my diet

what the fuck ever fatlets

hey wagie

Weight loss shouldn't have to be like that. Imagine if you ate a ton of vegetables (who cares what they are)...the net result would be better than your previous intake. You don't have to limit yourself to celery, is all I'm saying. You have to change your cravings. That comes over time, as you distance yourself from the garbage and start to discover better options.

List of shit you can't go wrong with: Avocado, spinach, sweet potato, beets, artichoke, zucchini, cucumber, tomato, eggplant, peas, carrots, chick peas, kale--even celery. The list goes on. Basically hit the produce aisle hard (or the frozen food section, depending on budget) and then get moving. Burn calories.

Also, shit to avoid: bread, chips, fast food--anything filler that has little to no nutritional value. Pizza, regardless of toppings. Slop burgers and basically anything Guy Fieri advocates. No onion ring cheeseburgers, or deep fried yak dick. Vegetables, exercise and water. REPEAT. You'll see results.

i.. is that very fat or not so fat?

Just start eating celery and removing garbage tier foods from your diet. Biggest Loser tier shit will make you fatter in the end.

Just eat a lot of vegetables, lots of protein and no fat, count calories like an asspie, don't eat anything until 6pm and drink lots of tea. Works every single time for me. There's free software for android, scanning the bar-codes on food items to calculate caloric intake.