what the fuck is up with this meme hipster trash food?
it doesnt even fucking taste good.
Avocado Toast
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I love avocados. Have eaten them my whole life and they grow where I live. I resent that they have become memed because now people think I'm a memester.
avocado is good for you
avocado is basically the same as thing as butter.
butter grows on trees?
>he's never been to a butter orchard
>laughing girls.png
kill yourself
It is, you failed abortion
needs acidity. If I feel like making guacamole, I usually buy the bag of 5-6 ripe avocados for the price of 2-3 unripe ones. I eat my green goop, and if there are any unused green eggs, I usually either tempura them (if slightly unripe), or mash them with some orange or lemon on some (ideally rye) toast... sometimes with sardines.
>REEE my American public school teacher told me fats are bad and carbs are good. I'm only overweight because of my genetics
It tastes just like grassy crisco but they pretend to like it because in their mind it supports mexico.
That pic is the berfect breakfast. I eat it straight up with salt, pepper, lemon, lime, and cilantro if I got it.
Helps with nutrient absorbtion and is linked to higher IQs
Hence why these guys are retarded
You have to go back Pablo
>meant these retards
That's guac toast.
>meme hipster trash food.
You kind of answered your own question there OP.
Avocado is terrible for you.
What part of where I live did you not get?
Carbs are far more demonized in America than anywhere else in the world
lol no, literally what the fuck are you on about m8?
>Implying meat only diets and heart disease aren't our nutrition eduction
>Carbs are bad
Have fun with that type 2
Did you salt the avocado enough? It's inedibly bland without salt, but wonderful with it. Try adding a little bit at a time. If you don't like it after that, you're just a fucked up person who doesn't like buttered toast.
He's just a /pol/tard looking to blame avocados popularity on the boogyman flavor of the day.
Maybe its a meme, but a poached egg on avocado toast with the right amount of salt and pepper is amazing.
It is. But butter is also good fat.
The bad fats are margarine, shortening, and to a lesser extent, vegetable oil.
>He doesn't know unsaturated fat is used to help red blood cells carry oxygen throughout the body
>It is, you failed abortion
A turd with the right amount of salt and pepper is amazing tbf
I have this theorey that the rise in popularity of the "mashed avocado" stems from people likeing guacamole but being too stupid, lazy or lacking in attention span to the make their own. To conceal this fact they claim to actually like the incredibly bland and slightly greasy taste of straight avocado.
Almost every application of raw avacado that I've ever seen could easily be replaced (and DRASTICALLY improved upon) by guacamole.
I could see that
>failed abortion
Hot diggity
He was trying to insult an user, but instead he admitted to enjoying dining on feces to the whole thread.
Anecdotally, my sister did exactly this. Like 5 years ago she decided she could make her own guacamole by mashing avocado and eating it alone with crackers.
Nowadays she gobbles avocado toast and lives in Bushwick in an artist loft.
The theory holds up.
It's just a quick, easy, nutritious breakfast, I don't know why you faggots are all worked up about it.
>healthy fats/oils
>nutrient dense
>calorically dense
>toast(if good bread) gives some good fiber
Crack some pepper(and an egg if you have time) on that bitch and you're solid until lunch.
>People just pretend to like
Easy way to tell if someone is a projecting retarded
I don't want guacamole on toast as a breakfast food though. Plain WITH SALT.
It's something basic stacies with zero home ec skills can make and feel like they are culinary geniuses
>Crack some pepper(and an egg if you have time) on that bitch and you're solid until lunch.
Does the pepper make it more filling?
My Oklahoman grandmother introduced me to avocado toast in the 1980s.
Do you fags really think this is some new hipster invention?
It's a new hipster discovery, and the next one is probably lettuce for plates unless that's been done before.
I bet you also think vegetables are a new hipster discovery, too.
They most definitely can be.
It is good fat. Unlike you, who is likely bad fat.
Just go to McDonald's you pretentious faggots.
Your face doesn't taste good
I was the right amount of tired that I really enjoyed this post.
>avocado toast
Were you planning on feeling better about yourself here OP? Avocado toast was last year.
I eat it cause I think it tastes good, healthy or not.
were you alive in the 1980s?
Step aside, memelet.
avocado is full of good fats that butter simply doesnt have
i cant believe people still dont understand this, its been publicly available knowledge for i think 30 years now
Yeah, I buy this opinion.
Mostly on account of how plain avocado tastes like almost nothing.
Yeah man, and lemon will get rid of your toxins.
Public knowledge, 45+ years.
People in New York City are so retarded that they don't know how to do basic shit like pit an avocado and put a slice of bread in the toaster.
They're also workaholics, so they'll spen $4 on the avocado toast and another $4 to get it delivered to them because their lives are hollow and empty if they're not sitting at a desk typing memos for the big man.
>it doesnt even fucking taste good
well, you see, that's where you're wrong
fav breakfast is avocado toast, topped with two thin fried slices of spam cooked crispy, and further topped with a sunny egg
yes it's frequently eaten with a fork
the avocado should be ripe, mashed, have fresh lime juice on it and big crystals of your favorite salt (i like smoked fleur de sel)
What's the point?
willful ignorance isnt a good look for anybody user
is that you?
Mexifag here, god I hate avacados. They don't taste particularly bad but my issue is that they're bland as hell. Anything I put avacados on get its flavor overriden by the it. Can't even enjoy some damn tacos without it tasting like pure avacado
How can they be bland while also overpowering other flavors?
Easy it makes the whole thing taste like the bland avacado
Butter is good for you
Just realized I did this year's ago and that shit was cash. Gonna have it for breakfast now so thanks, OP.
no i am a man
you think that queen eats spam?
i don't eat carbs smothered in fat to be healthy ya ding dong
i dont understand the avocado meme, they literally have no flavor
It's creamy and because it doesn't have much flavor it goes good as an ingredient to like a turkey club or something. I wouldn't eat it plain on toast.
this is my biggest problem with it, nice i ate an avacado there goes an 8th-10th of my cutting diet for very little satiation
>i don't eat carbs smothered in fat to be healthy ya ding dong
Why not bacon? Spam is shit (inb4 you just didn't cook it right)
if you think avocado is tasteless there's something wrong with your tastebuds, no matter if it's a meme food or not