What do you think of this burger, Veeky Forums?

What do you think of this burger, Veeky Forums?

I had it yesterday during a company picnic.

What dickhead put both mustard an ketchup on your burger?

>Cheese isn't yellow

enjoy africa

It looks appropriate

Looks alright!

You can tell it's nothing special but it still looks a comfy burger.

What's wrong with that?

why are you using albino cheese

Never seen gouda before?

are you some kind of pleb

is that ground beef or sausage?

cheese is naturally white. it's only through additives that it becomes yellow.

Whoever heard of using a sausage patty in a hamburger?

>Untoasted white bun
>grey generic patty
>watery residue on the burger
>cheese not slightly melted
>No lettuce, pickles, onions

A nice dickhead.

I'm making burgers right now
Anybody wanna see when im done?

I'd eat it, but then again, I don't consider myself some high-standards burger connoisseur like the average Veeky Forumser.

cookout burgers usually look like shit but taste amazing

looks good, user. i like a simple, no frills burglar

Sure, but don't expect praise or something, you know how Veeky Forums is these days. Even if there isn't anything wrong, they'll make up new rules to complain about something.

It would be much better if the cheese was melted, but otherwise looks alright.

>autism: the movie

It is a below average burger in every single way. You can tell that the meat is low quality and there is no excusing the watery shit near the mustard and ketchup. If you fixed those then it would be a 7/10

Do you sponge off your patties with paper towel after cooking them so they're completely dry on the outside? You do, don't you.

Nah that user is right
Looks like the meat has filler, the bun is low grade, and the cheese is pathetic

What? No, of course not. They shouldn't be completely dry. But whatever residue is on there should not be on there, and it most definitely isn't oil from frying.

-Cheese isn't melted
-Bread looks a bit substandard
-Patty is a nice size
-No toppings, plain


>"and it most definitely isn't oil from frying"
They're grilled, have you ever had a job mate
How about one that had company cookouts

it's a bunch of frozen costco burgers grilled by Karen (or David) from management just doing their best, at a gas barrel grill that can fit like 50 burgers on it

sure it's low quality made by someone who was erring on the side of well done but nobody cares because it's free food in good company

>They're grilled
Exactly, it isn't any residue from cooking. So what the fuck is it and how did the person fuck up a simple burger so simply?
The rest of your points are fair, though.

The company apologizes for not making their burgers to your specific Veeky Forums gourmet super chef specs. They also said you can go ahead and fuck right the fuck off and have a nice day. It's a company picnic not a $27 burger. I would like to see how you react to the rest of the food there. I bet at least some kind of elbow pasta covered in mayo.

either its sausage or powdered beef by the looks of the cooked patty

That meat patty looks fucking disgusting. I'd put a substantial wager down it's at least 50% pink slime.

Rude. Pretentious burger connoisseurs have feelings too you know.

So did the cow that may have died to make that burger. Can't quite tell though if one did or not?

>Don't like water on your burger? Feel free to piss off to the nearest Michelin starred restaurant since you have such advanced gourmet tastes

U digg wha i'm sayin den eh?

What kind of knock-off Gouda are you guys being served? Original Gouda is as yellow as they come.

pretty sure that's grease, not water

Looks pretty good, OP. At a fire department open house and we got the same Costco burgers here. They're alright.

I'm weirded out by that dent in the top bun

Brat patties, yo.