Rate my dinner/10

Rate my dinner/10


did you take a shit on the fucking pizza

Dog bite?
More like dog shit all over that fucking pizza.

needs that garlic butter dipping sauce, but i'd eat it desu

the 40oz brings the meal together

pizza hut has the worst sausage. looks literally like rabbit poop

The pizza looks like it's covered in giant rodent turds

Fucking KEK

Call your pizza joint, they apparently mixed up by adding dog shit instead of cheese on your pizza

The pizza has no cheese on it I dont eat cheese

not to bad, but your gonna need sauces for those wings. and go ahead and put a layer of mozzarella cheese on that pizza. then sprinkle Parmesan cheese on it and throw in oven a few minutes. at least a 5/10.

what the fuck is wrong with you

>it's this faggot that doesn't eat cheese on his pizza
Goddamn dude, I haven't been on here in like 10 months, you are still doing these faggy rate threads you babby palate motherfuck?


hypertension heart disease by age forty/10

I'd accept the wings and the 40

Go to bed, Jamal.

He will with your bedridden mother in the nursing home she's waiting to die in.

You did all you could, lol.

Going to pick up some chinese food in a bit here. I'll post it.

>eating shitty but kind of tasty cheap junk food and getting drink on high abv shit beer


You're going to get Chinese food at Pizza Hut?

phut has awful wings but im craving them right now so i'd eat the left
right looks fucking disgusting

looks like dog food

>pizza hut
I'd still eat it..

my nigga

You're are 're going to die soon / 10

Wow. Do your BMs look like that? Are you a rabbit?

Wings look shitty but edible.
Pizza looks like absolute inedible garbage.
Would drink cheap beer and eat wings.