What is the BEST show about food and why is it diners drive-ins and dives? It's just a comfy show about a fat nigga eating different foods and it's great.
What is the BEST show about food and why is it diners drive-ins and dives...
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You Gotta Eat Here is a better version of triple D's with an actual likeable host that doesn't sexually harass the female chefs.
I think it's only on food network canada though
That guy looks like a nutter. I don't want to watch either of these shows.
>that doesn't sexually harass the female chefs
So why bother watching?
For me it's Good Eats, the very best food show ever.
OP here, actually triple d is tied for the best with good eats. Alton brown /our guy/
Bro what are you talking about.
my fucking nigga
Bizarre Foods is better. He actually goes to interesting places instead of normal, boring American restaurants. Guy has come to a few places near me and they're not even particularly good, just sort of arbitrarily chosen.
Cheap Eats guy is my nigga.
Alton Brown is a bit of contentious character around here lately though, mostly because this board is full of women and manginas who are butthurt that AB is a patriotic American.
That man looks like a faggot. No thanks.
Action Bronson seems like a bit of a dickhead and I don't really care for his music but he's pretty entertaining to watch. Plus the show is well produced, they go to some interesting places and all the food looks really good
>that man looks like a faggot
Guy looks ten times as faggy.
I watched one episode and it was just him and his squad getting high all day and eating gyoza, it was kind of entertainment.
Is every ep just him blazing up and eating out?
He's a dumb smug faggot, nothing to do with him being patriotic. How you can find his whole fake persona enjoyable is beyond me
The fact that Vice Channel has to play promos for half of their fucking commercials and have no programs throughout the day shows how shiftily this thing was launched and is ran.
(Too bad because Vice's youtube channel on current wars/conflict areas and entertaining social issues like Africa's moonshine problem were very good watches, but then they had to libfuck it up)
basically, but pretty much every ep is in a different country so the variety of food shown is pretty good
I've met him. His persona isn't fake. That's who he really is.
he gets a bit unbearably smug on his later ventures, but he was lovable on good eats
They fucked it to the max loool
Yeah. Viceland is a fucking cancer. They cancelled H2 for it too which I'm pissed about. Fucking liberals millennials.
I agree about the content on YouTube. Anything from about 2012 or earlier was actually really good coverage on events in the world. Super in depth. Now it's just libshit propoganda behind a thinly veiled amount of reporting.
Pretty sure they got bought out by Rupert Murdoch or he bought a large stake in it. Just happened to be around the same time when all their stuff started to take a shit :/
H2 was going downhill, but a part of me died when Modern Marvels did... despite their "Engineering Disasters Episode #26" stint.
And the fact that "Good, Solid, Tank." channel changed to "American Heroes," channel including such notable American heroes such as cowboy outlaws, gangsters, occult Hitler, and CIA mystery detectives.
>with an actual likeable host
Found the fucking faggot numale
He actually does an episode over at Comet Ping Pong and it's the weirdest fucking thing. I heavily recommend checking it out it'll weird you out the entire segment is creepy.
this post made me like Guy Fieri
>Bizarre Foods is better. He actually goes to interesting places instead of normal, boring American restaurants.
He doesn't at all. In my city he went to some random place that not even locals like because it served something weird poorly, pretended that it was a busy place in an obscure area and then went back to eating bat turds in the jungle. Guy has visited like 50 or so and most people knew about the places to begin with. Bourdain just went to the most mediocre places because he only gives a shit about getting drunk and cashing a check.
>he only gives a shit about getting drunk and cashing a check.
Can anyone blame a man for that?
Im gonna second your post. You Gotta Eat Here's host is an actual relatable human being while guy is some weirdo cartoon character.
no that's why he's fucking awesome. he went to the mediocre hot dog stand down the street and then drank at a cash only bar.
hes trash. an apathetic sell out. not even a has been.
You've got two basic categories here:informative and food porn.
The former is Alton Brown and your basic daytime cooking shows,
the latter is triple D, Man vs. Food, Best Thing I Ever Ate, so on.
The former is for figuring out new ideas, the latter is for late night drinking
with some pals...considering how to drunk-make some shit without setting
fire to anything.
Secret Meat Business is may favorite.
That fat cunt is pretty cosy, I bet he smashes Zoes balloon knot on good chef bad chef.
Generally I think cooking competitions are cancer but old ICA was pretty good, before they started doing stupid gimmicks. 1v1, 1 star ingredient, 5 dishes.
Chef's Table
how do you go from this
to this
I unironically love the cooking channel and HGTV. Also tic isn't bad because they have so many freaks on.
Good Eats and Iron Chef/Iron Chef America are the only food shows I like. Fuck that Guy. Dude tours diners and refuses to eat eggs, ever.
Does anyone remember that episode where he was eating black chicken and had a soup with the testicles in it. After he took his first sip he actually said "this is my first taste of black balls".
>watching Alton "reddit" Brown
>such low self esteem that someone's superiority over you triggers you
K E K found the foodlet
Who said anything about "superiority"? The dude acts like a clown. His silly persona is offputting.
For me, it's this bald nigger. The best burgers, barbecue, and craft beer in each city. Plus, Michael Symon is a fucking sweetheart and I wish he were my dad.
That sounds repetitive as fuck. At least DDD does different cuisines and dishes.
That nigger on Man, Fire, Food is pretty good too.
he does explore variations on those three things and the production of the show is really good. genuinely helps you get a good idea of the food scene in each city, especially when he makes pit stops at non-burger, non-BBQ places.
havent checked out fieri or good eats, i liked antony as pleb. fuck thats delicious is great cos he always compliments and likes food alot. does gordon ramsay have any good travelling shows? i also liked raymond blancs how to cook well. a charcater the guy
10 mins of fieri. semms like a gigantic douchebag
I hate and love this fat fuck at the same time. I'm jealous of his success and his experiences, but I can't deny that he has passion for what he does, and understand it as the reason for his accomplishments. Could learn a thing or two from him, as well as learn some things that one should not do. Like not be fat as fuck.
>Good Eats and Iron Chef/Iron Chef America
Came here to make this exact post. I'm excited to see Return of the Eats, or whatever it ends up being called.
What the fuck is that about? Alton Brown has nothing to do with Reddit.
I wouldn't go so far as to call the nigga "fat as fuck". He's a big guy for (you), but he's not obese or anything.
also tries to lift recipes on camera. dick
>“I have to drop pounds but 315 (pounds), I’m still a strong 315.” August 2014
"Reddit" is Veeky Forums retard speak for "whatever I don't like." Since reddit literally has everything, it gets used frequently as a pejorative.
One of my friends met Guy Fieri and said he was a complete over confident asshole
>reddit: the post
>relating to a french wide-eyed cuckold leaf
Diet, exercise.....bulimia?
Patrician choice coming through.
false prophet of flavortown
He has that feasting on asphalt show, is it equivalent?