Who here sipp'n?

sheeeeit you got that lean?

0 calories 0 sugar

>swervin on them sips

S I P B O Y S 2 0 1 7

i like energy drinks too, so i love energy drink threads
i had a red bull once
so good, so smooth and delicious

I made Red Bull ice cream.

Is anyone experimenting with /mixingsips/? Not with alcohol, I mean mixing different portions of say white, blue, and purple.

That's a might fine sip you've got there.

I've tried mixing white and yellow with orange juice. It's good and it bulks up the sip for an extended sipsperience. I imagine that white mixed with anything citrus would be great. Might try cranberry juice one day.

Oh yes. I mixed 1 part Red Bull with 2 parts white monster, 2 parts blue, and a smidgen of purple. Added a cherry and a little umbrella.
tbqh, it tasted like shit. Think it needed more purple.

Not a sip, but I'll bite. How was it?

looks fucking awful desu

Very good. I first had it at some Gelato place in Europe and that was enough to try making it at home. You boil it down to syrup and treat it like any recipe based on a soft drink. I usually make custard based ice cream. But people that didn't even like the drink liked the ice cream.


>sippin energy drinks
energy drinks are for nuking your body into action, you Have to slam them



Put a 5 hour in an energy drink (and maybe a little vodka), slam it, then get to work.

I don't get this retarded sip may-may.

is that actually violet flavored? that would be delicious!!!

Actually energy drinks do not give you any energy. They're just very relaxing and do provide lots of B vitamins. You slam pre-workout, you sip sips.

Jesus fucking Christ

i find this arousing.

>no energy
really makes me think

Stop confusing them boyos with complicated words. They are probably immune to it anyway.


Reminder redbull is Veeky Forums's official sip, anyone who disagrees is just a poorfag

Do they make any that taste like grape juice

>obvious bait is obvious

pls go redbully


Real talk, are these threads just the same person posting and constantly replying to themselves with maybe a handful of other people chiming in?

That's pretty a e s t h e t i c, friend



Hey newfag. Maybe learn what those numbers are at the bottom of the thread. Also stop posting.

Are there any apple flavored sips?

Will it lower my opacity?

Sunrise is better



I believe rockstar as a soup apple one still.

Venom has an apple flavor mixed with something else.

Do you like getting out and playing hard in the fall? I know I do, and nothing quenches my thirst quite like Java Monster™ Pumpkin Spice™ when I'm out in the mountains biking in the fall colors, fishing in a cool mountain stream, or just finding a small town fudge shop!(lol) Unleash the Java Beast™!

>soup apple

Oh my gosh hahaha what a typo!
I bet you meant sour apple, right buddy?
Oh wow.

Traffic sucks, lol!

the S I P B O Y S threads are perpetually riding a razor-thin line between post-irony and grassroots, militant shilling.


memes aside, packaging/bev industry magazines actually look like this

memes aside, redneck survivalist rags actually look like this

>he's never sipped

Let's remember, SIPBOYS are patient. Let's invite him to join the party and give him a chance like good lads.


I drink those like crazy. I was gonna post the Yerba mate sips but you beat me to it. Sip on, sipboy.

>51 / 20 / 37 / 2

show me your monthly heap bois.

I was when I was literally 11 so whatever, carry on lads

>traffic sucks, lol!
Early morning commute sipp'n.

Found this ultra-rare sip at a gas station near my work. Mangoey and delicious.

There was

We sippin


AW shiiet, in my county we only have the regular one, ultra, ultra red, The Doctor, Rehab and Hamilton

What is this faggotry and why would someone drink it?

Hey newfag how about you stop posting?

Because it's tasty and refreshing, giving you all the energy and b-vitamins while also having no calories, duh

>drinking colored sugar water

How low can one sink?


You gotta lurk for at least like five seconds before you start shitting everything up you fucking newfags


>drinking plain water instead of water with vitamins and minerals
I'm curious. How much sugar do you think is in op's picture?

> the only rockstar beverage worth consuming

I just love the tangy-sour fruity caffienated flavor, . any recommendations for similar drinks?

>tangy-sour fruity
Wat, it's crazy sweet

maybe my tastebuds are fucked. I sort of get a sour-ish aftertase. not lemon sour, just a little sour.

maybe its my tastebuds

>Used to ironically sip & sippost
>Now sipping for real

How did that happen?

>"Hurr durr, artificial sweeteners are more healthy than sugar."

Fuck off. It' s garvage. YOU are garbage.

You' ll get your vitamins and minerals by eating fruits and vegetables, like every normal human being should.

Maybe try this, idk


Tastes exactly like what I'd expect smelly stocks to taste like, but with added sugar.

It's the greatest peril of ironic memeing. I'm truly sorry for your loss.

I tried Zero Ultra out of curiosity because I saw them getting constantly memed on Veeky Forums.

Now I find them on my shopping list every week.

I75 south in the morning suck brah

that's literally the worst shit designed for faggots and feminists.
just get the original black-green.

>i don't like it so it's feminist
When did this become a buzzword? A drink can't be feminist.

>beetus juice

They have a shit load of sugar though.

Also don't buy this

then turn the can around and read the promo text on it.
literally says it's made on demand of women.

You strayan? i dont bother with the sugarfree rockstar, i go for non-sugarfree guava, and sometimes the orange one.

It says nothing of the sort.


White sips say it though

Yeh mate, normally just used to buy V but the 50g of sugar makes it a bad idea if you're drinking them daily.

You mean the Monster Girls shit?

ill let you in on a hot secret beverage.

I mix the rockstar with pineapple and apple juice, add some sprigs of mint and let it chill in the fridge, pretty tasty

Reminder to report shill threads

Did you?

Reminder to lurk more, newfag

that's a feminine sip and it's gonna fuck your hormones up user.

>monster girls
>They think the brand usage and advertising messaging around scantily clad exsoviet block based starving models is a promotion of feminism.
Go look up the monster girls on monsters website and see if you think the objectification and patriarchal sexism on display is in anyway representative of feminism. You nonsippers are fucking retarded.

we can't even post monster girls because its a work safe board. Those monster girls do their job. they make me thirsty as fuck.

kek'd for a bit