Would you eat this dinner i made?

Would you eat this dinner i made?

>1 cup (uncooked) white jasmine rice
>1 can of black beans
>1 large brown egg
>Freshly caught salmon filet


I'd eat it if you cooked the rice

>Toxically farmed salmon

not the rice.
no egg

why do people eat eggs? they are not healthy.

You mean unseasoned (or plain)? 'Cuz that ain't raw rice... That being said, hell yeah! I'd add a side salad or some veggies but that looks great to me.

They aren't bad in moderation. Don't confound dietary cholesterol with blood cholesterol.

>why do people eat eggs? they are not healthy.

Why do people refuse to update their understandings?

It is not the 1970s anymore, we know about eggs now, they are not bad.

Well, yeah, but seems a little plain. How about at least some seasoning or sauce to go with the rice? Maybe even combine the rice and beans with some other seasoning?

Stop posting.

Throw some Lime Cholula or some Frank's Red Hot and some grilled onion/bell pepper/garlic in with the beans and sure.

Fresh cauught =/= farmed

looks dry

wild caught =/= fresh caught

Instead of making what you just made
>Boil the beans
>Boil the rice
>Boil the egg
>Microwave the salmon
You'll achieve the same flavour palate with less effort.

Eggs cause an inflammation response from your immune system autists

Uncooked rice and an entire can of black beans? The fuck is wrong with you? Also your salmon looks hella dry. And what is that brown shit you sprinkled over everything?

No, no, no. None of this adds up. Why don't you take your bad dinner and leave, friend.

Lots of protein you got there.

Yes. I'd eat it for the gainz.

No veg OP?

lol maybe yours you subhuman

beans and salmon don't match.

it's sad seeing people that don't like food just slop random things so that they have enough fuel to exist. probably what it's like telling a musician that you like elevator music

Is this why white people need laxatives regularly?

It looks completely over cooked. Way to ruin "freshly caught" fish

doesn't matter the quality of fish when you turn it into a piece of wood

Probably. Although whenever I get fresh salmon I like to have it baked with dill, mashed potatoes or rice pilaf and grilled vegetables. To be honest this is the first time I have ever seen a (fried) egg with a salmon fillet. For breakfast I often put some smoked salmon into my scrambled eggs and serve it on toast with some herbs/red onion/herb cream cheese but besides that never really eat it with fried egg.

If I was starving to death, but otherwise, no, I wouldn't. It looks plebeian.

Looks like the kind of mediocre crap a gym dudebro would make, then post on his social media with a million hashtags.

#gains #healthyeating #rice #fish #eggs #beans #healthyasfuck #masterchef #postworkoutgourmet

That's why i would eat it.

>Don't confound dietary cholesterol with blood cholesterol.
eggs spike blood cholesterol while they are being digested. This spike can last hours.

How smelly are your kitchen and farts right now?

All food causes inflammation when you eat

I would rather not, none of that really meshes together real well.

Hell yeah I would eat it looks good af OP

That's over 1000 calories in one meal, holy shit. I'd eat maybe a quarter of it.


Salmon looks overcooked and black beans don't go with it at all, the egg is a questionable choice.
I'd still eat it though

not really, it looks dry af

Everything except the black beans. Not a fan of those.
Other than that, sure. I actually eat salmon , rice, and egg for breakfast fairly often.

What powder bullshit did you sprinkle on that egg?

id eat it but cook your rice man. you seriously eat uncooked rice? for what reason??

its cooked. you must cook gluggy white porridge rice for dinner.

cup (uncooked) white jasmine rice
literally said it wasnt cooked dumbass

>brown egg

thanks for distinguishing that mate