Chirru Birdie

I'm making Chile Verde.
I was drinking beer.
I'm drinking bourbon.
Thank you for listening.

Yukon potato
Walla Walla onion
a plate of pork belly scraps from a ... some other thing. It's completely cooked and tender. Also there's a few leftover fried pork ribs.

I made an attempt at roasting the poopers on my grill. Then eviscerated them.

I chopped up the pork belly and fried it.
Tomatillo in blender.
Peppers, onion, garlic, cilantro are ready to follow the tomatillo in the blender.
Frozen chicken stock thawing in the background.

Taking a break for a moment.

Going back in.


Sounds interesting. I've never blended pork belly and ribs in salsa verde before, but I'm curious now. It sounds great with the roasted peppers.

I have just this much left, but I finished the cooking and triple checked all the burners.

So here is the tomatillo getting blitzed. It's late, but my neighbors run theirs early in the morning so fucking whatever.

Kep adding stuff as there is room to add stuff.

This looked much more cool in action.
There was a moment where I found god.

For some reason I felt like I was going to get flipped shit so I took this picture.
It's the pot that I browned the chunks of pork belly in. There was quite a bit of fat that I drained out of it. Not a fat hater, but it was quite a bit of fat.

ground cumin
ground orange peel
the last remnants of my crushed red pepper flakes just for kicks

You know how it goes. Herbs and spices like it.


I tried to take an action pic but my digits were wet.

Fuckin 12 is chicken stock

I don't think I can go on gnight

did you finish or wtf man???


Potatoes in!

The pork belly was already cooked so no need stew it.


I saved a bit of the sauce uncooked just to add a bit of fresh flavor to it.

Put it to bed.