Old nutella is never coming back

>old nutella is never coming back
>we will be forever stuck with sugary palm oil paste

It ain't right bros. I remember the dark colour and small hazelnut chunks old nutella used to have...Fuck this gay earth.

You could always make your own, it's piss easy

I remember when Nutella was a health food.

I never got the hype

Nutella and hazelnut in generally tastes like an ass in a retirement home

I like the offbrand chocolate spreads better. They tend to be nuttier.

Dakatine is the real deal

Nutella...is hazelnut. Dude it's a chocolate and hazelnut spread.

>Yuroop literally can't eat breakfast toast without a chocolate spread
>Calls Americans fat

You know you could buy a different brand of chocolate hazelnut spread, right?

When exactly did Nutella ever have chunks of hazelnut in it?
I remember when it was wholemilk and cocoa butter, and it was glorious, but not when it had "chunks of hazelnut." I call shenangians.

>Calls Americans fat
That's because they are fucking fat.
This is not uncommon knowledge.

buy it from your euro variety market, in a glass jar. they should have the hazelnut butter recipe

Lol pot calling the kettle black.

Shocking to discover the small amount of nuts in it.

I know. Nutella itself is garbage and hazelnut alone is garbage.

I plan out every single possibility, every single scenario in my head, so I'm never shocked or surprised.

Your original product is no longer in production? Ah gee, if only you had access to some kind of worldwide search engine that could reveal a recipe whereby you could make your own similar product thus freeing you from the consumeristic system...

They were small little nougats. The old glass jars had them.

Is this product fucking real lmao, totally shameless ripoff

>no palm oil
>no milk
>potent hazelnut flavor

This us the cocoa and hazelnut spread that people in the know reach for.

the problem isn't the recipe, it's the processes used, which are not able to be recreated with precision at home, you stupid shit eating cunt

>ugh, the processes, the PROCESSES, those strange techniques that have been lost to time that only the sorcerers behind the original formula could possibly have mastered

Why would you want to imitate industrial cost-cutting processes at home when you could make something that was much better?

Also, which step(s) in the process are you unable to duplicate at home? I doubt you can name one. I think you haven't even researched or attempted it and are just making silly excuses to justify your lack of effort.

If I end up being wrong and there's a particular step you're stuck on then please post it so we can help.


I member.

Just add a pinch of glutamate if you want that inimitable industrial processed food taste. Works every time.

that's the least appealing packaging i've ever fucking seen

>Just add a pinch of glutamate if you want that inimitable industrial processed food taste. Works every time.

Also known as yeast extract or natural flavor.

They used something called a melanger to get a smooth product.


No thanks I'm not a fool


damn I feel all embarrassed about my taste in hazelnut spreads now

May I invite you to take a gander at this image sir, as you can see the elements of "nut"ella is little different than your average chocolate bar. The only major difference is the large amount of palm oil found in the "nut"ella spread to keep it an ooey gooey spreadable at room temperature consistency. That trace amounts of hazelnut are present for some nuanced flavoring is nutritionally negligible.

It's real, I believe Aldi sells it. It really is a lighter a nuttier spread.

Restating the existence of "small hazelnut chunks" in old Nutella does not answer the question of what point in time Nutella had "small hazelnut chunks" in it. So again: when exactly did Nutella ever have "small hazelnut chunks" in it?

nutella has been smooth since it was first released commercially

Do yuropeons really eat this?

Do Americans not have nutella?

Who /36%Hazelnuts/ here?

There is also one from Lindt with 40% but it also costs x4 as much.

This is the same ingredient comp as pretty much every sweet spread/frosting. The only people shocked by this are completely ignorant of how food works.

oh whatever will i do without my pwecious chocolate candy spread!!!!

I've made 50% hazelnut spread myself. Put nuts in blender. Run until you get hazelnut butter. Add cocoa powder & condensed milk to round it out.

Assuming you have a good blender (and what serious cook does not?) it's dirt fucking simple to make.

>I remember the dark colour and small hazelnut chunks
>small hazelnut chunks
It wasn't Nutella.