Thoughts? I don't like it much myself

Thoughts? I don't like it much myself.

Other urls found in this thread:

Strikes me as kind of trashy. Those are some bad tips though.

I feel like some privacy laws are being broken here but I could be wrong.

I pay in cash and never use my real name in public so It wouldn't be a problem when I don't tip them like anywhere else


I would probably go once and run up a tab just to put my name one the wall

on the wall*

Maybe if people don't tip, it's because you provided shitty service? That's the only reason I wouldn't tip and it's not even expected over here

>Hi, my name is HIllary Clinton
>here's a 4 dollar tip on a $1000 dollar order

best grand i've ever spent.

I don't care for this American idea of tipping based on the value of the meal. It's no more work for the server to bring me a lobster than a sangewedge.
$6.50 does not look like a bad tip to me at all.

I dont think this is real, Frank would never let some gay shit like that go up on the wall in the bar.

That's not how a bar tab works.

You give them a credit card

I view it as a challenge and I'd like my name at the very top. Can I leave a negative tip?


i like how in this thread you can tell who is and who isn't a drug addicted via waiter

Is that legal?

>Not posting home address and supplying patrons with a sack full of door knobs
What is this weak shit.

Imagine being this salty

i mean it's the bar's choice, they can do whatever they want. if i didn't like it, i'd just go drink somewhere else. the average asshole sitting at the bar also wouldn't know who you were, so whatever.

if it was a tiny town and only had one or two bars, people would probably already know you weren't the tipping type anyway, so that wouldn't matter.

Guarantee all these people are black.

Gotta get on the leaderboard.

Epic. Epic for the win dude.

Couldn't possibly because they gave shitty service that didn't deserve an 8% tip. Better to blame the customer than to actually look into why your waiting staff didn't get their pay for the evening.

At least it's not as cancerous as forced gratuity.

i agree with you 100% but those tabs kind of would explain why people would tip like kikes.

>Yes goy you should donate money to the employees so (((we))) don't have to pay them! You aren't one of those brown people are you?

"""whipipo""" like lmao get fucked /pol/tard

I like your digits, user.
It's a petty move by the business but do you think I care if people know I don't tip?

Pretty Fucking entitiled of them, nobody even needs to tip in the first place, shit like this, the shame factor is why people even tip, i'd seriously leave a penny on the table and never come back if i saw this bullshit, maybe they should pay their employees better instead of shaming customers into tipping, and it has gone past the point of begging, this is worse than begging.

>Spend $200 at your shitty establishment
>Get put on a name and shame board


Doesn't matter if its shitty service. Waitresses and Waiters DO NOT get paid a living wage. It is your responsibility to tip appropriately.

Bad Service:
Decent Service:
Good Service:

These are the rules stated by anyone who isnt a dumb fuck hillbilly. Follow them or end up shamed

>It's my fault you work a shitty job
I am not obliged to tip in the slightest. If you literally get the point where you are living off tips then maybe you should quit and find a better job.

yeah give them a shitload of money, that'll teach em!

Aren't the Irish trashy people in general? The Englishmen should of finished the job.

>doesn't matter if it's shitty service

*rolls eyes*

Yeah its SOO EASY to get a good paying job nowaday. I make around $21/hr now (Benefits of working somewhere that doesnt allow slobs like you in) I couldnt live off a McJob like you, cause I dont live with my Mom or in a trailer.

>Cant afford a tip
>Expects to just get a 15% discount because your opinion of something is bad (Or your just greedy)
Nah senpai

This is why I don't leave $0.00 when I'm stiffing a shitty waiter/waitress, I just dump whatever pennies and nickels I have in my wallet on the table.

Public shaming is asinine though; nobody who goes in there knows who the fuck I am and anybody whose opinion I give a shit about that sees it is probably close enough to me that I can tell them 'Hey that place fucking sucks don't go there'.


>Travel around america
>Never tip
>Whole bunch of shitty waitstaff watching out for my faggot face and thinking about how I shafted them for the rest of their lives

Feels good.

Probably fake.

top kek i lel'd

Those are some hefty bills. With orders like that they can afford to pay their servers.

Not with that attitude you can't. Now I know you don't even have the skills to do better. How about you quit projecting on a chink image board and go back to school.

>Waitresses and Waiters DO NOT get paid a living wage
Wait what? I'm pretty sure you talk about your payment before you get hired. Why would you accept such a stupid contract?

>I like your digits, user.
Man, I didn't even notice that. I've made exactly two threads on this board and both got "trips"
Why can't I be this lucky with money or girls?

lmao your luck just ran out faggot! now you have nothing! NOTHING!

>Waitresses and Waiters DO NOT get paid a living wage. It is your responsibility to tip appropriately.

america is so fucked

So close too

You are.

>Ameritard tipping culture

Ask me how I know you're a waitcuck

So what is it? Do I have to tip or don't I? If I have to why isn't included as part of the bill? If it isn't why would shame customers that spent money at your establishment?

In the end, wouldn't it just be easier for consumers to not give your establishment patronage?

>Waitresses and Waiters DO NOT get paid a living wage. It is your responsibility to tip appropriately.
Get fucked. It's their bosses problem, not mine.

look at this guy and laugh

>"Yeah you're basically going to have to beg and guilt trip people into paying your wage, I'm not giving you shit."
>"Sounds good! I'll take the job."
Better off working at mcdonalds lmao

Who is this anime?
She looks cute.

thats a vegetable

What vegetable?
wtf are you on about?


Tomato is a fruit

Tomato isn't a vegetable, dummy.

We really need more automation in the service industry.

I never tip
>t. White
I see no point in dropping a bill for someone who does what I very easily could do with little effort, but with the added expense of having to deal with a faux person kissing ass for money and interupting my meal 5 times every half hour.

>pay a shit ton for overpriced alcohol
>shamed for not tipping

I bet you tip other whites, you hypocrite.

So you're telling me people come in... spend hundreds of dollars... and just because they don't tip you're going to alienate them from ever coming back? Guess you don't want those hundred dollar tabs anymore. Management is fucking retarded.

t. Jew

that hundred dollar+ bill doesn't matter to the restaurant, lmao

Where I work if you don't make minimum wage on tips we change your pay so you're making minimum wage that shift. Having said that, fuck you. You deserve what you put in

its racist since only black people will be on the wall

Exactly, and it's always women begging because they couldn't keep their legs shut in high school

Jacob Flanagan
Charlene Pelam
Gard1TT Mu8|let

All solutions to captcha. Thanks for playing AI computer. See you next week!

Thats a good way of describing them

They arnt especially bad or stupid...just very trashy

>Doesn't just round up to next dollar value for shitty service.
>Cucks himself with 30% for bringing your already overpriced food.

What a Schmuck.

all part of pop's plan

get a real job

Seems like a surefire way to lose business. Nothing more obnoxious than servers who just expect to be given a generous tip for doing their fucking job and nothing else.

>leaving a 50 cent tip on $50 bill

by definition you're the schmuck

>Waitresses and Waiters DO NOT
This is not true in a lot of states. Some states, like mine, give no exception to the minimum wage so everyone who gets tips makes that on top of their hourly, which is at least $11 an hour.

If you don't want to eat/drink at home fag. It's just etiquette which obviously most of you in this thread are lacking if you think it's ok not to tip on a huge tab.

>It's okay to do the establishment's job of paying their fucking waiters.

how about a list of bad fucking servers
those assholes are way more obnoxious

I tip waitresses just like I "tip" homeless people. "Its only because you're down on your luck, and no, I'm not giving you a ten dollar bill, so quit giving me those puppy dog eyes."

You'll get either 3 dollars or a 5, if you're competent enough to refill my coffee in time.

should of

fuck off faggot

i make $11/hr washing dishes and doing minor prep work for a slightly upscale restaurant and make more than my waiterfag coworkers (except the good ones). sure, theyll bitch left right and center about getting shit tips but you bet your ass they thumb their nose up at having to do "grimy shit" like dishwashing

How do you recommend getting the caked on grease washed off after a busy night? I worked in a "mexican" restaurant owned by an Italian with pasty white cooks as a dishwasher in suburban flyoverville when I was in high school and I was caked in grease after a shift on a weekend night. A shower with regular soap did not help.

>Fecal vomiting occurs when the bowel is obstructed for some reason, and intestinal contents cannot move normally. Peristaltic waves occur in an attempt to decompress the intestine, and the strong contractions of the intestinal muscles push the contents backwards through the pyloric sphincter into the stomach, where they are then vomited.

You have to tip your bartender? Don't they get minimum wage? I thought that was just American waiter/waitresses who were screwed.

Good point.

Nor this the next one, or the next one, or the next one. How do you think the pub is making money? Giving out free whiskey?

Nowadays it's just guilt. On my Eurotrip - they got angry when we wouldn't tip. I mean, come on, you aren't supposed to be tipped. I'm Croatian and my friend is German so we KNEW this.

>those percentages
Clapistan here and even I think you're retarded.

How about:

Bad Service:
Decent Service:
Good Service:
>whatever I fucking feel like%

You're not entitled to my money.

Racist detected

first name "Jacob Flanagan"

sounds real black to me

>Bad Service: 15-20%
I know you're baiting, but holy shit, how entitled are you?

All states give no exception to minimum wage. Why does Veeky Forums fall for that shitty bait post every tipping thread.

You mean
Bad- 0
Okay- 10%
Good- 15%

Where the fuck are people getting 20% maybe it's because I was raised by my grandparents but 10% used to be an okay tip

I always considered tip a luxury tax, as in, I decided to come to this establishment in leiu of spending the time to cook, plate and serve food at my own house. The only time I've ever complained is when the service and the kitchen sucked, which was rare.

SJW detected

High wbwhehehw

I make about 70k/yr as a 24 year old. I constantly get shitty service because I look really young, and they think I will leave a shitty tip anyway. When I actually receive good service, I leave a good tip about 25%, but if it's just average/kinda bad, I keep it around 15%. I found that I received better service outside of the US, and they don't expect a tip, since their employer pays them a livable wage.

This video is about poison ivy, but the same principles should apply regarding the grease portion.

>tfw I live in a country where tipping isn't customary
Feels good.

Lobster is also easy as fuck to prepare, and they're dumb shits that just go into traps and wait to be killed.

>You give them a credit card
You give them 10 $100 bills.

Congratulations on having watched Adam Ruins Everything!
Where can I send your prize?