I kekked
i didn't realize sanders is a jewish name
>Who is Bernie Sanders?
The man who should have been paid desu
How was sanders not paid. He was paid to throw his bid.
lol disinfo
The Zinger Slider seems to be of notoriously poor quality.
This is why you avoid KFC's that employ niggers
Or you can just live in a decent area and never see a black person again.
I love Maine
more side-by-sides please, I get a weird pleasure from this shit
>order the eggnormous burrito from BK when it first came out
>the idiot made the sandwich without the hashbrowns and just dumped about a dozen of them directly into my bag
There are no black persons in Russia
where's the rest? I mean that cannot be complete.
Maine has black people though, just not as many
The chef ate the other 2/3 of the chicken.
I grew up in a town of around 12,000 (not in Maine) that had only 3 black people (all the same family). I'm sure there's more there now, though.
Maine and Minnesomalia are now cucked
Every state is fucked. The USA is a giant shithole full of fat retarded freaks on meds. Fucking disgusting
i wanted a zinger wrap last time i went to kfc but ended up getting a big crunch instead and this time it was barely edible every bite tasted like fat there was no chicken, i usually opt for a spicy big crunch and they're usually not that shitty, nect time ill stick with a&w
>Veeky Forums is now being consumed by raceshit
Can you go anywhere on this damn site without this bullshit nowadays?
that looks fucken nasty
Haha, upvoted
Bring back Snacks.
Shutup goy
What the fuck is wrong with people? I had a shitty job as well working at a bagel store but I worked my ass off. I made sure that people felt like they got their moneys worth even though it didn't make me extra money. I gave people the customer service I would want to receive myself.
We had paninis at the bagel store and I made sure I made the best panini I could. We were trained to just load the bread up and toss it into the panini press for 8 minutes. Didn't matter if the press hadn't been used in half an hour, making it ridiculously hot. In it goes for 8 minutes, making it almost burnt verging on the inedible side. Lettuce? Stuff it in the panini and put it under the press. Lettuce would burn and wilt.
I would make their paninis and carefully add the lettuce after it had been in the press for the appropriate amount of time. That alone made a considerable difference in both appearance and taste. Customers would come back and ask for me by name.
What ever happened to having some pride in your job?
people realizing their are better things to attach your pride to
what is raceshit
Not getting paid dog shit to do it along with "customer is always right" mentality asshole scum of the Earth customers and managers, I imagine.
i dont want to make this a race thing but its a race thing. only blacks though, not all obviously but ive had way more failures at "black" establishments, from missing items, to undercooked, and everything inbetween whereas mexican restaurants generally have best prude in their food
>sign up for a job
>understand what your job is and your pay for doing it
>still half ass it
you niggers wouldnt do it right if you were paid like rappers
Every franchisee I have ever known or worked under has been a retarded bipolar meth-head who contradicted themselves a dozen times a day.
It's difficult to take pride in your job when your work environment swings between two extremes of infuriating and demoralizing with no middleground.
>i used offensive word im so cool racism so funneh xd
When shit races out of butthole at speeds nearing the Speed of sound
kys nigger lover
>pay people $7 an hour
>expect them to care
ive always used it to describe the undesirable portion and a lazy cunt who wont do anything unless it personally benefits him is just that. nobody i want to fund, i would get my money back and hope they let him go
>sign up for a job
>do whats expected of me
>get payed for it
>leave and live my actual life
When I worked food service, they did not expect or receive the same amount of effort I put into making myself a sandwich at home.
Being paid garbage wage and being told that a machine could replace you if you try and ask for more is going to lead to low quality service
You know how much money you're going to earn when you start the job. If you're unsatisfied with it, find a better offer. If you can't, take the job and make yourself valuable so you can start making demands.
I still have pride in my job and it's put me in the best position I've ever been career-wise. I work for a catering company as a cook at three different locations. My locations have the highest satisfaction percentage, the highest attendance, and now two of the locations have informed me that they have a waiting list for the days when I work. And now that my contract is coming to an end, all three locations are vying for my contract. It's a position nobody in the company has ever found themselves in.
I take pride in every single menu I make. The detail, the care, the time and dedication to get things right. I give them a service that I would want to get in return, whatever that service might be. The satisfaction of knowing that my hard work not only paid off, but is also being sought after. The feeling of people coming up to me and telling me how much they enjoyed my menu, and thanking me for it. I get thanked and praised for doing my job.
It wasn't always easy work but it sure as hell was worth it.
I was happy with the money at the time. It payed for the deliverance of labor at a satisfactory level. Nothing more.
I wasn't looking to impress my paymasters, I just needed money to supplement my scholarship. I'll suck corporate cock once I'm in a position I care to advance in.
That is what I would expect it to look like.
what the fuck even is that burger
a grilled cheese sandwich on top of a burger? wtf
Never. He was a terrible mod.
that was a retarded trend that I don't even know why it picked up, people wold use grilled cheese sandwiches as burger buns
>doing the job outright wrong
>>do whats expected of me
if people would return your sack of shit back to the counter you are failing at your job. people dont expect much of you that is correct, people in fast food are fucks ups but that doesn't mean you hold no responsibilities like you are claiming you dont have
I ate one of these gimmicky late night packs once and it was appalling lmao the burger was just gluttonous and gross and I only ate the tacos because those weren't as bad.
look at this good goy lick spittle
All I know is he should have won, but instead we narrowly dodged the Shillary bullet only to take an orange shotgun blast to the face.
how is it possible that billion dollar corporations can't be sued to fucking oblivion for false advertising like this?
You can not pull this kind of kikery with other services and products without your ass getting shut the fuck down by a class action lawsuit
Ignore the shitposts from the kids born around the millennium bro, they get prizes for showing up, not for taking pride and doing good work.
They're jealous of people with a drive to succeed, because they're unmotivated and unsuccessful and are yet to figure out that real life doesn't award trophies for just showing up.
It takes a lot of sacrifices to work in food service, so if you're going to commit to shitty hours and conditions, the least you can do is a good fucking job that means a higher rate of pay.
>how is it possible that billion dollar corporations can't be sued to fucking oblivion for false advertising like this?
them and their fellow corporations are in control of the US government via their extensive lobby which for some fucking reason is still legal there.
they are the highest employers of minorities
Should have got a McChicken.
why do they put their new employees in the serving roles
they're always 14 years old and they always get the order wrong
>for some fucking reason is still legal there.
An unfathomable reason? I think not. The whores in congress receive money for doing the bidding of corporations even when it means bending their constituents over and giving it a shove without lube. It's why we have poisoned water and shit quality food supply saturated in carcinogens and loaded with corporate welfare subsidized HFCS that 1st world countries refuse to import. And you think a congress of whores would make a law restricting their lobbyist johns from seeking their services, lol?
user wasn't trying to sound cool or be funny, he was just calling a spade a spade. If you can't handle reading things written by people who think differently than you maybe you shouldn't be on the internet.
Reported for racism
>order something at fast food restaurant
>the burger looks like somebody cleaned his nose in the patty >it doesn't look like the picture at all
thats why I don't eat this disgusting fast food shit. why do you?
Chicken strips don't always come in the same size so sometimes the person making the sandwich doesn't always have a piece that fits perfectly with the bun. These are the same strips you can order on the side. This isn't a strip made especially for the bun. Also some pieces may look like an exact fit, but end up shrinking too much during the cooking process and there isn't enough time to remake the sandwich.
People will make the excuse that they arent paid well enough to care. The real issue is efficiency. Fast food workers get shit on by managers if they take too long for orders so they don't have time to fancy things up and make sure they're right and presentable.
The problem with your little speech here is that you think you're going to get a promotion or ahead in life for putting in a little bit more effort at a fast food place to make food presentable. Your employers care about how much cheap slop you can flip per minute not how pretty it looks. Even the idiots in the drive through who complain will always come back because theyre addicted, and the owners know that so they dont sweat about quality.
Maybe the dogma about multiculturalism you've been force fed your whole life and bought into like a good little Starbucks/Apple/McDonald's consumer isn't actually good. Maybe some people aren't as easily programmed as you to believe in things just because they see and hear them and want to "identify" socially with the other common plebs.
The US will be a third world country because of people like you in the coming decades, but before then, we at least have the First Amendment right to discuss exactly why that's happening.
Nope. Unfortunately.
>muh multiculturalism
Here's a reality check for you: Most people on Veeky Forums aren't frightened of hearing a "foreign" word and we aren't someone who is pale and overdosing on fetanyl, meth or opiates everyday while raging from our mom's basement on an anonymous Mississippi black widow venom milking board about muh positive interactions with people and foods from other cultures. Grow up.
go to reddit if you want a safespace faggot
Face it, nobody likes niggers.
>Starbucks/Apple/McDonald's consumer
I don't go to any of those 3 nice try.
>gets triggered by an opposite opinion
Irrelevent, it doesn't belong in most Veeky Forums threads
The real answer to your question is that this generation is shit. Most people have terrible home lives, divorced parents, no belief in god, no perception on how the world really works and they are very entitled on top of it. I'm in the same boat as you, I try to give my best service no matter what because taking pride is what I do is what makes it worth doing in the first place to me. People will always say, "muh shit wages, muh mean boss, etc." The truth is that they are undisciplined and think they they are the center of the universe, rather than a cog in an enormous machine.
>be against multiculturalism
>must be a meth addicted piece of trailer trash
classic liberal argument
Why is fast food so terrible? I ate at Taco Bell for the first time in years recently and it was embarrassingly bad. How can people eat such low quality crap?
>slings numerous insults
>says grow up
In my own experience it's rather the older generation who thinks they are the center of the universe. I personally see it as a malfunction generated by them. Shit wages = having to work multiple jobs = lower quality of work due to lack of downtime, Shit-bosses = failed middle aged middle managers or kids worked to the bone by a higher up for only slightly more pay.
Who's to blame for terrible home life, divorced parents, and an ill perceived world? The kids who were born into it? or the parents who made it a reality. - It's the older generation who made participation trophies, who raised kids to not take pride, and whom did not keep wages rising with the cost of living.
If you really look at the upcoming generation, there is of course failures and lots of them, but in comparison to the generation before, a whole lot less. (Note, less crime, less teenage pregnancy, less smoking, and most importantly a willingness to work hard) Don't be so bitter user about those who look at their mcjob and think to themselves if this is all they were ever meant to be. I feel personally more people would take pride in their low class job if we didn't demonize that sector of labor so much. The truth is never fully black and white user, but shades of grey. This generation is not shit. The one before was and forever will be until they finally die. (For reference I specifically mean baby boomers and the early gen Y kids)
yeah, it's the result o my generation teaching kids go to college or end up flipping burgers. I can only imagine their discontent at having gone to college and still end up flipping burgers
>hey guys let's pretend whitetrash america doesn't have an opioid drug epidemic and aren't scared to death of someone that speaks walith an accent
>bing! Here's an audience that will buy into our solution of racial hatred and ethnocentrism
>if we pat them on the head and give them popguns they'll vote for us while we shove an HFCS corncob up their ass
My parents are from the Silent and Baby Boomer generations. They instilled certain principles into me at a young age. You don't call into work unless you're dying, you do your best, you don't let people fuck with you, you have a backbone, you stick to your own ideals, etc. I guess I'm biased because I understand deeply that I have to take responsibility for my OWN actions, and this is something that is desperately missing from millennials.
>College is too expensive.
Go to community college until you have to go to uni.
>I don't make enough money.
Go to school, find a career that you love that pays what you find adequate.
>I have no health insurance.
Get a good job with benefits.
There's always multiple answers every possible problem, it's just sheer laziness and lack of will power that holds people back. Then they blame "the establishment", the previous generation, the color of their skin, their sex, when in reality right now is one of the best times to be alive for any human being in the western world. There's a reason that muslims are taking over the west, it's because it's an amazing place. Look at the election, why do you think Bernie Sanders was so popular among millennials? Everyone wants FREE SHIT, they don't want to work hard for it, they want it all handed to them. Only uneducated retards believe socialism can work. Anyway, I digress. I suppose we can agree to disagree. I would love to see millennials take accountability for their own shortcomings rather than claiming whatever strawman they can muster up.
...because it's not cool to put effort in something that doesn't pay you 1 trillion dollars a second with a lifetime pension and early retirement at 30.
A lot of people not just "kids these days" see guys in the NFL, youtube, music videos and other assorted Bugatti-driving millionaires and think 'hey if they could do it why can't I?'.
So now we have this class of temporarily-embarrassed future billionaires too good to put in 'effort' or be respectful. I make a little under 95k a year working in a data center, the lowest paid person on my team, the entry position starts at 45k. The same position but for a more experienced employee starts at 65k, the next bump in pay for that is 85k. All these 20 something year-olds apply for the 65k position with bullshit like Subway sandwich artist on their resume. By and large most folk can't even get call back once we see their garbage CVs/resumes.
We also have internship programs where you will work with dudes/dudettes with 10-30 years experience but at most we get 3-6 interns every year.
Too many damn people trying to become millionaires when they can't even make a living.
What do you do when someone becomes mentally ill? Tell them to pick themselves up by their bootstraps?
I don't think you know what that word means...
The rule is that when advertising a food product you are allowed to only use the ingredients that the restaurants use so of course the commercials look better. But they also are shot in a studio, the buns arent crushed, and ingredients are fresh.
>asking this liberal bullshit meme of a question
The only answer is obviously euthanasia.
what? what the fucks a chinese kid gonna do about someones broke brain? fuckin idiot.
It's really this.
This kind of capitalism we've Frankenstein'd together over the past century really just rewards sociopaths and assholes. The guy who makes the best burger isn't the guy that gets to be a billionaire, it's the guy that finds the most efficient way to make a burger cheaply with the lowest quality ingredients, the lowest possible wages, and the cheapest means of production possible as to out-cheap the competition that are all busy doing the same thing. It's a constant race to the bottom.
Having pride in your work is good, but only if its work that helps you to become a better person and/or work that leads to the betterment of others. Building dirt cheap burgers a bit better than the next mook that are just being farted out of an assembly line at bottom barrel prices isn't a skill to be proud of, you're not bettering yourself or anyone else, take that work-ethic and put it towards something meaningful.
>my poor little fee fees got hurted
>next time give me a trigger warning please
Mentally ill people are a drain of government resources. They should be put out to pasture, fortunately for your sake they aren't.
Ok i ask again, whats that got to do with the youths in asia you mongoloidian fuckbint?
>Maybe some people aren't as easily programmed as you to believe in things just because they see and hear them and want to "identify"
So explain how you're not programmed by the things that you read / see / hear and want to identify as? Why is your dogma better than the dogma that you rail against?
>I came on here to find some ideas for food for the first time and ended up in a "problems with today's generation" thread
Fuck it, I'm gonna go cook something after this.
It's not like we're completely disagreeing here, my parents were Gen X / Late boomers, and certainly raised me to do my best, to not be late etc, etc. but I am also a millennial. I think having a good work ethic is important to advance, but so is knowing who on the current neopolistic ladder you need to be in contact with.
Anyways, where we view things differently is how I see it vs you. For you it's laziness and lack of will, for me it's ignorance and hate.
Goodness there are so many things to say and ways to say it. I'll try to keep it short..
As you said before kids come from broken homes, many simply don't know better. They grew up knowing sports and music can make you rich and lift them out of poverty, so many go for it, failing to realize that 99% don't actually make it in either until it is too late.
It's not like we're as ignorant to how the world is as fox news would have you believe. For example you feel negatively about Bernie and his free shit ideas. Everyone that I knew who supported him knew you have to pay into the system. You don't just elect some asshat and free jobs descend from the sky or mexico decides to pay for a wall. A small example to poke a hole in your mindset, the "free" state/community college thing. Costwise - could end up being around say 70 Billion a year assuming 100% cost covered at todays rates. Sounds expensive until you realize that the senate voted for the military to have its funding raised by $80 billion this year. So see where I'm going with this? Alot of these types of things could work, it's just you're told they can't so that funding can be diverted elsewhere. Anyways.. I would love to see the older gen realize it's a monster and try for once to do the right thing.
I really hate this bootstraps crap. There are actual verifiable metrics that show that the economy, wages, upward mobility, and the general cost of education and living is getting worse over time. Since the 40's things have been gradually getting harder and they got a lot harder post-Regan. People ask why young people don't get married, or don't buy houses, or don't go out to eat at restaurants like older generations did, few people can afford that shit. I'm sure you have some anecdote about how you know lots of 20-somethings that have six figure incomes and have houses and kids and multiple cars, but the fact is that isn't common these days.
You can work as hard as you please but if the means to become successful are more scarce than fewer people are going to be able to be successful. Painting a whole generation of people as "lazy" or "entitled" is lazy fucking thinking and beneath you.
>eating from a menu marketed towards potheads
Wait hang on
>eating at Jack in the Box
Yeah I don't know what you expected
First post please refer to second post as well. This is the world that was created.
College IS fucking too expensive. Even CC is getting out of hand. It's exactly like the healthcare industry. The government refuses to properly regulate the industry so they get away with murder. Your answer of "get a better job" doesn't work. Outside of the most entry level positions an associate's degree is becoming necessary for positions that pay even 12 or 13 dollars an hour. And getting that degree puts you in a massive financial hole. In pure entry level jobs like fast-food and the service industry there is very little room for upward mobility. Companies prefer to hire from the outside and from the college educated for everything but basic positions.
I agree with most of what you said but there are serious problems with this country that are the antithesis of "work hard and you'll succeed"
Man I had to do a fire extinguisher check in one of them combination Taco Bell/KFCs in a food court the other night and I found some fucked up shit. Goddamn roaches and beetles for starters, although that wasn't really their fault. Beyond that, the floor tiles were chipped and broken and had water running underneath them to a grimy drain in the floor. I found a small plastic filing cabinet, like something from Ikea, and one drawer was just crammed full of chicken. Bags of Taco Bell ingredients were just sorta piled up on the floor, away from the customer's sight line.
Avoid the KFC at Yonge and College in Toronto, ya dips.
Noticed this get full out of control after moot left. I remember when he was here and you couldn't even say the n-word on /v/ without an insta-ban. This site is just beyond saving now. Obviously Hiro does not care at all.
the current american workforce has the highest level of education in the countries history, and is comparatively less wealthy than a few generations ago when the level of education wasn't as high
people are going to college, it is not helping
>productivity has gone up every year since 1950 with no signs of stopping, while average hourly compensation has stayed flat
uh actually it's because they're lazy, i guess