British 'cuisine'

>British 'cuisine'

fat NEET alcoholic American here: I'd try it
3 pounds is only $4

I'd try it. I don't think I cared too much for mashed peas, but it doesn't sound so bad. Better than some of their other noteble food creations.

Damn, and people make fun of Americans for eating things like Egg McMuffins....

The munchie box

'Murrican reporting, mushy peas are tasty, I've started buying cans of them at the store to eat with certain appropriate britshit foods.

I'd be full all day for 4 bucks. Wouldn't eat it every day but why not?

Now't wrong wi' pie, chips 'an mushy peas lads.

Putting it all in a 'muffin' is hipster memetard tier though.

inb404, British """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""cuisine"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" threads are no longer allowed on Veeky Forums because it doesn't pass as food.


Also, why do the Britards think every poster is just an Amerishart?
The slop the English people eat is considered unfit for human consumption by the whole world!

t. Polish guy

They hate us cuz they anus

all you eat is fucking bread and sausage and plums you nosey git

that's a cheap pie

F..for you?

>American """"""shitposting"""""""

only Shart-in-the-Marts are so O B S E S S E D with Britain that they have to make daily threads about it

Do American really do this?

Fact: British cuisine is the most POWER in the world.

Nah, I'm German and I've always participated in these threads. Bashing British """"""""""food""""""""" is like kicking someone when they're down, which is always great fun.

Wow, first you invented the Lasagna, now you made a sandwich with it!

They've started calling chips, cheese and gravy "poo-teen" at my local chippie in rotheram.

made me laff

Yeah, you really can't beat that for four bucks.