Portion size

was watchin ddd and the portions seemed fuck huge in everyplace. why is american food made to obese size??

Because most working class people find value in quantity over quality and often take what they don't eat home with them.


Because americans like eating a lot

Bullshit. I've had some huge meals in European restaurants.

yes but on small plates


>be american
>get fat
>get diabetes
>doesn't matter because you get shot anyways

can't make this shit up

Eurocucks are all 5 feet tall.

we are way taller than you goblins fyi

also OP, you're wrong, plates are huge in worker restaurants, the third image is a joke.

Gay metric system dummy

>Large and Large sizes

Do they also use the kiddy utensils in Europe?

Where's the extra large cup?

I think this more than anything is the main reason Americans are so obese. Our portions are fucked.

>Eurocucks are all 5 feet tall.

Whatever makes you feel good about yourself man t. Dutch tallfag

Well... they are stingy with drinks. When I got back to the US and the waiter kept refilling my drink I yelled "IM HOME!!!".

you arent supposed to eat a burger every day
with enough exersice and an otherwise healthy diet you can eat an american restaurant meal every other day, eating a lot on its own isnt the problem, problem is when you eat the big restaurant meal with a soda and then you go for icecream or you have a candy bar or one of those milkshackes coffees later on and you spend the day infront of a computer and you do the same the next day


>why is american food made to obese size??
IT's often not.

DDD specializes in the sort of places that often have huge or outrageous meals for the novelty factor. That's the whole point of the show, really. That's not normal food that most people eat on a daily basis. Watch a different program if you want to see more "normal" food.

America fills their cups with ice first

I honestly don't understand how people can go through as many calories as they do. Even if I eat a huge plate of carbonara, it's only like 1500 calories and I won't eat much else for the day. I have to really push to reach even 2k calories. Is it just because I cook at home and eat a normal breakfast/lunch?

I like how they have baby utensils next to their plate, no wonder Europeans are a bunch of nu-males. The portion difference is probably because europoors can't afford all the food that makes up the manly American diet.

How much do you exercise?

The main reason Americans are so obese is because of a sedentary lifestyle.

European here, i visit US multiple times. I noticed a few things.

1. Groceries is more expensive than europe, eating healthy there is expensive. A fucking cucumber cost like 6 bucks while in europe its like 50 euro cents?

2. Most people there buys lunch and usually eat half and take the rest in a doggy bag. (takeout). Some just skip out dinner or eat less dinner.

3. Honestly i don't give a fuck about portion sizes, in the end it's all your own responsibility. You just need to have some discipline.

Only a little, I'll admit. I exercise daily but only simple bodyweight stuff. I doubt a lot of the people who reach double their intended daily calories do strenuous exercise, though.

This is true, in Europe people indulge in sweets, white bread, and meat and dairy centered dishes as much as America but the difference is to get the ingredients for dinner or go to a restaurant they will walk around their concise centuries old town that has everything you need within 5 blocks. In America you will drive in your car for at least 5 miles and then just walk 100 yds into the store or restaurant.

i was wondering that myself. when i was in usa for 2 weeks i finished a meal once and that was by sheer will and forcing it down. felt sick for rest of the day and didn't even feel hungry in the morning

>A fucking cucumber cost like 6 bucks while in europe its like 50 euro cents?
That's an outrageously high price for a cucumber in the US, even for overpriced hipster-oriented markets.

If you have ever seen a morbidly obese person
They usually are carrying with them a Giant 1/2 gallon of some kind of soda. Check bus stop to prove my fact.

I eat like 4 meals a day and probably a minimum of 3k kcal but I also to physical work as well as 5 hours a week in the gym. It's also easier to stop working out than changing eating habits. You'd be surprised how many obese adults were Chad's and Stacys in their youth.

This. Drinking your calories is the #1 way to pack on the lard.

Your still a fat Mexican
Less time at gym
And more time raking leafs plz.

Whole foods, Boston MA, including tax. A year ago. Dunno what the price is now.

And yes Asian Markets are cheaper. and Yes Wallmart is also cheaper. But those are 2 far away where i stay. Also a place where i don't want to hang around too long.

It's just an example. Groceries is really expensive compared to Europe. Which the prices is also rising

The only thing which is not expensive are meat, like steaks. I love US steaks.

That's not the point.
Point is I paid basically for a cup of ice water someone spilled soda into and paid something like $18 a gallon for the privlage.

I usually have oatmeal, yoghurt or some form of eggs for breakfast, a sandwich for lunch then a big meal for dinner, probably 2-3 normal portions-worth. I know it's not healthy to have a big meal at once like that, but that's usually when I make real food from scratch, like pasta/stews/curries/chilis etc. I don't understand how people get to eat like that for every meal of the day.

>Physical work is for Mexicans
>Dey took our jerbs!!!!
T. Lazy anglo

>Whole Foods

There is your answer. I worked in Europe for several years. Groceries were much more expensive there than anywhere I worked in the states.

You should list Venezuela's. It's a scrap of rotten melon. Yay for socialism!

>Pre workout breakfast oats/grits and eggs
>Post workout breakfast yogurt with jam and a pint of milk
>Lunch, varies usually a full meal with dessert
>Sometimes a snack like nuts or PBJ
>Dinner. Usually another full meal but typically smaller than lunch usually with booze and sometimes dessert
T. 155 lb manlet.

>Whole foods, Boston MA, including tax

Yeah, that's atypical. You picked an infamously overpriced market AND it is in a city with a high cost of living.

honestly it's not really meaningful to compare prices directly

That wasn't REAL socialism. :3

This source is completely accurate, no doubt

I'm only like 130 (and 5'10), on the borderline between healthy and underweight. I've tried eating more but if I eat much more than I do I end up feeling heavy and shitty.

Do you have a gut?

>fruit and oatmeal for breakys
>sandwich w some chips for lunch
>meat + veg in some fashion for dindins, rarely have grains
>sometimes I'll snack on raw veg or fruits
>exercise comes from work, walking, lifting stuff, carrying stuff
>drink too much beer
80kg at 180cm (about 175lbs and 6ft for my fellow burgers)

I agree with that but that was my experience. I found overall it was more expensive but not by a lot and like in the US the closer you are to farmers the cheaper produce is and the bigger a city you are in the more things cost in general. I've worked all over the place and its pretty surprising just how much food prices vary.

>closer you are to farmers
This is so true. My parents live in a rural area and can buy fresh produce from local growers for basically nothing. Even in my town of only 30k people the prices are still nearly double what they'd pay

Diet isn't the sole reason for the American obesity epidemic. Over time, more and more men and women elect to have white collar, sedentary jobs because they pay more and on average have better benefits than laborious jobs. Also you will notice the fatter states are the ones where people can't really walk from place to place, so to go anywhere you need to take some form of transportation. Sure, you could ride a bike, but even in my "bike friendly" shithole city someone riding a bicycle gets killed at least once a month due to inattentive motorists.

So while portion sizes may be a contributing factor, if Americans were more active, it wouldn't matter as much.

OP clearly doesn't have the slightest of clues about European portions.



That's all well and good, but it's not like your TDEE working a white collar job drops to 1200 cals and no matter how active you are in a labor job you can't outwork a bad diet. Diet is the largest contributing factor by a large margin.

the thing about european sizes being small is a fucking meme, they eat huge amounts all over the continent

You're wrong but you're also kind of a loser so I'm not going to fight about it.

You missed the point completely.

This. Its a common thing in america to not finish everything and take homr leftoverd

Uh my TDEE is only like 1300 cals and I usually have to hover at 1000 to lose weight. Do you even work long hours in an office?

eat big to get big

Why can't Europeans afford food?
I thought they were a first world country?

Well for starters Europe isn't a country.



It would be if they didn't spend their entire existence at war with each other

lmao, 1.90m clocking in. Try calculating that back.

Yuros eat tendies and re-steamed frozen vegetables?

>first world
L O fuckin' L

are fish fingers called tendies???

that sounds pretty ok except PBJ

>wake up
>drink a glass of coke while making my breakfast
>breakfast is 4 eggs, 3 strips of bacon, cheese, and fried potatoes
>drink another coke with breakfast
>lunchtime comes along, drive out to Mcdicks and get a large bigmac meal, of course with another coke
>get hunger around 4 and have a little debbie fatty cake or two with another glass of coke
>dinner time I cook a giant serving of spaghetti with meatsauce (enough for 4 people) with another coke
>eat again around 8 or so bag of chips and another coke
Why am I fat Veeky Forums???

A little probably? Honestly hard to tell because I also have loose skin from losing 60lbs of fat that I carried on my gut. My two upper abs are visible tho. I could probably get close to a six pack if I did a cut and abstained from booze.

Even if we didn't, there is still a bunch of natural barriers that would still mean its a bunch of states.
There is a reason why Hannibal crossing the Alphs is a big thing, because its the biggest barrier inside of Europa.
Or the Baltic sea, which separated northeren Europa from Francogermany.

That said, pity the americans for not getting 10/10 Pizza and kebabs made by Turks with questionable work ethic and tax fraud.

>He's never tasted the pure bliss of a PBJ made with mom's homemade blueberry jam on toast.

honestly, never tried it with "moms homemade" but i've tried it with great jams and it's still kindergarten tier, it's the chicken tendies of sandwiches.
never again

when i was like 7-10 i loved white american toast bread (i'm in yurop, yuropean ethnically) but now it even looks disgusting to me. here is the answer: rye crispbread (that's 10/10 by itself) goes amazing with lingoberry jam, and i used to spread pb on rye bread/crispbread, so i thibk this can make an amazing, not kindergarten-tier pbj.

>Implying chicken tendies aren't good
>Implying childhood favorites aren't acceptable snacks
>Great jams that weren't homemade
So much shit taste so little time

clap clap clap

Naw, the europoor portion on that pic is bullshit

the fuck you have to get rid of one pickle slice?

try toasted ryebread with bluecheese, thank me later.
user, why is those three sentences from the opposite world ?

I lost a lot of weight with using my smaller plates for full meals through.

This. I don't even go out that much, I don't exercise, and I'm not fat, but it's this. Portion has a lot to do with it with what Americans are used to seeing, but just sitting around on your ass is the bigger issue of the two.

I think part of it is also shopping intelligently, I lived in an area with several grocery stores and if I wanted to save money overall on groceries I had to go to each one to get what I wanted for a good price.

Eating healthy ended up being really easy BUT I had to go to a super hippy/organic grocery store. Most of their stuff was expensive but their non-organic produce was ridiculously cheap. I could fill a huge grocery bag to the very top for $10 or less.





Look at the average euro lunch. They sit there and eat for hours. That's why they barely have breakfast or dinner.

that's like an appetizer plate at the cheesecake factory
shame the cheesecake factory near me sucks ass

Lol no it isn't. It's exponentially easier to stay thin while sedentary by practicing moderation than it is to stay thin while eating 4000kcal a day by extreme exertion.

leaf here. I think it's because your food is so goddamn cheap.
You get twice the portion for half the price

T. Weakling

Traveled the US for a few months this year and I was in for a surprise when I ordered a large meal. The drink sizes are ridiculous and you get free refills on top of that.

Europe isn't one country. My lunch is usually one or two sandwiches eaten over the span of 10 minutes. The same goes for a lot of non southern europe. And even in spain "for hours" is a ridiculous overstatement, not every day is a sunday brunch or holiday. They've got jobs and shit to do as well.

The portion on the right is what an 8 year old eats where I'm from. A normal portion would be the one in the middle, and if you're a laborer you eat the one on the left. I did notice portion sizes in restaurants in the US are very large though, larger than in the leftmost picture, but taking it with you and reheating it later is very common. Usually you'll get a whole days worth of food that way.

I'm nearly at manlet status at 187cm where I'm from. USA the average male is at best 175cm.

Italians get a few hours lunch break to eat and sleep. They eat dinner at like 10pm when I'm already asleep.

$6 cucumbers means you've found your way into a whole foods in San Fransisco, briskly walk to the exit and never return. That chain is a fucking ripoff. Even at trader joes cucumbers were $2 or something, and you can go way cheaper. Still agree on higher prices in general though for produce, even wallmart was pretty expensive with some stuff.

Not all Italians, and if they do take a nap they're not spending that time eating lunch. Southern France, Spain and Italy do tend to eat late though, and often spend a lot of time around the dinner table. However it's a way of life that's steadily becoming less common.

In western and northern europe it's much more common for dinner to be at 6 and be finished in about 30 minutes. Much more efficient, same idea with lunch being 30 minutes at best.

When I moved from Chicago to Wisconsin I definitely noticed that restaurants here give you way too much food. Up to that point I had never needed a doggy bag and thought it was rude as fuck to get one. Now I need one about half the time I eat out, it's ridiculous

Also there is cheese on everything

Have you retards ever considered that we don't eat it all in one sitting?

>A fucking cucumber cost like 6 bucks
Where is this? I can get 3 cucumbers for 1.50 at Publix almost every week.

This is the saddest post I've ever read on Veeky Forums
