venison is my new thang brhos.
Venison is my new thang brhos
Its nice, just hard to find often for a decent enough price, and also I find that I lack motivation to consistently make dishes with it.
I like venison; I've never seen it for sale in stores though. All of the venison I have had is at restaurants or thanks to people I know that hunt.
>not spending a few hunnid on a decent rifle and getting it yourself
Unless you're a Yuro you have no excuse.
Venison Summer Sausage with cheese / peppers is the bee's knees.
Buddy of mine at work goes out in the Fall and blasts some Bambis, turns em in to a processor and has them ground / packed as Summer sausage. Beef can't compete, fucking delicious.
>bee's knees
I've only know one person to ever use that expression.
That person was a faggot.
idk man, I have a friend that goes hunting and he gives me free venison every so often so I never have to do it myself
>not covering your face with fresh blood from the first kill of the season
Sorry to trigger you with ironic use of old-timey phrases. You seem like a swell fella.
Me and a friend share a deer, past that i get the rest as i havev an absolutely massive freezer so i store it for him
For those curious i run a mink and chicken farm
too gamey
smells like the woods and the call of the wild
How do you cook it? I've heard it's tough, and parasites are serious business in game meats. You'd have to go full flyover if you wanted to do it steak style.
I use mine mainly in stews and as jerky
Where do you live? In Michiga , id heat venison all winter and beef all summer.
Spoilers, it isn't new in any way.
Do you know anyone that hunts? Most hunters are willing to harvest a doe or two for you if you pay for the processing and throw them a little something extra. You end up getting 30 or 40 pounds of meat for maybe $80 plus the cost of a case of beer.
Most of the cuts have a lot of connective tissue and little to no fat. So if you don't have pork suet to work with, stewing is the way to go.
Got 12 pounds left over from last season in the freezer now. Some sausages and the heart. Deer heart gives you mythical powers
can a city girl with no prior experience and no hunter friends into hunting?
i really would like to bag me a deer
It's only tough if you're a retard and don't soak the meat in ice water (like in a cooler, after you break the deer down into quarters and stuff) to pull blood and such out of it
can you get venison at a store like kroger?
>unless you're a Yuro
Hunting deer is legal over here too it's just way more regulated.
I see venison burgers in most supermarkets, but only see venison cuts very rarely.
Venison's great, too bad I don't know how to hunt
I got some smoked jalapeno cheddar elk sausage from family the other day, it's real gamey like you'd expect but it's nice too
any method that cooks for a long time
i've had it as steaks and burgers and it's not as good as beef, but i'll use it over beef if i'm making stew or a roast if i have it available
Seconding this. Put that shit on ritz crackers with cheese, or slather a slice of bread with grape jelly and put two slices of the sausage on there.
venison burgers are pretty good
That cosy feel after a long rainy day on a wildlife boatrip sitting in a 17th century inn enjoying a bowl of venison broth to warm up.