what can i eat without teeth?
over the last 5 years i lost 8 teeth, now i cant chew hard things and i cant swallow big chunks of food i cant break down
im very limited and its not like i lost half a row of teeth wich would have made it easier
What can i eat without teeth?
Blended burger taste good but males you feel sad. Don't overdo it on the condiments their flavors get stronger when evenly mixed in with everything.
Mashed potatoes.
Your new life begins today!
this is my mouth for visual aid
Out of curiosity, how did this happen?
im obese
i thought it was because i took bad care of them but then i started brushing after every meal and using listerine and i still lost 3 more
so its probably obesity
i fucking hate teeth. just a shit ton of little problems waiting to happen in your mouth. wish you could just replace them all with one big prosthetic set that you didnt have to fuck with anymore. and fuck dentists most of all
this is sad. can't you get fake teeth?
wow your life must suck
i honestly wouldtake them all out and use prostetics because each ime i lose another one i seriously feel like killing myself
too expensive
it got worse after i survived trying to end it
Lay off the soda and see a dentist.
how old are you? do you only eat candy?
for a while yeah, ate as much candy and soda as i could
i did this thing where i was sleeping on a matress in the floor bcause i kept breaking the bed
so i would buy a lot of candy and make a mountain next to my matress and just lay there for a couple days eatin n sleepin
how obese we talkin here? like do you need a mobility scooter or can NASA accurately detect and calculate your personal gravitational well from the ISS?
man, thats brutal. im 30 and obese too (5'10" and 295lbs) but still have all my teeth. but i rarely have soda or candy, i just eat too much burgers and shit. you gotta lay off the sugar man.. get some meat in you. better yet go on keto, sound like the kind of diet you need.
i dont know exactly since normal scales dont work for me but last time i was aable to weight myself it was 180 kilorams
that was 2 years ago but i dobut im that much fatter now
i drink a 2 litter every day
i can still have mcdonalds too since the burgers are really soft
instead of using listerine, try a mouthwash with flouride and flossing every night. I lost a tooth, and after I started that shit my teeth became way better
And 400 lbs is the average American. So don't feel bad. But you should try to lose some weight. Like the other user wrote, keto is your best option rn.
My grandpa ate mashed potatoes, green peas, and bananas when all of his teeth fell out from colon cancer
I still miss him a lot
I managed to take a picture of the bottom row but there is no way I'm going to reach the top
in the end its up to you to make a change. i think with cutting out the soda/candy and doing what said, youd see a big improvement. but since you started the thread asking about soft foods, i'll answer that too. scrambled eggs, mashed/baked potatos, meatloaf, yogurt, smoothies.. you still have enough teeth to eat a lot of stuff. stay away from steaks (unless its a tender filet), jerky, nuts. think of foods that can go down with jusst minimal chewing.
and fuck that ep of ren and stimpy with ren's teeth rotting, that was nightmare fuel as a kid.
I believe that Soylent is the best cure for your mouth aids
every time i try to change anything i end up depressed for a couple weeks to a couple months
things arent good like this but i know how worse they can be
i look like the picture of the lady on the cigarette boxes
the one that says smoking can do this to you
i'm in a similar situation OP, i have like 3 teeth rotted out along with the usual wisdom teeth because I didn't take care of my teeth when I was younger. Can't even find a real job to cover the dentist bills and my face is fucking swollen.
if you're native american, though, you get free dental healthcare, they get everything free desu
Post rolls or b8
Also, if you are as obese as you say maybe tooth loss is a blessing in disguise. Switch to oatmeal based diet and lose weight op.
im only 21
maybe someone can paint my face as a pig and take pictures of my corpse when im dead too
Don't post face you flagrant retard.
>Can't even find a real job to cover the dentist bills
nobody wants to hire fat people, they would rather have someone who cant read around
after around the third one they stopped hurting (unless they got infected) so you have that to look fowards too
its better when it hurts tho because when they pull them out the dentists prescribes you some good stuff that gets stronger if you keep taking it
I sometimes have nightmares in wich I eat my own mouth
this thread inspired me to brush my teeth, thanks i suppose