Why not eat at Red Robin today?

Why not eat at Red Robin today?

Doesn't exist in my country

Red Robin is planning to expand to Europe soon. Please keep your eyes peeled for our signature burgers and bottomless fries.

Thanks for your response!

8/10 you captured the red robin spirit.

last time i did i got food poisoning :(

is red robin really posting on Veeky Forums?

I don't like over paying for a fast food burger and the luxury of slow service

>Relatively flavorless ingredients
>Never had a hot meal from them, has been luke warm every time

Their fries are OK though.

their fries are pretty legit, but tell them you want them made fresh as sometimes they are old depending on when you go in.

seasoning salt pretty good too. as is the ghost pepper sauce, which tastes nothing like ghost pepper and isnt really hot at all but tastes okay.

Fuuuuuuuuck off.

red robin used to be good. went to shit after the economy crashed back in 07 08

Why NOT eat at Red Robin, when you can get a hot date with Lucas Werner?

red robin is much like sonic in that the only reason to go there is for the beverages.


mods please, remove, this is literally an ad

>says please
>posts rebbit frog
If anyone should be banned, it's you.

>red robin is literally and unironically shitposting AND samefagging on an anonymous mongolian basket weaving forum.

What atime to be alive.

My faggot ass fat virgin roommate that my friend and I got a house with because we wanted a big enough house to throw parties in and doubles that size didn't exist used to drink fucking freckled lemonades. This was six years ago, I'm guessing he's still a fucking virgin. Why not have a fucking cocktail or beer?

Not sure which site you're on but this is actually the cooking page of Reddit Jr.

Your fries aren't bottomless. They're rationed out by your zombie millennial wait staff as per orders of your drug addled lower level management.

They're certainly bottomless, just make sure you finish what you have first :)

So glad to see so many people enjoying our signature burgers and bottomless fries! What's your favorite menu item?

My favorite menu item is stock Google images 4481422-redrobin.jpg.


None, I've never walked into a Red Robins nor did I ever knew they existed.

fuck off pls ^ ^


red robin > steak&shit

Their burgers are mushy, the buns are spongy, and there are 8,000 kids in there at any given time. I fucking hate Red Robin.

Because it's fucking disgusting

>Reddit Jr
You stupid rebbitor, Veeky Forums predates Plebbit by two years, if anything all plebbit is 4chans faggot son that went to college and came back a worthless piece of shit with a worthless degree

Man, I have good memories of Red Robin. It was one of the only places my family and I all liked when I was younger, we would go at least one Saturday a month. They used to give nice sized baskets of fries, but now they give you like 12 in a cup and it's a bitch to keep asking for me.


I don't know man, some guy on the radio told me they had the best burgers he ever had. He sounded pretty fat, so I'm inclined to believe him.