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Codeine is bottom of the barrel opiate.




Real men just drink the cough syrup raw and by real mean I mean lazy people who have given up on life but still wanna feel for a few hours.

more of a resilar man

>he doesn't sprinkle 4-HO-MET on his fries while eating them with the finest of psilocybin truffles

how can i make that?

so shit how fags like justin bieber popularized it and made it so much more expensive, and harder to obtain.

I do not see the appeal of opiates. Really fucking dumb to screw around with them and expensive as fuck. Stupid faggots.

>falling for the opiate Jew

>It's another "drug addiction vaguely related to food" thread
Fuck off, the alcohol addiction and energy drink fag threads were enough


The alcoholic threads are the worst. It's not even fun mocking them because you will never hate them as much as they hate themselves.


Cough syrup is disgusting enough why would you make it longer to sip down? Sprite barely changes the taste


Codeine + Sprite + Jolly ranchers

Or just pop pills

wtf where do I get codeine? dont you need a prescription for that?

idk good question i was thinking same thing

Or you get it from someone who can

in the uk you can buy it as 8/500mg codeine/paracetamol. do a cold water extraction and you have pure codeine

>dont you need a prescription for that?

You get it from drug dealers.

And it shouldn't be just codeine alone, it should contain codeine + promethazine


now why on earth would i deliberately consume something that would harm my body?

Says user as he posts on Veeky Forums.

trying once wont kill you or harm you... right?


muh nigga

Codeine isn't people food

>make kratom tea
>grape juice/drink mix

Find a ratio you like and enjoy. Also probably sometimes might not kill you

Yeah, I'm sure you consume NOTHING that harms your body. Get off your pedestal, nobody's impressed.

PST w/ grapefruit > Codeine w/ Promethazine.

sounding a bit volatile there, friend. everything okay? we can talk about it if you want.

>tfw tried codeine once just for the meme
>then two other times in the following two weeks
>now its twice a month at least and im thinking about shooting some dillies