/beer general/ - Cloudwater Edition

Welcome to beer general!

This is the designated place to shitpost about beer on Veeky Forums.

Our Discord is far more populated than our Telegram, but I screwed up last thread so here we go anyway:
Discord: discord.gg/FHxk3Wc
Telegram: t.me/joinchat/GiVKqArvt_ffBLFUoIR2ig

It's not beer if it's not brewed according to the Reinheitsgebot.

>no Cloudwater in the States


4 me it's Guinness


What's the best readily available Pumpkin beer?
My basic bitch sister is demanding pumpkin beer.
Is Sam Adams 20 pounds of pumpkin good?

>it uses brewing "candy sugar" so it isn't a beer

4 me it's the most boring nitro beer on the planet :^]

>it uses cane sugar to bump up the abv....it isn't a beer

>wild beers aren't beers since they don't use saccromyces c

When will (((they))) stop establishing purity laws that cater to (((themselves))).

Boring is bad. Nordic countries were boring and stale before they started importing Refugees.
Now they are all exciting and full of life.

Are the kikes behind the German purity laws?


>muh cloudy IPA

There were no significant number of Jews in Germany when this law was passed.
It was established by the Prussians and Slavs.

>There were no significant number of Jews in Germany when this law was passed.
There is not a significant number of Jews in America, yet they run the media, financial industry, and education system.

post proofs and fuck off back to

Are you retarded and unaware?

Guinness taste like piss.


>Admits to drinking piss

Pumking by Southern Tier is solid tastes sweet instead of alcoholic too, the Warlock version is better but it'd be wasted on her. Dogfish Head's ale is pretty solid too, has more an alcoholic kick to it though, but the pumpkin flavor is good and it's readily available.

I like this beer.

Forgot file.

Thx anons.
I'll buy some pumking for her

Best Japanese beer sold widely in the U.S?

Probably Hitachino. Sapror Reserve is pretty good if you want more of the traditional dry malty taste of Japanese beer. It's a shame most Japanese beers sold in the US are not made in Japan. Japanese Kirin is really great.

Get on my level fags

Most people are at the bottom level already brah

I'm so bored of Cloudwater and the constant sucking off it gets


>cloudwater edition
>missing the north weat of england's other great breweries

Where do I get decently priced British craft beer?

>canned beer

These "clever" names are always cringeworthy

Get job in pub, use staff discount

cans are superior to bottles for everything except long-term aging

Looking to pick up a six-pack of something different tonight. I live in Indianapolis, what get? Inb4 Three Floyds.

>blocks you're path

plastic bottles are the worst meme to ever happen to beverages
it makes water taste like poison, and the only reason it doesn't for literally anything else is because those things have enough flavor to drown out the taste, though it's still noticably there

That said, cans that are not 1 pint in size are a fucking meme as well

I'm sick of this hop meme
What are some good Stouts/Porters? All I ever had was Guinness and that's something I need to fix.

Here are some more easily found (though some are seasonal/limited) good ones:
Founder's Breakfast Stout, Imperial Stout, KBS, or Porter
Weyerbacher's Sunday Morning Stout
Left Hand's nitro stouts/porters are nice
Brooklyn Black Chocolate Stout
Allagash Black
Oskar Blue's Ten Fidy
North Coast Old Rasputin
Great Divide Yeti
AleSmith Speedway Stout
Prairie Bomb!
A bunch of Evil Twin Stout's are good
Central Water's does some good stouts

Probably a few I'm missing. Just try stuff, mix and match packs are great, maybe google for reviews before purchase if you're unsure.

Honestly I used to only really drink stouts but then I got into Belgians and then into pretty much everything else as long as its good. I like to try different beers and switch it up a lot now.

How are ipas a meme but stouts arent?

Decided to go cheap this weekend

Hop blight when. IPAs are the worst thing to happen to beers in the history of the world.

that farmhouse peach and vanilla is sick as fukk lad

who /blanche/ here?

What should I drink if I absolutely hate IPAs?

Suggest some entry level dark beers. High ABV preferred.

>blanche de chambly

so fucking good my man

Ive been having trouble finding anything in montreal that compares besides like cheval blanc or something

>currently sippin pic related, my recent favorite cheaper brew

Solid stuff, have a Trois Pistoles in front of me right now

Anything malty, porters, most stouts, witbiers

Gulden Draak, Delirium Nocturnum, Old Rasputin, Double Barrel Jesus or any of its variants, Chimay (Blue),

drygate makes a couple decent beers

Fucking delicious

Zwanze 2017

It's too fucking hot out but I got some Breakfast Stout today so maybe if I drink that I can will it to finally get down to fall temps

tried a few things tonight. this was good.

this was actually really nice, especially since I wasn't expecting much from it.

Meh. It's a pretty standard pumpkin ale.

This was good, on par with the normal version. I think I still like the Biscotti or Donut Break more though.

the store at the corner of my street stopped selling my favorite beer

pic related it's my favorite beer

now I have to drink shitty IPA because all their other stouts they have are twice as expensive

I feel you nig

>Brother bitches and moans that I never leave him nugget nectar

>He never drank it and now it's fucking bad

Pumking is like drinking pumpkin pie. It's delicious in moderation.

Not as piney as I remember.

I picked up a bottle of Ninkasi's Critical Hit the other day and it was pretty good. Any other Barley Wine Ale recommendations?

I'm not even a huge fan of the style but I do check out most things Weyerbacher puts out and their Insanity is really nice I can vouch for it.

There's a cinnamon added version called Cinnsanity which is a bit higher ABV but apparently you better really like cinnamon to enjoy it, haven't tried it myself.

Found this today. Only big beer from surly I'll spend money on since they stopped making smoke

Reminder that Reinheitsgebot was not a beer "quality" law as it is currently often misrepresented for marketing purposes. It was an economic law designed to keep the price of bread down at the expense of beer quality.
The Bavarian feudal bureaucracy was worried about peasant unrest at the rising cost of bread. At the time beer very commonly incorporated wheat, rye and oats in addition to barley which were grains that were also key to bakers. Barley on the other hand is not very useful in baking, so their feudal overlords decided that only barley should be using beer increasing the supply of grains for baking, thereby decreasing the cost of bread, entirely at the expense of beer

there is no evidence that the trace amounts of BPA present from bottling or canning are biologically relevant, especially to adults

My home draft system is cooler than your home draft system.

This was a really excellent stout

Duchese is dericious


No shit. I've been sick of IPAs for almost a decade. Drinking hopsecutioner right now and it's syrupy, pine-needle garbage. There are a few good reliable IPAs out there [like dogfish head] but christ i'm sick of going to the store and seeing 70-80 percent IPAs and pale ales

Been drinking Sam Adams Octoberfest recently. Whats some similar beers that i can drink when its out of season?

Look for anything called a Märzen.

They made the laws to stop people from using wheat to make beer instead of exporting it

Only hipsters drink IPAs.

What is best sour beer? Especially Gose type shit.

Anderson Valley's Blod Orange gose is pretty good.

only people with shit taste drink and enjoy stouts

i fucking love fat tug


You didn't even post the gif, but you have a point.

Honestly I think the facial expression says enough.

I need to get into craft brews. A new craft brewery just opened in my town, so one of these days I'm gonna head over there for a taste testing party they are gonna throw. Currently my favorite beer is Yuengling, but I want to expand my beer horizons. Also a big fan of Newcastle Brown.

honestly why are there so many fucking craft brew places lately? i dont get it

That's a big kot. Who is that kot? Post more big kot.

Also, I don't know. Craft brewing has just kind fucking exploded in the past 5 years or so. Now every small town in america has their own craft brewery. Maybe people finally got sick of shitty american adjunct lagers and wanted something different.

Beer is the 3rd most consumed beverage in the world

holy shit those footie tuffs are adorable. I want dat cat.

my town alone has 5 that i know of the the liquor stores seem to be bursting with the stuff, i just don't remember ever seeing so much of it and i don't remember seeing it slowly creep in.

IPA has gotten so absurdly better in the last decade. Its hardly even the same thing as it was then

because why not? There are still more wineries than breweries in America even though Americans drink more than double the amount of beer as they do wine, and beer has more overall potential as a beverage

Funky Pumpkin is fucking gr8.

Don't you people drink any normal beer?

By normal beer, do you mean bad, cheap beer?
if so then yes, if it is free and handed to me, and nothing better is readily available.
Also when I was still in school

i mean beers that don't cost $20 for 4 bottles.

It's nice to see some Aussie hops making a triumphant appearance on the international beer scene.

the vast majority of craft beer doesn't cost nearly that much. Most of it is $8-10 six packs, a fee anyone with a job can easily afford

Being a beer snob sounds expensive and not worthwhile at all.
I think I'll stick to tea, the high end is much cheaper and the potential gamut of flavors is much higher than your artesianal fermented piss.

Maybe go start a tea thread instead of coming into the beer thread then.