35g of sugar

>35g of sugar

good if you're an athlete who'll burn it off.

but i never see athletes drinking them.

and at that, only if you are TRULY burnt out of energies about to pass out si it good.

i had heat stroke once and i think it saved my life

>good if you're an athlete who'll burn it off.
>people actually believe this

I could guzzle five of these at a time, not even fat
Ice fucking cold

*BURRRP* Electrolytes aren't real, Morty. Sugar is real. People don't *BURRRRP* drink Gatorate for fucking electrolytes, Morty, they drin kit for calories and sodium.

Athletes drink powerade

Yes fellow athletes, gatorade is also my electrolyte drink of choice

G2 is much better taste and health wise.

I used to make my own. Just boil some watrer, throw in some fruit to simmer in it with some high quality salt and a little bit of honey. I'd also grind up vitamins in it like B12 and throw it in for added benefits. Sometime I'd replace water with tea - green or black will do.

>0g of sugar

yeah but I don't drink liquid cancer

Didn't it used to have like 16g per serving?

Don't forget the brominated vegetable oil.

What's the point of these?

replenish electrolytes after a night of heavy drinking

Mine says 34g of sugar

Gatorade is ineffective for heavy drinking. I have 5 years of daily experience. Pic related is what you want, drink 1 quart while you're getting drunk, then drink the other quart when you wake up.

quit trying to get me to like bloody marys mom, they're gross

I'm a guy. You don't have to mix the alcohol with it outside of your stomach. Take a drink of beer or whatever you drink, then chase it with the V8 juice. Do you not like tomato sauces? This stuff just tastes like spaghetti sauce without herbs.

Sweet beverages that americans can consume guilt free under the delusion that they are 'healthy'

I drink salted water to recover after rugby practice

that is exactly why it is gross