Eating 3 meals a day like a cuck

>eating 3 meals a day like a cuck
>not eating 1 big ass meal at the end of the day and feasting like a king
What's wrong with you, lads? You can pig the fuck out and eat a lot but also feel no remorse because you only ate a normal day's worth of calories.

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But that is what I do. It's called "The Warrior Diet" not that it matters. I just find it easier only having to think about 1 meal a day.

That's going to fuck up your metabolism

If you're thinking like that you have some possible psychological issues creeping up that you should address head on. It is healthy and normal to eat three meals a day. You deserve it.

I only eat 1 meal a day. I work nights. I wake up. Maybe eat a granola bar and some water before I leave. And I mostly just drink either water at work, or a can of flavored fizz water. I come home, and then eat a meal before going to bed.

I'm not OVER-active enough to burn off 3 meals worth of energy.

>Having shitty metabolism
>Not eating 3 meals a day plus snacks

It's pretty annoying trying to gain weight, but at least I can eat all the pizza and beers I want.

I eat one meal a day and it's no bigger than the dinner people who eat 3 meals a day eat.

This is not a thing. Calories in/calories out is the only thing that matters.

t. 16 year old

The metabolism meme is a myth. When will people stop this.
The only reason you can eat all you want is because you don't eat enough to exceed your TDEE.(how many calories you burn by just existing) Once you fags start counting your calories and stop ballpark estimating them, it will all be clear.

I eat 3 meals a day but the majority of my calories are during dinner. I only have simple stuff like sandwiches, eggs and oatmeal for other meals, and then a more time-consuming meal from scratch on an evening. I do it because it allows me to cook fun stuff every day. I only cook for myself so I'd be limited in what I could make otherwise.

TDEE is how many calories you burn by going out your daily life, including activities and exercise—hence 'total daily energy expenditure'; BMR, basal metabolic rate, is how many calories you burn by just existing
anyway, thanks lads
for helping bring Veeky Forums into the 21st century

People always say this but most professional athletes eat many times a day and most "warrior dieters" have a dad bod and look like shit
Basically your a faggot

>TDEE is how many calories you burn by going out your daily life, including activities and exercise
Oh yeah you're right, I mixed up the two. At least you are a sensible man unlike the metabolism posters.

this is because, all things equal, most people prefer eating often to eating seldom, and since athletes burn lots of calories exercising, they can enjoy big meals without having to restrict their caloric intake much throughout the day

1 meal master race reporting in.
i thought this was more rare than it apparently is.

I want to spank her butt with that spatula!

Sounds like a faggot trying to justify his bad physical appearance/performance

3 days of single meal IF, 3 days of straight fasting, 1 day off to do w/e the hell I want.

>intermittent fasting
>starving yourself just to "pig out" at the end of the day
This is unhealthy. If your desire to gorge is so strong you are probably eating bad foods. Try less carbs to reduce cravings.

>not eating like 5 meals a day

Eating one meal a day is literally a form of intermittent fasting though. Fast for 23 hours with a 1 hour eating window. It's more satisfying and also more convenient to just have one meal instead of worrying about what the hell I'm gonna eat throughout the day,

>"I'm a retard but I have no problem offering advice"

no, I eat 4 meals a day, but only because I prefer it

you guys should really stop posting about about nutrition on Veeky Forums, you're all out of your element; if everyone stopped, there would be no need for myth-dispelling threads like this one

Metabolism does matter, but only around 100 or so calories

Except there goes your metabolism

>i do this but it's fine to do the other thing
Crabs in a bucket my friend
Stop trolling and go to bed

you were arguing for the claim that eating one meal a day has adverse affects on your metabolism; everyone in this thread who has even a remotely serviceable understanding of how metabolism works has refuted your claim

as you can probably figure out, there are other reasons for eating more than once a day. people get hungry!
or do you picture ancient greeks saying "now, let us eat breakfast, so that we may stoke the metabolic fire and avoid starvation mode"?

>starve yourself for no reason
>make a shitload of food
>eat a few hundred calories before your stomach starts hurting due to suddenly being filled and all the food goes to waste
I'll continue eating 2 small meals and then a massive dinner like a non-retard.

this isn't actually how it goes, but do whatever works for you; the point worth making, Veeky Forums threadstarter polemic aside, is that the choice is yours, and that it doesn't matter which you choose

>this isn't actually how it goes
It's happened to me literally every time I've ever been really hungry and started to eat a big meal.

as I said, do whatever works for you, it obviously isn't how it goes for OP, and it isn't how it goes for many people who do intermittent fasting

Your deliberately giving bad advice
People get hungry because they should eat the same way you feel pain when you are hurt.
If you eat food for other reasons like because you are sad or bored then your a faggot
Stop trolling

so people should eat whenever they're hungry?
you do realize that hunger varies quite a bit from person to person, whereas bmr varies almost not at all?
>stop trolling
come on buddy, this is pathetic
you're arguing for a restriction on what people should do; I'm arguing against that restriction
I'm not saying people should do anything—there is no advice. I'm just pointing out that your advice is mistaken, which I hope is now as clear to you as it will be to anyone else who reads this thread

Do you realise that your misinformation actually slows human progress troll
Do you realise that hunger for cock varies from person to person faggot
Faggot troll

Athletes eat multiple times a day because there is science to suggest that the body can only metabolize 30 grams of protein per 3 hour feeding window and because to meet the enormous protein and caloric demands of someone who is training hard in the gym and probably on steroids they NEED to eat in 3 hour intervals or they won't grow and make gains.

You cannot compare gym rats and pro athletes who are obsessed with muscle and strength gains and keep all of their food intake recorded in a food log down to the macronutrient ratios to normal people who don't train and don't compete in any sports.

as a serious athlete with a 2x bodyweight bench press, this is false; the only hard science that ever suggested this was shoddy research done by layne norton and his team
don't take my word for it, here's a nice digestible article that treats this somehow still-pervasive myth thoroughly:

Veeky Forums, never forget, you know nothing about nutrition, you are a cooking board on an anime forum, you are all out of your element, and you're embarrassing yourselves

if any of you would like to learn more, here are some good names to follow:
alan aragon
eric helms
brad schoenfeld
menno henselmans
jeff nippard
lyle mcdonald

broscience at its finest

Thank you for finally telling the truth and also for admitting your a cuck
>I don't want to be as good as the really good guys I don't compare
You make me sick kys soon and in an easy to clean way that's the only good you can do

the every 3 hours shit im fairly sure still exists because its a marketing strategy for overpriced protein powder that plebs fall for. "eating so frequently is "a hassle" so buy protein powder and it makes it easier :^)"

there's spittle on your bib, cool it, go to sleep

Stay away from trains
Do it in a bath if you rent or you can do it in your bed if you own it have a mortgage


>starving yourself
You sound like a pig.

>going through nearly the whole day hungry is satisfying

Looks like you're the cuck you muslim. Fuck off.