
Presenting a new containment thread for McDonalds related shit! Are you an adolescent fat fuck who doesn't know how to cook? Welcome to your safe space



I love mcchickens and mcdoubles, but don't ever want to try a mcgangbang

tell me about the mcchicken

when I was a teen my first job was at mccdonalds. when doing drive thru some of the workers would greet the customer by saying
>welcome to uncle ronalds happy house of hamburgers, my name is user. how may I help you

some folks would be mad and drive off. but most laughed

We used to have a nice set of McDonald's plastic plates that lasted for years. Eventually the microwave ruined them.

Are you able to use coupons on the mobile app in the drive thru? Every time I go inside my local McDonalds there's dirty homeless/poor people bothering me and others inside


Yes, it'd violate fair trading if they didn't.

How is that different from an establishment accepting coupons for dine-in only? Genuinely curious.

>being this salty
i didn't know french fries were allowed to post here.

I thought this was gonna be a thread about cooking on DMT or other psychedelics, fuck you OP

A large iced coffee costs $2 and is actually made fresh. I always get mine with cream, without flavoring, and it's as good or better than Starbucks and heads above any other fast food chain. Taco Bell has a slightly better calorie/price ratio (with the exception of McD's sausage biscuit, which is 480 calories for $1 but overall unpleasant), but a 400 calorie Sausage McMuffin or 350 calorie (recently lowered from 360) McChicken is good in a pinch


Don't do this!

It makes mustard gas.

>trying to contain the spergs
>not knowing you'll give them an excuse to shit up every other thread instead of the 4-5 mcdonald's ones
fuck off

>ruining the fun
>not wanting to see news stories around the world about some dumb cunt who gassed himself because Veeky Forums told him to.

>never eaten fast food in my life
Feels good man

filet of fish is the only good sandwich

thats kind of sad.
I mean thats like being proud of being a virgin.

Try LSD before you do DMT guys.