Why do my pot cookies suck?

Ok, so i decided to make my own pot cookies last night. had to make my own butter as well.

i read about 30 different recipes/instructions on how to make the butter.
i was doing 1 test batch so i only made 1 stick worth with 1/4Oz.

heres what i did.

heated pan on Lo with coconut butter in it.
grinded 1/4oz of weed (plus a couple extra pinches from the bag) and added as butter melted.

stirred frequently for a little over an hour with burner between Lo-2.

strained weed into container and immediately added to cookie mix and baked.

i can taste the weed, but 3 people who ate at least 2 all said they felt nothing. i was too tired to tell if i was high or tired.

wtf did i do wrong? i assume i cooked the weed too low?

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Alright, so here is how I make it. If its not an optimal way its close enough for me:
I put ground weed in oven 100°C for 45 mins stirring it a bit every ten minutes or so to evenly toast.
Then you can melt your butter and weed - I do it on top of a pot with water in a separate pot. Then I let both weed and butter simmer the lowest possible amount - the smallest bubbles on the top (otherwise too much butter evaporates. And ideally you do it for around 2 hours. Then strain.
Then you can bake your cookies but for optimal results dont bake higher than 180°C otherwise you lose thc.

ok so i see what i did wrong. i didnt boil the water, or bake the weed. well shit good thing i got a killer deal on that half ounce

Your cookies didn't get people high, which could mean a few things.

1) temp was too low/high
2) time on was too low/high
3) bad starting product.

Were you using good stuff?

Making this stuff shouldn't take this long.

Use this method and it'll be perfect every time

1) You have to activate your THC: throw your buds in a toaster over at 250 degrees, leave it in there for 20. Any longer and you risk destroying the THC you just activate.

2) While that's going on, melt your coconut oil in extremely low heat, I wouldn't go above 150 degrees.

3) When your buds have cooled off, put into melted coconut oil, let it sit in the heated oil (between 100-150 degrees) and let the THC extract for like an hour.

4) Strain, add to mix, bake

5) eat

6) Get high.

Alternatively, you could try to find some weed extracts and just use that instead of flower. Much less work, much less clean up.

im using my last 1/4 to try again.
the guy sold me shake so its already a little dry so i lowered the temp on the over to 235 so i dont burn it, last recipe i seen said 240 so i figure thats safe.

now what about yesterdays strained weed? ive HEARD that its re usable to smoke with but what if i added it back into the pan? it couldnt do any harm right?


Technically there's nothing wrong with that, just extra mess. People do 2nd run extracts all the time.

Dude food related questions.

dude stoners are so useless that they can't even make cookies lmao

its making butter. not cookies.

well, baked the weed, boiled the water and melted the butter, added the baked weed and yesterdays weed then turned it to Lo, covered with a lid.

pray for me brothers


Who gets so furiously triggered about weed in this day and age? I don't get it.

coconut oil is not buttter, user.
the reason your cookies suck is because you use fucking oil which has a fat content of like 3% when you need butter which is like 80%, don't confuse butter with margerine and ask 420chan next time

What? Oil is 100% fat.

dude weed lmao

its a butter substitute and recommended by most recipes. and it has plenty of fat in it. and its the same stuff a local guy uses and his are great.

For this you'll need a pot, some sticky icky, a mason jar, and cheese cloth. Fill your pot of water to where it will cover 3/4ths of your jar , and then get the water to boil. Then once it's boiling put your weed , and butter in the mason jar. Put the mason jar full of butter and weed into the pot of boiling water , and then bring it to a simmer and let it simmer for at least 2 hours. Then open the mason jar, and use the cheese cloth to strain your butter. Make sure to squeeze as much butter as you can out of your nugs and thats how you infuse weed and butter. Worked for me when I made brownies.

Coconut oil is whatI use, if you're having difficulty, this company took all the skill out of it.


I use a gold coffee filter and compost the puck of weed that is left over.

Coming from someone who does not smoke pot, the people who crow "HURRRRRR POTHEADS M I RITE GUYZ" are infinitely more annoying than anyone actually talking about weed.

I've done this a few times, so am far from an expert. I've done it by simmering in butter on medium heat with some water in the pan for 3 hours on low heat. This keeps the weed from burning and its pretty easy. I've also cooked them in a slow cooker w/ water and butter for 12-24 hours.

Both times have worked out well enough for me. I've never toasted weed before cooking it though. That doesn't have a vaporizing effect or is the temperature too low? Another thing I've noticed is that their potency decreases after a few days. Putting them in the freezer seems to mitigate this, but I still recall them being less potent. The first night I'm always massively stoned though. I only started smoking a year ago so my tolerance is still somewhat low.

Maybe leave it for the growers? We put ounces in our cookies...

Shit, forgot to mention I was talking about the brownies I cook the weed in the last paragraph.

Teach me your ways, senpai.

because you're a druggie loser that fails at life.