And now, there's truly no excuse for consuming a boiled fetus loaded with unnecessary fat and cholesterol.
And now, there's truly no excuse for consuming a boiled fetus loaded with unnecessary fat and cholesterol
An egg is not a fetus.
Correct, an egg is half the genetic materials necessary to create new life.
I could have breakfast made for four people before I could get every ingredient from the video into the damn blender.
Why should I give a damn about some dumb birds? They aren't even a similar species.
You should really get some b-12 vitamins.
no. hens lay extra 'empty' eggs to distract foxes and those eggs were never meant to be fertilized.
I mean maybe it's because I grew up eating them and I'm not a vegan, but I've never thought to myself "boy I could really go for something that looks like an egg".
If I was a vegan I'd just eat all that stuff without bothering to make it imitate something I'm refusing.
Cocks are separated from Hens to prevent this. Do you know farming and livestock care at all or are you just memeing for the fun of it? Genuinely stupid? Both? Chickens aren't asexual.
>Kala Namak Salt
That's a lot of turmeric. I bet it tastes like shit (as if it didn't already).
I said 'extra', that means a normal hen always lays eggs that hatch and eggs that distract foxes at the same time in the same nest
>unnecessary fat
Fake egg
>4 tbsp Olive Oil
>56g of fat
Real egg
>5g of fat
Are all vegans brainlets?
Empty eggs are a myth. The shell is formed after the albumin has attached to the yolk (the yolk comes from the ovaries, the white comes later, the egg shell follows).
Foxes can eat them quick enough to not leave a wet spot. Decoy eggs have nothing to do with the FACT they're normal eggs that require fertilization to become a chick.
You're a fucking shortbus faggot. That's all that needs to be said.
There will never be an excuse to eat boiled eggs.
Fried eggs, on the other hand, have no need of one.
>there are people on Veeky Forums RIGHT NOW who think that the eggs they buy at the store contain chicken fetuses
They do in the Philippines
Balut is duck eggs faggot.
It must be hard to be as stupid as you
Vegetable fat is good for you. Animal fat causes cancer and heart problems.
Southern fag here, I think he's somehow getting real eggs and putting golf balls in the nesting boxes mixed up and turned around somehow. I've never heard of "real-decoy eggs" because that's...Well frankly it's retarded.
To that guy, we put golf balls in the nesting boxes for the snakes. They can't crush them and they choke to death.
they are not fertilized and they are not produced to be fertilized they are produced as 'extra' eggs, calling them empty was the wrong expression, but they are intended as decoys
>Vegetable fat is good for you.
When obtained from whole vegetables, but vegetable oil is only marginally better than animal fat and is still linked to a host of health problems.
Had 4 normal eggs for breakfast
You don't know why chickens lay eggs do you? There's a YouTube video on the subject about how we came about domesticating the jungle fowl.
This is what vegans ACTUALLY think.
The hilarious part is that most vegans are also pro-choicers. Really makes that nogging fire up like a gasoline soaked chritmas tree
Yeah, because i really want to spend about an hour on making a shitty substitute for a thing that can be cooked in under 10 minutes
>marginally better
wrong. vegetable oil is cancer.
literally what
there is no need to feel superior user
the unfertilized eggs serve as a decoy so that the fertilized eggs have a higher chance no to be eaten by foxes
this why the hen lays them added to the eggs with the chicklings
I'm about 10 minutes away from enjoying some fresh about for my birthday
Wish me luck. I think the eggs are pretty mature this batch
How much would a shitty fake egg cost compared to a real egg?
>pay 50 cents for an entire carton of eggs that will be my breakfast for a week
>pay $10 for all the shit to make this hipster bullshit for one meal
nah I'll keep on eatin my eggs.
let's just say forget about buying a house anytime soon
Not true all the time, vegetable oils tend to be worse for you than butter especially soybean oil and canola oil
>it has the texture and consistency of sand and toothpaste
Just eat the fucking eggs you cunt.
That's horrific. I almost threw up in my mouth imagining the taste and texture of that. Who makes these videos?
Only over my corpse. That shit should have been banned in the geneva convention.
KEKEKEKEK use the egg yolk for the vegan egg
I eat all things and im pro choice fight me fag if a girl doesnt want your parasite aids spawn she gets to abort it as she rightfully should. Fuck you.
I also voted for bernie cock sucker
man, you are a retard.
I love how they call their special shitty salt kala namack salt when in Farsi, namack means salt.
This. Vegans have tonnes of good shit to eat, why do they have to fake bacon, sausages, eggs etc? Weak cunts.
Aussie detected
>spend upwards of 30 minutes making something that looks vaguely egglike
>crack an egg in a pan and cook it in less than a minute
Difficult choices
fucking whyyyyyyyy
Yeast is a living bacteria. This is not vegan.
Nutritional yeast isn't the same.
I hate vegans. Not because of their food choices, but because they're idiots. Preachy idiots. Why bother making fake fucking eggs? Just put a different fucking topping on your avocado toast. Idiots.
A fox would just eat the fucking chicken dude.
>implying cholesterol and fat are bad for you
>mix a bunch of shit together to make an egg shaped thing
>then separately do the same to make an egg yolk shaped thing
>then combine the two into a vaguely hard boiled egg shaped thing
>none if this will taste like an actual egg btw
>put an egg in boiling water for 11 minutes then peel and cut it in half
Vegans are fucking dumb. If they expended all that time to make original vegan foods instead of making faux meat out of tofu and polenta, they might actually have a decent array of vegan cuisine.
Jesus fucking christ
I hate pop vegans
they just make imitations of animal products and eat those
just eat legumes and real vegetables you spastics
So this is a real thing from some Italian owner with a family history of 200 years in the gelato business. Wow.
>Fucking people that impregnate you with parasite aids spawn.
>I think I see the real problem here
>boiled fetus
Son, it's a chicken's period.
Your fucking posts cause cancer
Honestly I don't care myself, the only people doing abortions are degenerates we don't want reproducing anyway.
I was just pointing out the massive hypocrisy.
This is so millennial it hurts. I fucking hate hipster vegans.
Literally this.