>not getting the name of your favorite food tattooed on your back

What's your excuse, Veeky Forums?

Tattoos are heat of the moment items with permanent consequences.

so nascar fans are smarter

What a hero

American Randy Bobandy

I actually thought about mine extensively and talked to an artists about it for a couple of weeks before going under the needle. It's not done but I like the work so far.

The thing about tattoos is they change shape as the body ages. So what looks like an art piece when you're 25-30, will look like an unidentifiable smudgy blur when you're 45. That's my excuse.

>I am the Cheeseburger.

>Marb Reds
>Five dollars and seventy eight.
Is this some time travel shit? NFC/chip reader on terminal suggest present time but where the fuck is pack of smokes that cheap?

Henna is good enough I'd think.

looks like WaWa probably PA or something

That's what they cost in places without outrageous cigarette taxes

You will grow tired of it and wish you hadn't in probably 5 years. I thought about mine as well and now dislike them all. Tattoos are cool on other people. Not on me.


Idk, I quit smoking years and years ago. But the guy has a "cheese burger" tat and is wearing no shirt and Docs, so I'm assuming it's in a juggalo or white trash intensive state.

fuck off Randy


( S I P B O Y S 2 0 1 7 )

I was just in PA and cigs are expensive as fuck there.
t. truckdriver

The lotto machine has the florida lotto logo on it and the price sounds about right.

Lol what a pussy. Have you ever even touched a girl?

Cheese burger is also a band.

Lmao, sounds like someone is insecure.

What a fucking faggot lmao

Confirmed flamingo flottery deco. Best pedestrians.

3 weeks still qualifies as "heat of the moment"

>Hey, I could set my computer wallpaper as some cool picture, or I could pay some greasy meth head to poke it into my skin forever.
>Yeah, number 2 sounds better.


This is what cigarettes are supposed to cost. You can thank greedy faggots and moral majority assholes for their sin taxes.

Sorry jethro but you gotta pay the cancer tax when you decide to actively poison the air around you. Don't worry your EBT (paid for by real tax payers) should more than cover the difference

The only thing poisoning the air around your own shit encrusted taint.

Also, secondhand smoke is a myth.

>chemicals and pollutants in the air are fine
Agreed, more lies by al gore and the libruls. See you at the nascar race

That's probably just his name.

you can't use EBT to buy non food items, they made it impossible.

I bet that guy is a skilled craftsman, who is a total bro to hang out with, just to spite your contempt for his poor taste.

EBT cash exists and is hella easy to get in Illinois

What about the guy on the right tho?

How do you know it's his favorite food?. It could be the nickname people keep calling him because of what he actually looks like. He looks like a fucking cheeseburger.

I've often thought about getting "sweet sour pork & special fried rice" tattooed on my forearm in Chinese writing. Just so when I go to get Chinese takeaway I can just show them my forearm.

One day you'll discover a new Chinese dish you love. That's when you'll think "damn I regret this tattoo"

I find it odd that there doesn't seem to be a market for it. And even if you find someone who does it on the side, they exclusively do it to women.


He has another arm, enough space there.

>tfw you wanted "sweet sour pork & special fried rice" in Chinese, but they wrote "tiger" instead

My tattoo artists was booked out and I had to wait 6 months to get it done. Wouldn't really call that "heat of the moment". Their permanence is a positive quality not a negative one (at least to me).

Tattoos are a desperate cry for attention and anyone who has them is a mentally stunted child


You can get EBT cash for things like gas, but most spend it on booze and cigarettes

Just like your comment mcEdge

I already did this.
>Pic related

Millions of cars putting poison in the air 24/7 and your worried about a cigarette
Fuck off

>thousands of planes putting more poison into the air than sad cars and you're worried about the cars

Fuck off.

Kike noses filter out the poison of the air

That's his wife

God bless Florida


Disagree, but tattoos are supposed to have meaning.

When I was in the army, I didn't even think about getting a tattoo until near the end of my deployment. I've seen and done some horrible things in my life so when I came back to the states I did a lot of volunteer work which prompted me to get two tattoos of the words "angel" and "devil" in chinese on my left and right wrists so that I can remind myself that I am capable of doing both good and bad things.

10 years from now I'll look at my wrists and still have profound thoughts of what went through my mind the day I decided to get these tattoos

They're upside down lol

I speak Chinese and that says fuck and boy

Can confirm

nigga where you getting a box of reds for $5.78?

we got em in louisiana for that price

Why did you get the tattoo upside down so the only way you can show them to people is presenting your wrists like a man about to be arrested?

Where I live just about everyone has a full arm sleeve tattoo. I think I'm the odd one out because I don't even have one tattoo and I have no intention of ever getting one.

The worst thing is all the girls are getting tattoos now, it's such a turn off. They'll all end up looking like crack whores by the time they're 50, wrinkled skin and faded ink of an outdated thing that was hip 30 years ago.

they're $5.24 a pack in NC

Lol, the state that spawned the hellish Jessie Helms, the precursor of the current alt-right nazis has the cheapest tobacco. Go figure.

Why are your cigs so fucking expensive? Here in Mexico a pack of reds goes for $3 hamburger dollars. One of our cheapest mexican brands goes for $1.50.


All that hair and none of it on his head. Genetics are cruel.

Henna tattoos have a tendency to fuck people up because they were allergic to them, and other complications.


p hot desu senpai

I'm surprised that no one has noticed that, with all the space between the text, he's probably gonna get a cheese burger tattooed there.


I thought King died after he stopped posting here.

My homeboard is /d/, and this is the gayest shit I've ever read.

This is true, humans are allergic to henna.


she thicc though

>Is that you or the cheeseburgers talking Randy?

I've seen a lot of gay tattoos before, but this one tops them all.