What am I making?

What am I making?



Jam jars

Scotch Bonnets
"Pencil Peppers"
Green Thai Peppers
Poblano Peppers


De seed all the Peppers




something yummy mate continue

Get rid of all the dark shit

The green peppers are the biggest pain in the ass to de seed

You're making your own thread 404 if this is the speed of which you're posting OP.

Va te faire foutre

I'll be doing something similar tomorrow with the peppers and blackberries I've grown...please continue OP.

Hot sauce

Just remember OP to watch your hands before fapping to ensure minimal crotch burning.

I'm trying a lacto ferment of some habaneros for hot sauce. Never done this before. I poured the brine to cover the peppers and I'm "burping" it daily. How do I ensure I get the biggest botulism

My hands are in so much pain, I suggest wearing gloves

De seeding the pencil peppers

One everything is diced, add it to the disinfected jars

Fill the jars with half vinegar, half water and whatever fucking spices you want. I put salt, pepper, red pepper flakes, paprika and garlic powder

Back in to the bath, boil until you hear all the lids pop

And there you go, you got yourself some hot ass Hot Pepper Relish. Put it on a burger or a hotdog.
I should have worn gloves. My hands are on fire, I'm in so much pain.

idk shit about pickling/canning, please forgive my ignorance
why deseed all the peppers and then add dried flakes with seeds?

you get way too many seeds if you dont remove them. Its also a personal preference.

I've been wanting to get into pickling.
Thx for the thread Op

ok, seems reasonable

Maybe tomorrow I can make a dill pickle thread

Do it. I'd lurk your thread
I tried making dill pickles once, then I just did cocaine and broke my jar.

Looks like there's too much liquid for me, but once the jars cool, I'll leave it in the fridge for 7-10 days and then strain a little of the juice, I want it to be the same consistency as regular relish.


looks like my mom

Did you tell her you love her yet today?

So you chopped up some peppers and put em in a jar............


>removing the seeds
what's the point? there are better things to pickle than peppers if you don't want something spicy

Trust me, scotch bonnets are hot enough without the seeds

spotted the white guy

An idiot of yourself.